Could This 'Forbidden Medicine' Eliminate the Need for Drugs?

Amy Lansky has just had the wonderful article below published on Dr Mercola's site at She explains succinctly why Homeopathy is being attacked by those frightened that allowing the public to use it more will destroy their lucrative "illness businesses", and how with its remedies she and her husband slowly cured their child of autism (which was probably the result of vaccines).

Amy L. Lansky, PhD

Perhaps the most derided of alternative medicines is my own favorite – homeopathy. Over the past few years, detractors have focused their efforts in the United Kingdom and have succeeded in crippling homeopathic hospitals and clinics funded by the National Health Service, as well as the practices of many homeopaths.
A few well-placed editorials in prominent newspapers have done the trick, despite the fact that Prince Charles and the rest of the royal family are ardent supporters of homeopathy.

It now seems that some of these folks are taking their show on the road. Two key UK players, Michael Baum and Edzard Ernst have published a commentary in the November 2009 issue of the American Journal of Medicine [1] in which they state, “a belief in homeopathy exceeds the tolerance of an open mind. We should start from the premise that homeopathy cannot work and that positive evidence reflects publication bias or design flaws until proved otherwise.”

Not surprisingly, their commentary also reflects a complete ignorance of homeopathy and the range of studies that support its effectiveness. For example, their article incorrectly uses the term “potentation” instead of “potentization” for the method used to create homeopathic remedies (more on this later). The authors also insist on citing a single negative meta-analysis study that has already been shown to be methodologically flawed [2], while ignoring many positive studies in respected publications, including two other meta-analyses that showed positive results [3—8].

So why do the skeptics love to hate homeopathy? Perhaps because it is one of the most threatening alternative modalities – financially, philosophically, and therapeutically. Actually, homeopathy has been a threat to allopathy ever since the 1800s, when German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed the homeopathic system.

Founder of Homeopathy

Hahnemann, a respected doctor and chemist who helped to pioneer the importance of hygiene as well as homeopathy, was forced to move frequently during his life because the local German apothecaries objected to the fact that he created his own medicines rather than use theirs.

A fierce battle was also waged against homeopathy in the United States during the 1800s, where homeopathy had achieved a strong presence by 1840. In fact, in 1847, the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed specifically to fight the battle against homeopathy.

Most homeopaths of the 1800s were former allopaths who had abandoned their brethren because they found Hahnemann’s system to be more successful in battling cholera, typhus, yellow fever, diptheria, influenza, and other epidemics of the 1800s. In retaliation, the preamble to the AMA’s charter forbade its members to associate with homeopaths or to use their medicines, and many doctors were expelled for failing to comply.

But does homeopathy really pose such a threat to conventional medicine today? To see how the little David of homeopathy could take down the Goliath of big pharma, we need to take a closer look at what homeopathy is all about.

Like Cures Like - - Law of Similars

Homeopathic practice is based on a single law of therapeutics called the Law of Similars. This law states that a substance that can cause the symptoms of a disease can also cure it. In fact, that’s exactly what word “homeopathy” means: similar (“homeo”) suffering (“pathy”). For example, one reason that the remedy Coffea Cruda (made from coffee) can be curative for insomnia is that coffee can cause sleeplessness. Interestingly, allopaths sometimes utilize the Law of Similars, but are unaware of it when they do and are perplexed by the phenomenon.

Ask any conventional doctor why Ritalin (a substance that would normally cause hyperactivity) can treat hyperactivity in children, and they’ll scratch their heads in confusion. Ask a homeopath, and it’s a no-brainer: the Law of Similars.

The reason why homeopaths run into trouble with the skeptics, though, revolves around how homeopathic remedies are prepared. Obviously, many of the substances that can cause the symptoms of disease are toxic. This inherent toxicity poses a challenge if you want to administer these substances safely.

In an effort to deal with this problem, Hahnemann tried various methods of diluting his medicines so that they would become less harmful to his patients. This proved unsuccessful until he also incorporated vigorous shaking or succussion into the process. The result was a method that he called potentization, in which a substance is serially diluted and succussed over and over.

Much to Hahnemann’s own surprise, these ultradilutions – so dilute that they cannot possibly contain a single molecule of the original substance – were still potent therapeutically. In fact, they were even more potent than low levels of dilution.

Of course, this was and still is too much for the skeptics to bear. It turns much of accepted science on its head!

What the skeptics keep ignoring, however, are an increasing number of scientific studies that indicate that some kind of signature of the original substance is embedded in a potentized ultradilution. In a 2007 paper by Professor Rustom Roy, the founding director of the Materials Research Laboratory at Penn State and one of the world's leading experts on the structure of water, it was demonstrated that lab instruments could pick up energetic signatures in ultradilutions that were not only specific to individual homeopathic remedies, but to specific potencies of these remedies [9, 10].

Indeed, science has backed up the phenomenon of potentization for over 20 years. In 1988, Nobel Prize nominee and medical researcher Jacques Benveniste turned the course of his life upside down when he discovered that ultradilutions could retain substance-specific properties. In particular, he found that a certain antibody could be serially diluted and succussed beyond the point where a single molecule could remain, but still cause the same effects [11].

Naturally, the skeptics quickly attacked Benveniste. But he continued his work and further demonstrated that the electromagnetic signature of an ultradilution could be recorded electronically, transmitted via Email, replayed into water, and still achieve the same substance-specific effects in the laboratory [12]. Eventually, Benveniste’s results were replicated [13]. Most recently, a 2009 paper by Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier underscored the power of ultradilutions too [14].

Drug Companies are Running Scared

Now think about it. This is what Big Pharma is scared of.

What if an expensive drug could be potentized to create billions of effective doses at essentially no cost? It would destroy big pharma entirely. Medicines that cost essentially nothing? Nontoxic ultradiluted medicines that cause fewer side effects? How could the coffers of big pharma be sustained? Forget about the Law of Similars. It’s potentization – the process of creating effective ultradilutions – that big pharma is scared of! No wonder Baum and Ernst got the word “potentization” wrong. This one word is the small stone that could take Goliath down.

Of course, homeopaths add fuel to the fire. The fundamental philosophy of homeopathy implies that the primary tools of allopathy are harmful. In particular, homeopaths believe that suppressing symptoms with anti-pathic drugs – drugs that oppose the symptoms of a disease rather than mimic them – cannot cure and can even do harm. If a symptom is suppressed – for example, if a seasonal allergy is suppressed by an antihistamine – it is only temporarily palliated.

A patient still has allergic tendencies and his or her symptoms will eventually return. That’s why suppressive drugs must be taken again and again. And of course, big pharma loves that! It’s good for business.

Deceptive Cures

Unfortunately, if a substance succeeds in completely suppressing a symptom, there may be an illusion of “cure,” but the real result is more sinister. Another key tenet of homeopathy is that the true result of suppression is a deepening of the underlying disease state – because the energy of the disease is now forced to manifest in a more serious way.

That’s why repeated application of cortisone cream to eczema can lead to asthma. That’s why the suppression of arthritis pain can lead to heart disease. That’s why teenagers who take acne drugs sometimes develop suicidal depression.

Doctors call this phenomenon a “side effect” or a “natural disease progression.” But that’s because they don’t understand the effects of suppression or the signs of true cure.

Over the past two hundred years, homeopaths have discovered that homeopathic medicines – drugs that mimic a person’s symptoms rather than oppose them – can lead to genuine cure of chronic disease, not mere palliation or suppression. Rather than creating a deeper disease, a homeopathic medicine that is similar to a patient’s disease can not only cure it, but reveal previously suppressed layers of disease that can be treated too.

That’s why good homeopathic treatment can often cure asthma – and also reveal and treat previously suppressed eczema. That’s why it has the potential to cure arthritis and chronic bladder infections, not simply palliate them with endless medications. Indeed, homeopathy can effectively treat acute diseases like influenza and bacterial infections too. With its ability to successfully treat both chronic and acute disease with low-cost medicines, homeopathy really could be a threat to big pharma, given half a chance.

Ideal for Poor Countries or Rich Ones with Declining Economies

Poor countries with less access to expensive drugs have already discovered this. That’s why homeopathy is the second most widespread form of medicine in the world. In India, homeopathy is a full-fledged medical system with its own medical schools and hospitals. Homeopaths in India successfully treat the full range of diseases, including AIDS, cancer, and malaria.

In Cuba, a poor country with a health care system that often does better than our own, homeopathy is being used more and more. In 2008, 2.5 million Cubans were given a homeopathic remedy to prevent Leptospirosis, an infectious disease also known as swamp fever.

This disease has plagued the country for several years in the aftermath of flooding, but the year in which homeopathy was used, in contrast to previous years, there were no fatalities and very few cases of the disease [15].

But here’s the rub. Homeopathy is harder to practice than allopathy. There are no cookie-cutter cures, especially for chronic disease. (Luckily, however, effective treatment of epidemic diseases like the flu is easier; see Resources.) Each patient’s health pattern is unique, so each patient must be treated as an individual.

