The American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) has been approved as a sanctioned school by the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), making ACHS the only U.S. accredited school approved by IIPA with a sanctioned program. ACHS is accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council, a U.S. Department of Education and Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognized accrediting agency.
“We’re very proud our Certificate in Iridology Consulting program has been approved by IIPA,” says ACHS President Dorene Petersen. “IIPA maintains the utmost integrity, professionalism, and certification and standards, and provides a wonderful opportunity for iridology professionals to learn from, and exchange information worldwide. IIPA’s sanctioning of our Certificate program gives ACHS students even more confidence in their training and professional goals, and provides a strong connection to an outside organization with almost 30 years’ experience in the field.”
About Our Program Graduates of the Certificate in Iridology Consulting will be able to implement tools for increased health and well-being and a more natural, balanced way of life. Graduates learn the techniques and theory of iridology, analyzing the iris of the eye in relation to the body's health. Graduates also have a comprehensive understanding of anatomy and physiology and holistic clinical correlates.
The Certificate in Iridology Consulting also provides training in how to legally and successfully operate a consulting practice, including how to create lifestyle plans to support optimal health. Graduates will be able to successfully operate a consultancy by implementing clinic management tools, including case taking, ethics, and informed consent.
In the last few days I have had numerous enquiries regarding the mass measles vaccination drive currently under way in South Africa.
If you have not already visited my website for a LOT of truthful information about the terrible side effects of vaccinations, I suggest you look at it right away.
Regarding the current measles vaccination campaign, just a few things you should note.
Did you have measles as a child? Chances are that you did, and survived! I can still remember that I had it while we visited my grandparents. I had to lay in bed, in a darkened room. I also remember how my grandmother’s neighbour brought me a herbal tea to drink. I recovered and all was well.
I also had chicken-pocks and many other childhood diseases that was considered normal back then. That was until ‘clever’ scientists discovered a cure for these everyday illnesses - and was able to charge money for it. The problem was that if your competitor had a vaccine out on the market before you, they made money and you were loosing out on the billions to be made. Thus the race was on, to get the vaccine out there FIRST. There would have been nothing wrong with this picture, IF only they had the time and the technology to PROPERLY test the fluid they were so eagerly putting into your body for possible deadly contaminants! It is very hard to do this when your competition is blowing in your neck, so a shortcut becomes a very attractive possibility.
This video clip illustrates my point very well.
Double click to view on YouTube
So safety aside, how effective is the vaccine?
Posted by Dr. Mercola | February 04 2001 | 1,468 views
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Measles incidence in the United States is at a record low, and indigenous transmission has been interrupted in each year since 1996, suggesting that measles is no longer endemic.
As part of national initiatives, the United States established a goal to eliminate measles by the year 2000. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a six-year study of more than 20,000 people older than six years old to see how we measured up to this goal.
Guess what they found? Overall the prevalence of measles immunity was 93%.
BUT if you were born before 1957 you were virtually guaranteed to be immune to measles.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is so convinced of this data that it actually defines an potentially measles proneperson as someone born after 1956 who has no documentation of adequate vaccination or laboratory evidence of immunity to measles or documentation of physician-diagnosed measles.
Medscape General Medicine January 24, 2001 Caution free registration is required to visit Medscape's medical journal.
Dr. Mercola comments:
Any idea what happened in 1957? That is when they started giving the measles vaccine. SO, if you did not get the vaccine you are virtually guaranteed to be immune to measles. After 43 years of giving measles immunizations the degree of protection to society has actually declined 6%!
It is actually worse than that as those born from 1967 to 1976 were only 81% protected. This may be related to giving the vaccine at an older age. The researchers speculate that this is due lower vaccination coverage among children before the implementation of school immunization requirements. But there is no way to know if it was not just due to vaccine failure.
Before measles vaccines were licensed in the United States in 1963, more than 500,000 cases occurred each year. Today, several decades later, the number of measles cases is at an all-time low of 100 cases reported in 1999, and surveillance data suggest that indigenous transmission has been interrupted in each year since 1996, suggesting that measles is no longer an endemic disease in the United States.
It is quite obvious that the protection against measles has declined dramatically since they immunizations were implemented. However so has the incidence of measles. Kids are just not getting measles anymore. Are there any down sides to that?
Well the incidence of asthma is up 250% in this country in the last 20 years. Some speculate that this may be related to the decrease in childhood infections. It is thought that the high fevers we get as a child actually build and strengthen our immune system and prevent the development of complications of asthma.
Dr. Incao wrote an absolutely brilliant piece on this concept which I posted last month.