A homeopath must find a single remedy (among thousands of possible homeopathic remedies) whose associated symptoms match those of the patient – not just their main complaint, but their entire symptom picture that includes emotional, mental, behavioral, as well as the physical symptoms of the entire body. It’s a daunting task. A practitioner who practices classical homeopathy (the kind of homeopathy I advocate) typically needs at least two hours for an initial case interview and may spend just as long deciding upon a remedy.

And sometimes it takes a homeopath several tries to find just the right remedy – the one that homeopaths call the simillimum. This process also requires patients to engage in their own treatment, because symptoms are gathered not by machines or by using tests, but through direct communication between patient and homeopath.

Of course, this is not something big pharma, conventional doctors, or insurance companies would be happy about. No expensive medicines or tests or equipment needed? No five-minute appointments reimbursed at $300 a shot? A medical system that requires long appointments, time for case analysis, and patients who must participate in the healing process? Not very lucrative.

How I Broke Out of the Mold and Reliance on Failed Medical Therapies

Of course, I used to be a lover of conventional medicine like most people. Back in the early 1990s, my husband Steve Rubin and I were both computer researchers in Silicon Valley and followed our doctors’ instructions obediently, loading our kids up with every recommended vaccine on schedule. Our allopathic trance began to break in 1994 when our 3-year-old son Max began to show signs of autism.

I first read about homeopathy in the January 1995 issue of Mothering Magazine, which contained an article about the successful homeopathic treatment of ADD and other children’s behavioral problems [16]. Steve and I decided to give it a try and found a practitioner in our area. Within a week we began to see small and subtle improvement in Max – improvement that became a slow and steady trend. After two years of treatment, he was testing normally and was released from eligibility for special education benefits.

His speech and language therapist told the county representative that she had never seen an autistic child recover like Max had, and she fully credited homeopathy for his recovery. By the time he was eight, nearly all signs of Max’s autism were gone. Today he is 18, a freshman at a leading university, completely autism free, and without restrictions of any kind.

Needless to say, this experience was both mind-boggling and life-transforming. I began to study homeopathy myself and ultimately wrote what became the best-selling patient education book in the USA – Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy [17] – a comprehensive introduction to homeopathic history, philosophy, science, and experience, sprinkled with dozens first-person cure stories for a variety of ailments, along with a chapter about Max’s cure.

In the end, I left my work in computer science and devoted myself to letting others know about the healing powers of homeopathy. I got involved in the successful campaign for health freedom legislation in California too [18]. Steve also got involved and developed the National Vaccine Information Center’s online interface to the VAERS database [19] (the CDC’s public record of vaccine injuries). I guess Max’s healing led us both to become alternative medicine activists, and we haven’t looked back.


So why not take a look at homeopathy for yourself? Make it your New Year’s resolution to find a good classical practitioner and to learn more about this amazing medical modality. The skeptics manage to create a lot of smoke in an effort to hide homeopathy from public view. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Find out about how this powerful healing system – a system that packs a lot of firepower into an infinitesimal punch – can help you and your family.


(1) Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy –

This website includes: book ordering information; autism help page; free archive of Amy’s show on AutismOne Radio – There’s Hope with Homeopathy; Cure Stories Database; helpful links.

(2) National Center for Homeopathy –

Leading open-membership organization for homeopathy in the USA that organizes the yearly national conference. Membership buys a quarterly magazine, Homeopathy Today, monthly eNewsetter, online chats with leading experts, extensive online resources and social network. Website includes many free resources, including practitioner and resource referrals lists and flu treatment information.


[1] Baum, Michael and Edzard Ernst, “Should We Maintain an Open Mind about Homeopathy?” The American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 122, No. 11, pp. 973-974 (November 2009).

[2] Shang, A. et al. “Are the Clinical Effects of Homeopathy Placebo Effects? Comparative Study of Placebo-Controlled Trials of Homeopathy and Allopathy,” The Lancet, 366, pp. 726-732 (2005).

An extensive refutation of the results of this study, including statistical analyses and evidence of foul-play, can be found here

[3] Linde, K. et al. “Are the Clinical Effects of Homoeopathy Placebo Effects? A Meta-Analysis of Placebo-Controlled Trials,” The Lancet, 250, pp. 834-843 (1997).

[4] Kleijnen, J. et al. “Clinical Trials of Homeopathy,” British Medical Journal, 302, pp. 316-323 (1991).

[5] Jacobs, J. et al. “Treatment of Acute Childhood Diarrhea with Homeopathic Medicine: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Nicaragua,” Pediatrics, Vol. 83, No. 5, pp. 719-725 (1994).

[6] Bell, I.R. et al. “Improved Clinical Status in Fibromyalgia Patients Treated with Individualized Homeopathic Remedies Versus Placebo,” Rheumatology, 2004b; 43 (5):577-82.

[7] Taylor, M.A. et al. “Randomised Controlled Trial of Homoeopathy Versus Placebo in Perennial Allergic Rhinitis with Overview of Four Trial Series,” British Medical Journal, 321, pp. 471-476 (2000).

[8] For more trials, see (under Articles, click Research).

[9] Rao, et al. “The Defining Role of Structure (Including Epitaxy) in the Plausibility of Homeopathy,” Homeopathy, 96, pp. 175-182 (2007).

[10] Rao, et. Al. “Characterization of the Structure of Ultra Dilute Sols with Remarkable Biological Properties,” Materials Letters, Vol. 62, Issues 10-11, pp. 1487-1490 (2008).

[11] Davenas, et al. “Human Basophil Degranulation Triggered by Very Dilute Antiserum Againt IgE,” Nature, Vol. 333, No. 6176, pp. 816-818 (1988).

[12] Aissa, J. et al. “Transatlantic Transfer of Digitized Antigen Signal by Telephone Link,” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 99:S175 (1997).

[13] Brown, V. and M. Ennis. “Flow-Cytometric Analysis of Basophil Activation: Inhibition by Histamine at Conventional and Homeopathic Concentrations,” Inflammation Research, 50, Supplement (2), S47-S48 (2001).

[14] Montagnier, Luc, et al. “Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences,” Insterdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 1:81-90 (2009).


[16] Reichenberg-Ullman, J. “A Homeopathic Approach to Behavioral Problems,” Mothering, Number 74, pp. 97-101 (1995).

[17] Lansky, Amy. Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy. R.L. Ranch Press (2003).



About the Author

Amy L. Lansky, PhD was a Silicon Valley computer scientist when her life was transformed by the miraculous homeopathic cure of her son’s autism. In April 2003 she published Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy, one of the best-selling books on homeopathy in the USA (

Amy is an executive board member of the National Center for Homeopathy ( She speaks and writes internationally about homeopathy and hosts a monthly radio show on Autism One Radio (

Related Links:

Ever Wonder Why Homeopathy Works?

New Evidence Supports Science Behind Homeopathy

Mother Describes Her Son's Cure From Autism in "Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy”

FDA dupes Interpol to achieve illegal kidnapping and deportation of herbal formulator Greg Caton

See for another report on how the US authorities are twisting the law to their own ends to illegally extradite from another country (Ecuador in this case) a harmless US citizen who was selling proven cancer curing herbal remedies. The reach of Big Pharma (aka the Evil Empire) through its surrogates in the US administration is international.

One more good reason for the next UK Government to cancel the current extradition agreement with the US which was ludicrously applied recently to Gary McKinnon, the hacker searching for information on UFOs on US Army and Pentagon computers. And no wonder that more and more people across the world feel that the USA authorities have lost the plot on most everything they touch nowadays.

Officials cover up wind farm noise report

An informative article at

"Civil servants have suppressed warnings that wind turbines can generate noise damaging people’s health for several square miles around.

The guidance from consultants indicated that the sound level permitted from spinning blades and gearboxes had been set so high — 43 decibels — that local people could be disturbed whenever the wind blew hard. The noise was also thought likely to disrupt sleep.

The report said the best way to protect locals was to cut the maximum permitted noise to 38 decibels, or 33 decibels if the machines created discernible “beating” noises as they spun.

It has now emerged that officials removed the warnings from the draft report in 2006 by Hayes McKenzie Partnership (HMP), the consultants. The final version made no mention of them.

It means that hundreds of turbines at wind farms in Britain have been allowed to generate much higher levels of noise, sparking protests from people living near them."

Gardasil triggers MS symptoms in Australia

Remember my 13th Oct Post about the possible risks of Gardasil -
"I think there's a strong possibility that Gardasil was the catalyst that set off the ALS [Lou Gehrig's Disease]," Dr Harper says. "It could have been the straw that broke the camel's back in a child who was already predisposed to the condition."

Well now, consider this at,23739,26476824-5003426,00.html.

"THE cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil has triggered multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms in some girls after being inoculated.

Doctors said the victims were either teenagers or women in their early 20s who may have been predisposed to MS or who had a prior history of symptoms.

St Vincent's Hospital neurologist Dr Ian Sutton reported five cases in a journal article in January. Another five have since emerged.

"Gardasil vaccination is not the cause of MS; whether or not it was a trigger for episodes of inflammation in the brain in these rare cases is unclear," Dr Sutton said.

All cases were in women aged under 26, the target group of a vaccination program that began in 2007.

Symptoms began within three weeks of vaccination and lasted from weeks to months.

"We have raised the question: has the vaccine modified what may have occurred anyway or just been an additional trigger?" Dr Sutton said.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) last week said six million doses of Gardasil – created by scientist and former Australian of the Year Ian Frazer – had been distributed in Australia, and 1476 suspected adverse reactions had been reported to the regulator.

"The TGA is also aware of a small number of cases in which neurological symptoms, similar to those experienced in patients with a dedemyelinating disorder such as multiple sclerosis, have been reported shortly after HPV (human papillomavirus vaccination)," the regulator said.

The cases involving neurological symptoms have been investigated by an independent panel.

The vaccine has been tested on more than 30,000 women worldwide, its manufacturer CSL said.

"In spite of reports of some neurological symptoms occurring after vaccination, when those have been investigated no causative relationship with the vaccine has been determined," company spokeswoman Rachel David said.

You will need to take that last sentence with more than just a pinch of salt. Even where adverse reactions including death occur on the same day as the giving of a vaccine shot, manufacturers will typically say the two can't be linked until there are so many such reactions that their denials become so absurd that the regulators are forced to step in and call a halt to more vaccinations. Sadly for many parents the regulators ALWAYS step in too late. Remember the 500 who contracted Guillain Barre paralysis and neurological defects after the disastrous 1976 swine flu vaccine in the USA? That vaccine programme was stopped too late.

GP Dr Tim Robinson - why Homeopathy works in my practice

I've been meaning to post the letter below from GP Dr Tim Robinson for some time. It was published on a few months back and has of course brought the usual cabal of homeopathy's critics out of the woodwork to criticise him for doing something which works for his patients.

Good for him. He follows in the line of many doctors through the last 200 years who have incorporated whatever elements of natural medicine work for them into their practices.

Homeopathy doesn't poison people and its remedies have gently cured millions of people of their ailments for over 200 years. Conventional Medicine, so-called, sadly too often harms those it seeks to treat and its proponents have too large a share of information control in health matters. We are unlikely to change their minds. In the words of Ogden Nash "I cannot help mentioning that the door of a bigoted mind opens outwards so that the only result of pressure of facts upon it is to close it more snugly." However, we should continue to try and ensure that our fellow humans have the right in return for the taxes they pay to full, undistorted information on health matters, freedom from coercion, and the right to choose the treatments they believe will help them best where these are economically possible.

Dr Tim Robinson's letter:

"I have been incorporating homeopathy into my general practice for almost 15 years.

I have found homeopathy effective as an alternative to conventional medicine for problems in all the systems: respiratory, digestive, skeletal, hormonal, skin and mental/emotional health. It is also extremely useful in situations in which conventional medicine is ineffective or non-existent such as bruising, recurrent cold sores, chilblains, leg cramps, glandular fever, growing pains, teething, infantile colic and children with bedwetting and sleep problems.

Incorporating homeopathy into my general practice has also reduced my referral rate to secondary care, as well as saved my drug budget. Along with these advantages I believe that I have benefited through dealing with my heart-sink patients more effectively. Homeopathy has enhanced my communication skills and resulted in a greater ability to connect with my patients.

The provision of a homeopathic service in routine general practice is very straightforward. As with all consultations the patient presents their particular problem or set of symptoms from which I make a diagnosis and decide upon a management plan for the case. If I consider homeopathic treatment is an appropriate, safe and valid alternative I offer my patient the choice at that point.

I usually point out that although we homeopaths don’t yet know how it works, years of homeopathic experience support its effectiveness. When I am offering the homeopathic choice I back it up with the fact that it won’t do any harm and if it doesn’t work we still have conventional medicine to fall back upon. Patients are usually receptive to this and grateful for the choice.

Homeopathic prescribing is perfectly possible within the standard 10 minute GP consultation time. The prescription is usually based upon one of a number of possible prescribing strategies. For example some specific conditions respond to specific medicines, such as Arnica for bruising or Cocculus for car sickness. I may also prescribe on ‘local’ features of a condition i.e. those features that are individual to the case, for example joint pains that are better for heat and movement (Rhus Tox rather than Bryonia).

Homeopathy has received a lot of slating over the last few years. Our critics discredit homeopathy by saying that patients improve (yes, they admit they do improve) because of long and repeated consultations. As I have described, my homeopathic consultations are mostly seen within standard 10 minute GP appointments. The additional psychotherapeutic effect that can be gained from long consultations does not apply in this situation.

I audited my homeopathic prescribing over a year and demonstrated the wide range of conditions that homeopathy can be prescribed for (1). I assessed the outcomes from the homeopathic treatments by scoring the degree of improvement. I was pleased to find that 78% of those patients treated noted an improvement. These results support the use of homeopathy within my NHS general practice. It was also pleasing to find that this improvement was of the same magnitude as other outcomes studies performed in homeopathic hospital outpatient clinics. (2, 3, 4, 5)

Despite the consistency between these independent outcomes studies, the sceptics are still unconvinced. It is often said in the media that there are no clinical trials in homeopathy that show a positive effect. This is simply untrue. A total of 138 randomised controlled clinical trials have been done, in 71 different medical conditions – 60 had a positive outcome, 68 weren’t statistically conclusive and only 10 were negative. We openly admit that the medicines are often so dilute there are none of the original molecules left in it but how do you explain that these same medicines have a measurable effect in laboratory experiments with allergy response blood components? (6,7)

The sceptics also claim that patients improve (yes, they still state that they improve!) because we only treat conditions that get better on their own with no treatment. Those of us who have been treating patients with homeopathy for long enough will know that we successfully treat many long-term conditions that have previously shown no sign of improvement over long periods of time.

We are also accused of deliberately misleading our patients; as I described earlier, I deliberately tell my patients that we don’t understand how homeopathy works and leave it to them to decide between conventional and homeopathic treatment.

My final annoyance with the sceptics is that they accuse us of being dangerous and treating inappropriately by discouraging childhood immunisation and recommending homeopathic vaccination. Members of the Faculty of Homeopathy are all statutorily registered healthcare professionals who operate within very clear policy guidelines which unequivocally advocate conventional medical immunisation.

The Faculty of Homeopathy offers training at various levels, the first of which is a short course leading to the Primary Health Care Examination. Passing this exam enables you to join the Faculty as a Licensed Associate and to use basic homeopathy in your general practice.

In an ideal world there would be even greater provision of homeopathic treatment in the GP setting. I know that it would bring great benefits to our patients, ease the NHS drug bill and pressure on hospital services. It would also increase the enjoyment and effectiveness of practising as a GP; the quality of life of all parties involved would be enriched.

For more information about training in homeopathy, go to"

1. Robinson TW. Responses to homeopathic treatment in National Health Service general practice. Homeopathy 2006; 95: 9–14.
2. Spence D, Thompson E, Barron S. Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: a 6-year university hospital based outpatient observational study. J Altern Complement Med 2005; 5: 793–8.
3. Clover A. Patient benefit survey: Tunbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital. British Homeopathic Journal, 2000; 89: 68–7.
4. Richardson WR. Patient benefit survey: Liverpool Regional Department of Homoeopathic Medicine. British Homeopathic Journal, 2001; 90: 158–162.
5. Sharples F, van Haselen R, Fisher P. NHS patients’ perspective on complementary medicine. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2003; 11: 243–248.
6. Belon P, Cumps J, Ennis M, et al. Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation. Inflammation Research, 2004; 53: 181–188.
7. Chirumbolo S, Brizzi M, Ortolani R, Vella A, Bellavite P. Inhibition of CD203c membrane up-regulation in human basophils by high dilutions of histamine: a controlled replication study. Inflammation Research, 2009: e-published, 6 May.

Tamiflu - will our Government get the taxpayers money back?


"This week, the British medical journal BMJ published a multi-part investigation that confirms that the scientific evidence just isn’t there to show that Tamiflu prevents serious complications, hospitalization, or death in people that have the flu. The BMJ goes further to suggest that Roche, the Swiss company that manufactures and markets Tamiflu, may have misled governments and physicians ................

Nancy Cox, who heads the US Centre for Disease Control’s flu program, told us earlier this year she opposes a placebo-controlled study (in which one half of patients would be given Tamiflu and the other half would be given placebo), because the drug’s benefits are already proven. [Comment: Oops! Take a look again at those "not-independent" tests, Nancy]

There are a couple of take-home messages here. One is pretty obvious: Tamiflu may not be doing much good for patients with the flu who take it, and it might be causing harm. The more important issue, however, involves the need for trust in science and medicine. Governments, public health agencies, and international bodies such as the World Health Organization, have all based their decisions to recommend and stockpile Tamiflu on studies that had seemed independent, but had in fact been funded by the company and were authored almost entirely by Roche employees or paid academic consultants. So did the Cochrane Collaboration, at least in its earlier assessments of Tamiflu. Millions of flu patients have taken the drug as a result.

That trust appears to have been misplaced, and a drug touted as beneficial on the basis of flimsy evidence has by now become so entrenched that no one appears willing to conduct the sort of study needed to prove whether or not it can, in fact, save lives."

And, to remind us, from

* CLAIM: "Do you know who bought the patent for Tamiflu from ROCHE LABORATORIES in 1996? GILEAD SCIENCES INC."

GARBLED. Gilead Sciences, Inc. discovered Tamiflu in the early 1990s and still holds the patent. Gilead licensed development and marketing rights to Roche in 1996.
* CLAIM: "Do you know who was the then president of GILEAD SCIENCES INC. and remains a major shareholder? DONALD RUMSFELD, the present Secretary of Defence of the USA."

TRUE. According to Fortune magazine, Rumsfeld was Gilead's chairman from 1997 to 2001. It's unknown exactly how many shares he still owns in the company, but the value of his holdings is estimated at between $5 million and $25 million.
* CLAIM: Sales of Tamiflu were over $254 million in 2004 and more than $1 billion in 2005?

ROUGHLY ACCURATE. According to Forbes magazine, Tamiflu sales totalled $258 million in 2004 and were projected to exceed $1 billion in 2005.

GSK Pandemrix swine flu vaccine

The Patient Information Leaflet, and the notices on the MHRA website were changed at the end of last week after reports that (too many) young children were experiencing fever after having the second shot of the two shot Pandemrix vaccine.

The advice now is that children between 6 months and 10 years should only get a single half dose of the vaccine (0.25ml). The one exception is that those in this group who have an impaired immune system get two half doses 3 weeks apart!

Babies under 6 months are not vaccinated, and children over 10 years and adults get a single full dose of 0.5ml, unless they have an impaired immune system when they get 2 such doses.

This logic follows the old rule for vaccines that if the immune system is sluggish and doesn’t produce enough antibodies the first time, you have to have a second go to get the count up otherwise the whole exercise would have been pointless since inadequate immunity would have been gained.

There is however another more commonsense approach, namely that if the body’s immune system is impaired it is unwise to gratuitously shoot additional toxins into it while it is in that state. Too obvious perhaps?

Pandemrix contains

Adjuvant: AS03 to stimulate a better response. This adjuvant contains squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-a-tocopherol (11.86 milligrams) and polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams).

It also contains:
polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)
octoxynol 10
thimerosal (mercury)
sodium chloride
disodium hydrogen phosphate
potassium dihydrogen phosphate
potassium chloride
magnesium chloride
and maybe like most vaccines some things (contaminants) which are hard to detect?

Wikipedia and other sources reveal the following on some of the above ingredients: Polysorbate 80 is a suspected skin and sense organ toxin. Thimerosal is a recognised developmental toxin and a suspected immune, kidney, skin and sense organ toxin. Disodium hydrogen phosphate is an anticaking agent. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a soluble salt which is used as a fertilizer, a food additive and a fungicide. It is a source of phosphorus and potassium. Potassium chloride is used in medicine, scientific applications, food processing and in judicial execution through lethal injection. Octoxynol 10, a detergent, apparently typically contains traces of the toxins ethylene oxide, dioxane, C9 phenols, or glycol ether. Detergents and emulsifiers promote tumors and cause cells to leak or explode by weakening their walls, with no mechanism for regulating destructive activity. Detergents are used extensively in cell research precisely because of their ability to break cells open for further analysis.

Well, call me Mr Suspicious, but after that little roll call, I’d prefer an organic bacon sandwich.

Surely a time for banding together, not continuing, as some in ConMed are doing, to argue for a complete monopoly

2009 will be the worst year for the UK economy since comparable records began in 1948. A 4.75 percent contraction is worse, even, than the worst year of the Great Depression.

It has already struck many of those I talk to that against this background Government should be identifying savings from day to day - not waiting until the outcome of the next General Election.

Saving the millions being spent on the useless swine flu vaccine would be a healthy start. A small portion of the money saved could be used to pay for a homeopathic trial - say 100,000 members of the public to be given free a homeopathic swine flu prophylactic and the same number to have the swine flu vaccine. Both groups to be monitored for a number of years for catching swine flu, side effects etc. Each group to be told what they were receiving. None of this double blind nonsense. If placebo helps one approach better than the other, we all want to know about that. May the best approach win! Judging by what happened in Cuba with the anti-leptospirosis campaign, I don't have to be a bookie to calculate which side would have the best odds....

Signs and Symptom of Thyroid Problems

One of the most common thyroid conditions is known as hyperthyroidism.
Those with hyperthyroidism experience the effects of an overactive thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism, like almost all other thyroid disorders occur most commonly in women, with hyperthyroidism being particularly common between ages 20-40.

One of types from hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease.
Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes your own immune system to attack your thyroid gland and stimulate it to produce excessive amounts of the two thyroid hormones. Though the precise nature of the genetic abnormality is not known at this time, it is known to be passed on in families.

Signs and symptom of this thyroid problems can include:

- Feeling warm
- Weakness and fatigue
- Increased perspiration
- Accelerated heartbeat
- Trembling hands
- Weight loss
- Irritability / anxiety
- Loose or frequent stools
- Menstrual changes
- Eye problems - such as irritation and general discomfort
- Infertility

homeopathic for thyroidOther type of hypothyroidism are Hashimoto’s disease.
Like Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease also an autoimmune disease that cause the bodies immune system to attack the thyroid gland.
In addition to the common symptoms of thyroid problems related to Hashimoto’s disease can also lead to: a goiter, depression, heart problems, and birth defects.

Signs and symptoms of this thyroid problems can include:

- Fatigue
- Depression
- Sluggishness
- Sensation of feeling cold
- Weight gain of 5–10 pounds
- Dry hair and skin
- Constipation, less frequent bowel movements
- Menstrual changes

Other type of thyroid condition is thyroid nodules.
Thyroid nodules characterized by a lump or swelling in the thyroid gland itself.
While the vast majority of thyroid nodules are very small, and often unnoticeable by the individual with the nodules, thyroid nodules can grow to readily detectable, ranging from a half inch (or one centimeter) to several inches across.

Thyroid nodules are not caused by an underactive thyroid or overactive thyroid. Moreover, often, they project no real physical symptoms, and are either only detected incidentally during a physical examination or brought to attention when they begin to present pain in the neck or affect normal swallowing and/or breathing.
While the vast majority of thyroid nodules are benign, the possibility of malignancy or cancerous cells in the nodule is always a concern when abnormally large thyroid nodules are discovered.

Thyroid Cancer

What is Thyroid cancer?

Thyroid Cancer is the cancer that occur in thyroid gland.
The diagram of our thyroids as following;

thyroid gland pictureThyroid cancer can spread into nearby tissues and to other parts of the body.

Most common thyroid cancers are:

1. Papillary Carcinoma
2. Follicular Carcinoma and Hurtle Cell Carcinoma (subtype of follicular carcinoma)
3. Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
4. Anaplastic Carcinoma
5. Thyroid Lymphoma
6. Parathyroid Cancer

Papillary Carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma is thyroid cancer that typically grow very slowly.
Usually they develop in only one lobe of the thyroid gland, but sometimes they occur in both lobes.
Even though they grow slowly, papillary carcinoma often spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. But, most of the time, this can be succesfully treated and is rarely fatal.

Follicullar Carcinoma

Follicular carcinoma is the next most common type of thyroid cancer.
It is also sometimes called follicular cancer or follicular adenocarcinoma.
Follicular cancer is much less common than papillary thyroid cancer, making up about 1 of 10 thyroid cancers.
It is more common in countries where people don't get enough iodine in their diet.
These cancers usually remain in the thyroid gland.
Unlike papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinomas usually don't spread to lymph nodes, but some can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or bones.
The prognosis for follicular carcinomas is probably not quite as good as that of papillary carcinoma, although it is still very good in most cases.

Hurthle Cell Carcinoma

Hurthle cell carcinoma also known as oxyphil cell carcinoma. It is actually a kind of follicular carcinoma.
This type accounts for about 4% of thyroid cancers.
The prognosis may not be as good as that of typical follicular carcinoma because this subtype is harder to find and treat as it is less likely to absorb radioactive iodine.
Radioactive iodine is used for treatment and to find metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer.

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

Medullary thyroid carcinoma accounts for about 5% of thyroid cancers.
It develops from the C cells of the thyroid gland.
Sometimes this cancer can spread to lymph nodes, the lungs, or liver even before a thyroid nodule is discovered.
These cancers usually make calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which can be found by blood tests.
Calcitonin is a hormone that helps control the amount of calcium in blood.
CEA is a protein made by certain cancers, such as colorectal cancer and MTC. Because medullary cancer does not absorb or take up radioactive iodine (used for treatment and to find metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer), the prognosis (outlook) is not quite as good as that for differentiated thyroid cancers.

There are 2 types of MTC.
The first type, occurring in about 8 of 10 cases, is called sporadic MTC.
Sporadic MTC is not inherited; that is, it does not run in families. It occurs mostly in older adults and in only 1 thyroid lobe.

The other type of MTC is inherited and can occur in each generation of a family.
These familial MTC often develop during childhood or early adulthood and can spread early. Patients usually have cancer in both thyroid lobes and in several areas of each lobe. They are often linked with an increased risk of other types of tumors.

Anaplastic Carcinoma

Anaplastic carcinoma (also called undifferentiated carcinoma) is a rare form of thyroid cancer, making up about 2% of all thyroid cancers.
It is thought to sometimes develop from an existing papillary or follicular cancer.
This cancer is called undifferentiated because the cancer cells do not look very much like normal thyroid tissue cells under the microscope.
This is an aggressive cancer that rapidly invades the neck, often spreads to other parts of the body, and is very hard to treat.
homeopathic for thyroid
Thyroid Lymphoma

Lymphoma is very uncommon in the thyroid gland.
Lymphomas are cancers that develop from lymphocytes, the main cell type of the immune system.
Most lymphocytes are found in lymph nodes, which are pea-sized collections of immune cells scattered throughout the body (including the thyroid gland).

Thyroid Sarcoma

These rare cancers start in the supporting cells of the thyroid.
They are often aggressive and hard to treat.

Parathyroid Cancer

Behind, but attached to, the thyroid gland are 4 tiny glands called the parathyroids.
The parathyroid glands help regulate the body's calcium levels.
Cancers of the parathyroid glands are very rare; there are probably fewer than 100 cases each year in the United States.

Parathyroid cancers cause the blood calcium level to be elevated. This causes a person to become tired, weak, and drowsy.
High calcium also makes you urinate (pee) a lot causing dehydration, which can make the weakness and drowsiness worse.
Other symptoms include bone pain and fractures, pain from kidney stones, depression, and constipation.

Larger parathyroid cancers may also be detected as a nodule near the thyroid.
No matter how large the nodule is, the only treatment is to remove it surgically.
Unfortunately, parathyroid cancer is much harder to cure than thyroid cancer.

Swine Flu - How many are likely to die or have other severe adverse reactions?

It’s been clear for some time that only a fraction of reported H1N1 (swine flu) cases actually are H1N1. Indeed the UK stopped routinely testing all those who reported flu type symptoms back in July so the (probably small) numbers of those actually contracting full blown swine flu are simply not known. Most apparently have just respiratory infections due to other causes. In the US this has been definitively established by Freedom of Information Act requests from individual state authorities when the responsible Government body, the CDC, refused to respond.

So what’s the downside for all those presenting themselves for the swine flu jab? A lot of people might assume that the worst a person could suffer from the vaccine is a sore arm and perhaps a headache or a general feeling of tiredness. Sadly, not so. Severe reactions can include anaphylactic reactions eg severe allergies, convulsions or coma, life altering disabilities such as Guillain Barre neurological disease, and death.

Apparently GSK’s pre-marketing clinical tests show severe reactions in four cases out of 253 people tested, though GSK argue that they think only one of those was vaccine-related. But even 1 out of 253 equals 395 severe adverse reactions in every 100,000 people or 3,950 in every million people! And if they are wrong and the 4 out of 53 is nearer the mark, that equals 15,800 people out of a million. Had they succeeded in getting the Government to jab, say, half the UK population ie 31 million, we could have been looking at between 122,000 and 489,000 severe adverse reactions for the NHS and families of those affected to deal with - just from having the vaccine! All this for a strain of flu which has been described as turning out to have been "milder than seasonal flu".

Did the Government prepare us for this, and did it guess what additional severe adverse reactions might have occurred if many of those vaccinated had already had an ordinary seasonal flu jab which itself could have at least temporarily compromised the human immune system?

The answer is NO. Nobody knows what the cumulative effect of that scenario could be because we are all participating, if we accept these jabs, as guinea pigs in a massive test the true outcome of will be quite unknown for many years down the track as there is no accepted test for deciding to what extent a human’s immune system has been damaged by a vaccine.

The nearest we can get to answering that is to ask the homeopaths. They can treat those who have “never been well since (having a specific vaccine)” with the potentised and highly diluted nosode of that same vaccine, and when the adverse symptoms of a significant proportion of these individuals disappear or are ameliorated by this treatment, then they would conclude that the vaccine was indeed the cause of the pathology treated.

With deaths and serious adverse effects from vaccines made by different manufacturers already being reported from around the world - see - Sweden, Japan, China, France, US, why aren’t our media giving the UK public all these facts and assisting debate around the wisdom or otherwise of accepting the swine flu vaccine? Is it to do with money?

The media have made hay during the financial crisis, blaming those on big bonuses working for the banks, and MPS for troughing at the public's expense. If the DIEs (disease inducing effects) figures from swine flu vaccination turn out to be anything like the numbers referred to above, it will be the media's turn to hang their heads in shame, and pay whatever price the public demands, for their inertia when presented in advance by so many of us with the information that this pandemic was "manufactured", and the reasons why the swine flu vaccine should never have been inflicted on us.

Drug-Makers Paying Off Competitors To Keep Cheap Generic Drugs Off the Market

Just when you think you’ve heard all the wheezes that some pharmaceutical companies get up to to ensure that conventional medicine continues to buy their expensive products, along comes another one. This report comes from .

Over the last few years, some drug-makers have embraced a startlingly simple tactic for fending off competition from generic brands: paying them off. In a nutshell, the company that holds the patent on a profitable drug strikes a deal with the maker of the cheaper generic brand: you hold off on marketing your generic for several years, and in return, we’ll give you a share of our profits on the drug.

So common have these deals become lately that they’ve been given a name: pay-for-delay. The approach — a textbook anti-competitive tactic — is worth billions to drug-makers, because it essentially allows them to buy more protection than their patent confers.

That was made more or less explicit by Frank Balsino, the CEO of Cephalon, which makes the sleep-disorder drug Provigil. In a 2006 interview, Baldino trumpeted recent deals with four generic drug-makers that kept generic versions of Provigil off the market until 2012, declaring: “We were able to get six more years of patent protection. That’s $4 billion in sales that no one expected.”

But pay-for-delay doesn’t work out nearly so well for consumers. Generics are sometimes priced as much as 80 or 90 percent cheaper than the name brands. For instance, the cholesterol drug Zocor costs $164 a month, while a generic version costs just $12 a month. Pay-for-delay deals will cost consumers an extra $35 billion over the next decade, by keeping those cheaper generics off the market, according to a recent Federal Trade Commission study. And it’s the uninsured, who pay out-of-pocket for drugs, that disproportionately pay those costs. In the UK, it would indirectly be every taxpayer who funds the NHS, or those going private.

The Federal Trade Commission is belatedly looking into this practice and hoping to get a ruling from the Supreme Court declaring the deals illegal under existing antitrust law. Meantime, if they wanted them, consumers can’t get cheap drugs.
I would have thought that it would have been a no brainer that the practice was against competition laws, but apparently the point is not settled yet, at least in the US. I wonder which UK companies have made such deals and whether the Office of Fair Trading has made enquiries?

Ads on my blogsite

Sadly, I haven't found a way to prevent The Evil Empire and Darth Varder from advertising on my blogsite for the very flu jab that my postings have taken care to counsel you to avoid at all costs. I don't get any money from those ads, and I don't want them there anyway - please ignore them!

And those of you in the socalled priority groups eg pregnant women, do avoid the jabs like the plague. Humans were not meant to have killer toxins like squalene, formaldehyde, aluminium, mercury etc jabbed into them, let alone an "attenuated" (maybe dead, maybe not) virus the DIEs (Disease inducing effects) of which can't be adequately tested.

The DIEs of a vaccine may very well take years/decades to appear, like cancer from smoking or liver damage from taking aspirin, and there is NO WAY that any test known to science today, even if it were not by the biased manufacturers themselves, could guarantee that you wouldn't be one of the victims. You can also bet your life that whatever allergy, neurological damage or worse, you get, will (a) be denied as having anything to do with an earlier jab, and (b) you won't get legal aid to sue anybody (this Government has removed that right), and (c) you won't be eligible for even the Govt ex gratia payments available up to £120,000 (they refuse to call it "compensation")for certain vaccine related side effects.

Google the internet for the tragic stories of people suffering from such DIEs before you decide. Surely you wouldn't play Russian roulette with a revolver would you for the uncertain benefit of a year or two only of potential immunity from only one or two strains of a generally mild infection? Ring up your homeopath instead and get them to prescribe you a combination remedy taken from those remedies which have been reported as having helped people avoid or minimise the effects of flu epidemics in the last 100+ years.

PS Have a look at for further discussion of DIEs and untested conventional medicine drugs.

Codex Alimentarius (Food Code) Scam Exposed

1 Downing Street sent this weasel worded "non-reply" to the recent petition below - The real situation is as outlined in the Clarification which follows from the Alliance for Natural Health website -

“We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to oppose the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius (WHO/UN) proposals for restriction of the presently freely available herb/vitamin/mineral food supplements.”

Details of Petition:

“The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food supplements would be restricted to ‘prescription only’ status, if the Codex Alimentarius is applied in this country. Since the NHS priorities are ill health diagnosis and treatment, the good health preservation that supplements provide will be inaccessible to the majority of our population and the cost to the NHS will increase, and the health of the population will decline.”

The Government’s response

There are no current or planned Codex Alimentarius proposals that require the UK to change the controls on vitamin and mineral or botanical food supplements.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 to develop food standards and guidelines. One of the main purposes of Codex’s work is to protect the health of consumers. Codex texts and guidelines are not enforceable in law and Codex member countries are not obliged to reflect their requirements in domestic legislation.

In the UK, food supplements are regulated under the European Food Supplements Directive 2002/46/EC which came into effect in the UK in 2003 and has applied since 2005. The Directive is implemented into national UK law by the Food Supplements Regulations (England) 2003. There are no plans to make vitamin and mineral or botanical food supplements available on prescription only.

Herbal remedies are subject to separate controls and are overseen by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority. Herbal remedies do not fall within the scope of Codex guidelines.
An outline of Codex, its activities and the UK’s involvement is available at:


Subject: ANH Update: Clarity on Codex confusion

Issue No.31 Monday 30th November 2009
Codex: confusion – or smokescreen?

The British Prime Minister has told more than 60,000 people concerned about the effects of Codex guidelines on food supplements that they shouldn’t be worried. We presume concerned citizens are expected to feel humbled by the wise words of the PM, and should now go about their lives never fretting about Codex again.

The Downing Street petition

As we clarify in our news item on the subject, the Downing Street e-petition to which the PM was responding, was not well worded. But the sentiment in the petition was clear. Being told by the PM not to worry is not only patronising, it also misses the point of people’s concerns that to any thinking person was clearly evident. The petitioners had after all raised the point that the Codex Alimentarius guideline will in due course establish an internationally recognised maximum daily dosage for vitamin and minerals in food supplements. Levels above these are increasingly likely to be viewed as medicinal by governments. The US Food & Drug Administration tells us they wouldn’t dream of implementing the Codex vitamin guideline into US law—but why is the US Codex delegation so intent on nodding this and other nutrition-related guidelines through in cahoots with the European Union?

In some respects, the situation is actually worse than the petitioners claimed, because rather than forcing high dose supplements into a prescription-only category, they force them into medicinal law where such products are likely to be regarded as unlicensed medicines (which are illegal). It will then be down to nutraceutical or pharmaceutical companies to license them. Will companies have either the desire or the financial capability to meet the hugely costly data requirements for drug licensing? Time will tell.

Wider concerns about Codex

What really makes so many people uneasy is the notion that the global food supply is becoming increasingly controlled by a small number of corporations and governments. We have recently updated our Codex pages to explain better to people, in layperson’s terms, how it all works, and why, in some respects, Codex’s remit on vitamins and mineral food supplements is just the thin end of the wedge.

If you’re living in Europe, Codex actually makes little or no difference to your availability of food supplements as this is taken care of by a complex of EU laws, some of which, given the EU’s major influence on the Codex Committee on Nutrition, provide templates for Codex. Some of the key areas to be very concerned about include Codex’s role in approving technologies that are either downright dangerous or create unparalleled damage to the environment. These include endorsing genetically modified (GM) crops, pesticides, food irradiation and the use of synthetic chemical additives in foods.

The most recent issue of The Economist tells us that investment in agriculture has declined relentlessly over the last 25 years. Yet we are meant to feed a population that is expected to grow by another third by 2030 and hit an estimated 9 billion by 2050. And we’re expected to not be worrying about the quality of our food and our access to concentrated sources of nutrients (food/dietary supplements) to make up for its inadequacies? It’s no wonder the UK PM’s friends in the biotech industry are rubbing their hands—they are telling governments they can do the magic, just like they did with the Green Revolution of the 1970s. Successes like this, say expert’s like ANH’s Robert Verkerk, are “unrepeatable” and were in any event far from always the successes they were claimed to be. Trying to make such promises today, armed with the tools of genetic modification is in our view a recipe for disaster.

What you can do

A lot of people rightly feel very frustrated about the difficulty of impacting Codex. Many of us are simply not willing to take the British PM’s advice and stop worrying. There is just not enough trust in the small number of governments and corporations that are wrestling control of the global food supply. Codex and the World Trade Organization have become key tools in the process.

Find out what you can do as an individual. We urge you to not take the advice of the British PM and do nothing!

Read on for other recent news stories:

Downing Street ignores weight of public concern over Codex
ANH clarifies UK Prime Minister's Office response to recent Downing Street Petition over Codex concerns Read More
EC scientific committee ‘unqualified for task’ say international medical doctors group
Irish campaign group VOICE issues press release over fluoride risks to Irish children Read More
ANH Press Release: Food supplement ban in 2010 may contravene EU law
ANH raises serious concerns over planned ban on vitamin and mineral food supplements across the EU in January 2010 Read More
UK herbalists threatened by Government inaction over statutory regulation
Herbalists urged to respond to Government Consultation before November 16th Read More

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© Alliance for Natural Health, The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA, United Kingdom
Alliance for Natural Health, The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA, United Kingdom

Obama's America - video of old man being tasered for warning against swine flu vaccination

From: Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby's Total Health Newsletter #27. Week ending Nov 22nd, 2009

"You may not know that in August in the USA (weeks before the swine flu outbreak) a microbiologist called Joseph Moshe went public and stated that the Baxter vaccine lab in the Ukraine was a cover for a bioweapons facility and that a deliberate virulent plague would be released (this is documented). If you doubt it, then why was Moshe gassed, tazered and dragged off the streets of Los Angeles, with absurd accusations that he threatened to blow up the White House?

You know that official media are lying, covering up and saying nothing factual about this terrifying story. It's almost impossible to know what is going on. I'm not a born-again conspiracist but there has been something that doesn't add up with the H1N1 (swine flu) story, right from day one. The viral strain was an anomoly. This new "mutation" could be just a natural event; but if it is, how come Joseph Moshe knew of it beforehand and was taken out by troops with armoured cars, EMF weapons, tazers etc.?

One thing is for sure: the USA is in the grip of marshal law under President Obama, whether it is admitted publicly or not. One wrong move that the adminstration sees as a threat to its propaganda lies and you disappear from the streets; shades of Argentina, Chile and the Third Reich!

In the last 4 years, no less than 81 scientists have met suspicious deaths. Moshe was fully aware of this and it appears that he was attempting to try to make his way to safety by escaping to the Israeli consulate when he was taken out.

Mainstream media has all but erased the incident, which in itself adds to the suspicion concerning the Moshe story, and the outbreak in the Ukraine.

Start your investigation with this series of videos: "

10 Downing Street Vaccination Test Petition - Please Sign

At the website address given below a petition has been presented which it would be difficult to believe anyone in this country could disagree with i.e every vaccine should be properly tested for safety before anyone gets jabbed with it; not the rushed, pseudo tests done by the manufacturers themselves which are always suspect because of the billions of pounds riding on the results. So, hopefully, millions will sign this petition.

Subject: Vaccination petition

Hi, i would like to inform you of a petition underway at 10 Downing
Street (link below) to initiate an independent scientific study of the
immediate, short-term and long-term effects of these vaccine injections into
the human body. It is the duty and responsibility of every citizen in the
United Kingdom to see that this study is carried out, and should have been
before we began to administer these injections into the men, women and
children of this nation.

Yours Faithfully

Robert Mcandrew Binnie

The Petition is accompanied by the following paragraph.

There is NO scientific proof anywhere in the world that mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and other toxic substances used in vaccines prevent or combat the diseases they are administered for. On the contrary, there is a mass of scientific proof that these substances are extremely harmful to the human body and also some evidence to suggest that some of these vaccine ingredients, by being injected directly into the bloodstream, can change the DNA/RNA itself, which not only affects your health but would affect the health of your children and their children. It is the duty and responsibility of all United Kingdom Citizens and especially the doctors who administer these injections to be FULLY 100% satisfied that these vaccines are SAFE and do the job they were intended to do, and this can only be done with a scientific analysis independent from the billion dollar vaccine companies themselves.

You Know Best

When you find yourself being told by Someone Very Knowledgeable that Something Is or Isn't True, or is Good For You or For The Country - that Someone possibly being a Member of the Government, a "Scientist", a Bureaucrat, or a Journalist writing for The Guardian - just recite to yourself first the lines of the wellknown poem before taking what they say as gospel. You are likely to find thereafter, with perhaps the smallest amount of reading, or research on the internet, that you're the one who knows best and they were talking twaddle!

It was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind

The First approached the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
“God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!”

The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, “Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me ‘tis mighty clear
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!”

The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
“I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant
Is very like a snake!”

The Fourth reached out an eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
“What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain,” quoth he;
“ ‘Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!”

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: “E’en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!”

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Than, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
“I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant
Is very like a rope!”

And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!

So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!

by John Godfrey Saxe

Even Rats prefer Organic Food!

The next time you find yourself in a debate about which tastes better (organic or non organic foods - if it's still debatable), and which is better for you, you can mention that even rats prefer organic food. In a study involving organic wheat production, researchers gave lab rats the choice between organic and non organic wheat. The rats preferred the former. Because of similar chemical compositions between the wheat, the Swiss and Austrian scientists found it remarkable that the rats could tell the difference. Furthermore the rodents were much more apt at telling the difference than humans were.

For more info on this see

Thumbs down in France for swine flu vaccine

France has apparently only been able to convince 0.1 percent of their population to get vaccinated. As of November 5, only 50,000 Frenchmen had lined up for the swine flu shot since the beginning of their campaign, out of a population of 65 million. And only 10 percent of health care workers have received the vaccine. How long will it take Brits to get the message?


Wind Turbine power. What a nonsense!

I like to think I am openminded in terms of alternative energy sources such as wind and wave and solar power but when Mr Millionaire Dave Vince's company Ecotricity applied for planning permission to stonk wind turbines along the top of the hill opposite us the deluge of information which the locals dug up showing that wind turbines just aren't worth the taxpayers money convinced me to cross at least that energy source off my Vote For list. Ecotricity's application was eventually rejected, but they are now wasting all our time again by applying for another windfarm on a nearby site outside Gillingham in Dorset.

It is high time that SOMEONE IN GOVERNMENT WITH SOME COMMONSENSE (is there anyone?) called a moratorium on wind farm applications. Here are two articles from those who know their facts.


Emailed to BBC 12.11.09 by Alan Shaw DEng(Hon) BSc CEng MIET

Thank you for these interesting programmes. It is quite obvious that the wayleave rentals per wind turbine are an offer that few farmers can resist accepting. Also the developers, who retain the ownership of the wind turbine , obtain huge profits from the electricity they sell to the National Grid. Neither farmer nor developer can lose. Thus support for the government's windfarm promotion policy is assured.

Unfortunately wind turbine output is entirely dependent on wind speed , unpredictable, variable and strongest in the far north and west of Scotland while the UK main demand for electricity is below a line between the Humber and the Bristol Channel. Thus huge costs are incurred in building new overhead and underground transmission lines and in reinforcing relevant existing lines to convey outlying wind power to demand centres.

But UK total demand for electricity in the whole UK system must be balanced exactly by generation at every second of the day. A shortfall causes system frequency , normally maintained at 50 cycles per second , to fall, slowing down electric motors nationally. Excess generation causes frequency to rise causing motor overspeed.

Beyond a certain point either eventuality can destabilise the grid causing wind turbines and power stations to trip out, An extreme case can cause national black out. In a transient situation National Grid can presently prevent total blackout by use of low-frequency relays temporarily cutting out major consumer circuits such as water pumping stations, and, in last resort, national voltage reductions.

But we are heading into an unprecedented situation in which, due to lack of government generation planning, this could be a daily occurrence over many years. Because of total dependence on wind, every wind turbine must be "backed up" by construction of dedicated fully controllable fossil fuelled turbine of nearly equivalent capacity whose capital cost must be added to that of the wind turbine . As this will only be called upon subject to lack of wind, this expensive plant operates variably instead of at its designed economic full load steady state condition.

All the above makes windpower the most uneconomic form of energy generation. Its uncontrollability prevents it from generating contractually in either base load or load following roles.It is therefore connected to either the Supergrid or distribution networks as uncontrolled "negative demand".

National demand presenting for balancing by responsive thermal and hydro generation is net of this "negative demand". A windpower component more than about 8 per cent of national maximum demand is a potential system destabilizer as has been found on the European continent.

UK ministers and their civil service advisors do not appear to comprehend the nature of these basic technical problems and are continuing blindly to promote windpower on land and sea. Experienced chartered engineers are appalled at both the danger to electricity security and the enormous increases to the cost of electricity to consumers which are already appearing and will become astronomical. We face an unprecedented and protracted electrical crisis.

Dr Alan Shaw


Wind Energy: The Case of Denmark

With the British government planning to obtain up to 35% of UK generating capacity from wind turbines by 2020, it is instructive to consider the case of Denmark, one of the few countries that has got anywhere near that level.

Denmark generates the equivalent of around 19% of its electricity demand from wind, which on the face of it sounds like a great achievement. But because wind is intermittent and unpredictable, wind power sometimes meets as little as 5% of Denmark's demand, with an average over the last five years of only about 9.7% -- approximately half of the theoretical level.

Because electricity can't be stored in volume, wind can sometimes deliver too much energy that can't be used (for example if the wind blows strongly at night when demand is low). This creates entirely new challenges for transmission system operators. In the case of Denmark, about half of all the wind energy generated cannot be used, and has to be exported, below cost, to Sweden, Germany and Norway.

This brings considerable benefits to consumers in those countries, at the expense of Danish consumers and tax-payers. It is estimated that exported subsidies from Denmark amounted to €916 million between 2001 and 2008. Not surprisingly, Denmark's commitment to wind means that Danish consumers have the most expensive electricity in the EU. You may think that at least Danish wind-power is saving CO2 emissions in Sweden and Norway, but not so, because those countries rely heavily on hydro power, rather than fossil fuel generation.

Wind power has saved some CO2 emissions in Denmark, but at a very high cost of €87 per ton. For comparison, investment in building insulation can save CO2 emissions for between €10 and €20 per ton.

British estimates of the cost of wind power typically assume a 25 year working life for turbines. But the Danes are finding that ten to fifteen years is more realistic -- massively increasing the already high cost of wind generation. We are promised that green energy initiatives will increase employment. In Denmark this has proved to be the case, but the net new employment is small, and the cost-per-job in terms of subsidy is estimated at between 175% and 250% of the average worker's wage in Danish manufacturing industry. In terms both of power generation and job creation, wind power is fantastically costly and inefficient. Wind power investment and subsidy have had the effect of moving employment from more productive sectors in Denmark into the less productive wind industry, which has had a negative effect on Danish GDP.

There are lessons here for the UK. Our Labour government has naively assumed that if we build enough wind farms to deliver 35% of our electricity requirements, then that is what we shall get. The Danish experience suggests that we may be able to use only half of it; that it will fail to deliver the anticipated emissions savings or significant net new employment; and that it will damage prosperity and growth. We have been warned.

Source: The Danish Center for Politiske Studier (Centre for Policy Studies), Sept 2009;


Look Guys - I'm addressing here our hopelessly inept Government and the bureaucrats doing their bidding who don't have the courage to tell them they are bonkers - it only took one man, Samuel Pepys, to organise the rebuilding of our country's navy in the last half of the 17th century and do it on time and within budget. So, be good chaps, admit you made a right cock up of the energy from windfarms thing, go and apply for any job so long as it isn't remotely connected with energy, and let those of us who do have an ounce of commonsense take over.

Acai Berry for Weight Loss

Based on accai berry benefits as explained natural healty sites that said, acai berry have high amino acid and protein that may help maintenance body tissue, and it also contains rich of omega fats which is giving a healthy dose of unsaturated fats including Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, therefore this berry become most popular supplement for weight loss in the market.

But you must be careful to buy this product. Why? cause there are lots of scam of acai berry in the net.
All Acai Berry supplements are not same produced.
For example, if you heard about the popular 'M'(initial) company that claimed their product is best and 'pure' of acai berry, actually they don't use Acai Berry from Sambazon which known as best home place of acai in the world. But, they use a acai blend instead of fully freeze dried berried. That will degrade the quality of product.

With acai berry extract products, there's a fairly good chance that only a portion of the pill, powder, or capsule is actual acai. The other ingredients may just be fillers that give the product some structure and consistency. Not surprisingly, extract products could have much fewer nutrients than a pure acai product.

More detail about this pure acai berry for weight loss, you can see their site HERE.

The Fake "Pandemic"

This Nun (!) who was also a doctor hits all the essential facts about the fake "pandemic" of swine flu - only a pandemic because the definition of the word has been changed by the World Health Organisation to be able to force nation states to mass vaccinate - and why you should refuse vaccination, or, if you feel you have to be vaccinated, demand first from the authorities a written guarantee of compensation against any side effects. Trouble is - they'll never give you one!

See it at

Vaccines, Mercury and Autism

It's worthwhile reminding yourself and your friends that there isn't just a tenuous link between the mercury containing preservative Thimerosal in many vaccines, including flu vaccines, and autism.

Back in May 20, 2003, after a three year investigation into paediatric vaccine safety, initiated in the US House Committee on Government Reform, the "Mercury in Medicine Report," was placed on the Congressional record.

"Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic," the report concluded.

"This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin," the Committee advised.

"The FDA and the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) failed in their duty to be vigilant as new vaccines containing thimerosal were approved and added to the immunization schedule," the report pointed out.

"At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing," the Committee said, "the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold."

Vaccine makers and conflicted public health officials are always claiming that studies show vaccines did not cause the autism epidemic. In a February 24, 2009 Huffington Post article, Robert F Kennedy, Jr, pointed out "that for sixty years the tobacco industry successfully defended a product that was killing one out of every five of its customers against thousands of legal actions brought by its victims and their families."

"Big tobacco prevailed for six decades," he said, "even without the help of supportive government agencies deliberately suppressing real science and research."

"In that sense vaccine victims must leap a much higher hurdle," he added.

Mobile phones do cause Brain Tumours, major study finally confirms

Long-term use of mobile phones can cause brain tumours, a major World Health Organization study will finally announce later this year.

People who have used a mobile phone for more than 10 years face a ‘significantly increased risk’ of developing brain tumours such as glioma, says the Interphone study, which reviewed the evidence from 13 countries, involving around 12,800 people. It will publish its conclusions later this year following a delay of four years.

Study head Dr Elisabeth Cardis said the report will include a “public health warning” about mobile phone usage, especially among children. France has been one of the first countries to act, and has banned the use of mobile phones in primary schools. The UK has merely cautioned about the overuse of the phones by children and adolescents.

The Interphone researchers said that six of the eight studies they reviewed found that mobile phone usage increased the risk of glioma by up to 39 per cent, while the risk of acoustic neuroma, a benign tumour between the ear and the brain, increased nearly four times among people who had used a mobile phone for more than 10 years.

Despite its findings, some critics believe the Interphone study has played down the real risks by including people who use a mobile phone only infrequently, and by excluding children altogether. Critics point out that the study was partly funded by the mobile phone industry, whose own research has invariably failed to find any link between its products and brain tumours.

(Source: Daily Telegraph, October 24, 2009).

Studies show that flu vaccines are unsafe and ineffective

Remember a previous post Say No Thank You to Flu Vaccines which said “(the Government etc) assert that these vaccines are safe and effective without concrete proof of that.”

I could have gone further and said


Take a look at

Oh, and as a British taxpayer, I’d like a speedy investigation to identify those responsible for contracting to spend so much of the taxpayers’ money on something so useless and dangerous, and speedy firing of said persons from whatever official posts they hold. Once that has been done, come back to me and I will recommend a replacement WITH SOME COMMONSENSE who will spend the Nation’s health money more wisely and implement a sound health education programme in our schools so that our youngsters grow up knowing what to do to stay healthy rather than abdicating responsibility to the Government, the medical profession and their parents.

Sorry. If it's from "official sources" you probably can't trust it

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

~Marcia Angell MD, a well-known, respected physician, long-time editor of NEJM.

NHS Facts & Figures

Fraser Nelson on Coffee House, The Spectator Blog has this interesting statistic:

The ratio of manager-to-medic in the NHS is one-to-one. That is to say, out of its 1.3m employees (more than the population of some EU member states) just 675,000 are professionally qualified clinical staff. The rest are on the pen pushing/managerial/administrative side of the divide. The average NHS worker takes two weeks off sick every year, in addition to six weeks holiday.
[The breakdown is available at]

Flu Vaccines - Why you should say “No Thank You”

The UK newspapers have been reporting deaths from swine flu[1], and “alternative sources” on the internet have been predicting deaths and horrifying side effects from taking the vaccines for it (see later). So what should one do?

If the HPV (cervical cancer) immunisation programme is anything to go by, any deaths/side effects from swine flu vaccine even on the same day will be explained away by saying the connection can’t be proved. Or the medical profession will say the equivalent of “It was the patient’s fault “ by alleging that the patient was ultra-sensitive to the vaccine due to a pre-existing medical problem. In which case most of us would say, “Why then wasn’t the patient asked before getting the jab if he/she had any known medical problems eg asthma and shouldn’t therefore have been jabbed?” Such questioning just isn’t happening. The authorities seem to want blanket immunisation (a misnomer in itself) and no questions asked.

Despite the fact that we’re told that seasonal flu in the UK causes far more deaths a year[2] (around 12,000) regardless of vaccination, seasonal flu was never called a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. So, many have concluded that this “pandemic” is just a well orchestrated plan to make millions selling vaccines. And the situation isn’t helped by the information out there that indicates it is quite likely that the swine flu was, accidentally or otherwise, first created in a laboratory rather than the wild.

The tragedy is that out of a population of 61 million so few devote the time to investigate whether there is any other way they could avoid contracting flu or at least minimize their symptoms if they do.

The biggest part of the reason that most of our population don’t do that is because those in positions of influence or power – in Government, the Medical Profession, or the scientific community and some journalists – hide the Truth from us, or lie about the facts. They do it daily to brainwash the great British Public by repetition into having vaccines unnecessarily[3] which themselves can cause short term or long term damage in some people. And they assert that these vaccines are safe[4] and effective without concrete proof of that.

The Safe Alternatives

The authorities don’t remind us that historically homeopathy has had a far better success record at treating patients in flu epidemics than conventional medicine[5]. They don’t tell us that supplementing with vitamins C & D & E while a flu epidemic is on, and having a daily hot drink with a couple of slices of fresh ginger in it, or a tablespoon of organic cider vinegar, a teaspoon of Black Treacle and a couple of shakes of cayenne pepper, will help boost the immune system. They don’t say that use of other natural immune system improvers or bacteria killers like Olive Leaf Extract, turmeric, garlic, Manuka honey, Echinacea tincture & colloidal silver could help keep flu at bay or shorten the symptoms we might get if we caught it. A knowledge of how to use the above could significantly reduce the risk of catching, or symptoms of, swine or seasonal flu and encourage everyone to look after their own health. As a beneficial side effect the huge national cost of the vaccines and the £7.51 (seasonal flu) and £5.25 (swine flu) per jab that the medical profession get from the NHS would annually be saved.

If in addition we each took a homeopathic anti-flu prophylactic (see below), and resolved to get ourselves in better shape over the winter with some brisk walking exercise for those who can manage this, and washed our hands more frequently, we would

- be far less likely to catch any flu at all

- be far more likely to recover quicker, if we did catch flu

- avoid any possibility of any damaging side effects of flu vaccination

A Government spokesman did get around to telling us to clean our hands. But why don’t they tell us the rest of The Truth? Can’t they take the time to google the internet and check the facts rather than rely on those whose advice is so biased? Why don’t they tell the public that such limited tests as there have been on swine flu vaccines have been hurried, don’t guarantee that you won’t get swine flu, and that this and other flu vaccines, or the ingredients in them like thimerosal (mercury based preservative linked with autism & Guillain Barre[6] syndrome), squalene[7][8], & formaldehyde, may end up giving you paralysis or other horrific neurological & auto-immune[9] disorders or cancers[10] years down the track, like the Gulf War vaccines did?[11] Or that our law has been changed so that you won’t be able to sue the manufacturers for any damage from their vaccines, and very likely that the Government won’t accept any liability either?

The scientific community knows that viruses like the swine flu often mutate quickly which means that any swine flu vaccine is unlikely to confer immunity.

Homeopathic Flu Therapy is on the other hand not affected by Viral Mutations.

Homeopathy does not depend on one drug or feature particular drugs for curing any type of flu. Homeopathy is a non allopathic healing method that was once the mainstream medicine of the 19th century. Because different remedies and combinations and strengths are prescribed according to exact symptomatic readings, homeopaths can successfully adapt treatments to handle viral mutations. Homeopathy was enjoyed by many until certain moneyed interests almost pushed it out of existence. Now there is somewhat of a resurgence of its use and what the Government and some doctors are reluctant to publicise is that every patient has a right under the founding Charter of the NHS to homeopathic treatment[12].

If you go to the Helios website (one of the homeopathics suppliers) at you’ll find suggestions for the names of homeopathic remedies that might help. Or you can visit your local homeopath.

I and my family are taking, apart from the natural remedies mentioned above, a combination homeopathic remedy as a prophylactic against any flu including swine flu this winter. It comprises the remedies Anas Barb Co, Eupatorium Perf, Gelsemium, Aconite, & Influenzinum nosodes mix. If after that we get the sniffles or a fever, we will safely treat whatever symptoms come up with our choice of homeopathics and herbs. Our bottom line is nobody has the right to tell us that we have to inject foreign substances into our bodies[13], especially one about which our neurologists have been "confidentially" briefed to be on the lookout for Guillain Barre syndrome.

Lastly, if you really want to know why you should rightfully be suspicious of vaccines, read Jane Bryant’s speech about her vaccine damaged son[14], or Janine Roberts’ book Fear of the Invisible ISBN 978-0-9559177-2-1. The information there will rock you on your heels. As explained above, there is a kinder, effective alternative, and it is high time our authorities promoted it.

[1] Over 100 as of 16th October 09

[2] Chief Medical Officer's publication 'Explaining Pandemic Flu' (1 March 2005): "Ordinary flu occurs every year during the winter months in the UK. It affects 10-15% of the UK population, causing around 12,000 deaths every year”

[3] “In 2004, for example, (US) vaccine production fell behind, causing a 40 percent drop in immunization rates. Yet mortality did not rise.” See

[4] See

[5] Homeopathy had an amazingly high cure rate in the virulent 1918 Flu Epidemic. While the mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs in the US was around 30%, those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of 1.05%. See A recent example in ‘07/08 in two provinces of Cuba of the homeopathic prophylactic treatment of 2.5 million people against the annual epidemic of leptospirosis which allopathic vaccinations had failed to contain (symptoms are fever, kidney/liver damage, meningitis) saw the annual death rate reduced to zero, and infections down to 10 a month from several thousand. Similarly the annual treatment bill was reduced from $3 million under conventional medicine to just $200,000 under homeopathics.

[6] Can cause numbness, muscle pain, weakness, breathing difficulty, paralysis, heart failure & death

[7] Sometimes called MF-59 or ASO3. Dr Bruun Laursen -



[10] using beta-propiolactone, a potent cancer causing chemical, is a common practice in virus inactivation for vaccines



[13] 48% of doctors responding to a confidential DNUK survey said they would not have the swine flu jab


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