One could make a justification for the MMR vaccine if in fact it were completely without side effects. Unfortunately, this is just simply not the case. The vaccines manufacturers are notorious for not doing adequate safety studies. Their efficacy studies are superb, they can prove the vaccines work, but they can NOT and have NOT proved that they are safe.
Last week's newsletter had an article describing how Dr. Andrew Wakefield has associated 170 cases of autism with the MMR vaccine.
Michael Belkin would like to see a comparison of autoimmune diseases, neurological damage, autism and diabetes for pre and post vaccine era populations.
He also believes the CDC epidemiologists have never considered that they are causing the same exact thing they are taking credit for eliminating (neurological complications from the measles virus) by injecting it into babies. The co-inventor of the measles vaccine (Dr. Sam Katz) admitted as much in a NYC lecture last year "With measles vaccine it is possible that maybe one out of 150,000 children who get the vaccine may get something that mimics measles encephalitis." The peer-reviewed, published data showing it's only 1 in 150,000 and not one in a few hundred does not exist.
So, I ask the question: “Why are so many people contracting measles, IF the vaccines given is as effective as the officials claim?”
If you read the above and many more, you have to agree that the vaccines are not doing their supposed job very well.
If you then consider the serious side effects associated with taking these and other vaccinations, and if world renowned doctors reject vaccinations - WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU TAKING THE STUFF!!?
Our 2 month old baby has just been through a light baby measles. He was uneasy for a day (not even a fever) after which we noticed the measles rash over his whole little body.
So if you are not going to give your baby or yourself a vaccination, what do you do? What if you get the measles, or some other disease?
The answer is really simple. Keep your immunity high, and keep your body in optimum condition, by keeping your pHalkaline.
If you do contract a disease, then treat with natural antibiotics and antivirals and other nutritional remedies HOURLY. I say, hourly, as some people that come to me, claim that they had to get ‘chemical antibiotics’ because they were just too sick for natural remedies. The reality is that when you use natural remedies in an acute illness, you have to use your remedies acutely. When you start getting better, you can scale down a bit.
As you may know, we have eight children now, and the last one that got a chemical was CJ (now almost 16) when he was 18 months old, when we left him with his grandma for a weekend! So we live what we teach you.
If you have any further questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to ASK, if I cannot help, I will find the answer and come back to you.
We are proud to launch our vintage apparel line in celebration of 32 years of dedication to excellence in holistic health education. The original ACHS logo was created by our President and Founder Dorene Petersen and a local artist on Waiheke Island, New Zealand in 1978. It was inspired by Dorene's love for the old world apothecary and all that nature's bounty has to offer.
All ACHS apparel is printed locally and sustainably on 100% American made merchandise in support of keeping America working and thriving. We sourced a local screen printer who uses soy-based inks and sustainable practices to produce these truly one-of-a kind pieces.
For those interested in checking on how safe, or otherwise, conventional drugs are take a look at some of the articles on e.g.
Cancer Vaccine Programme Suspended After Four Girls Die
Prescription Drug Deaths Increase Dramatically
Confidential report reveals: Big Pharma trying to stop long-term safety studies of ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Concerta) A confidential document, now made public by a Swedish court, tells how pharmaceutical companies (calling themselves the “Consortium”) are trying to stop long-term safety studies of ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Concerta)
Robert Medhurst in his article "In Defence of Homeopathy" cites scores of helpful studies and statistics. These can be read in the March edition of the ezine Homeopathy for Everyone at
For me, however, the bottom line is that people have been being cured gently by homeopathic treatment for over 200 years. Like herbal treatment, it has never gone away - because it works. And if something works, you should use it. Sometimes the disease treated is too advanced for homeopathics to restore the body to health, but often even in such cases it can palliate the symptoms. One thing one can say: no homeopathic remedy has ever had to be withdrawn because of its side effects.
I make no apologies for continuing to bleat on about how important it is for everyone not to abdicate responsibility for health to their doctor, or even to their natural healthcare practitioner. The problem of course is that even with the amazing facility of the worldwide web it takes a little time. But I have learned that everyone must come in their own time – often very slowly - to that point where they get so browned off by the rubbish assurances, and often outright lies, they get from “officialdom” that (maybe with someone they trust at their elbow) they get stuck in themselves and research their own best route back to health. Some, of course, never get to that point.
But it’s not just they themselves who are to blame for the outcome. It’s also the official healthcare system in this country, which largely depends upon a cupboard full of toxic chemicals, and processes, and expensive ones at that, to try and help their patients. I can see that if you are a professional who has spent many years getting qualified and needs to earn a living like everyone else, then even if you realise that the train you are on has frequently been steaming down tracks which will never truly get you and your patient to the destination you both desire and may even steam you over a precipice, it can be well nigh impossible for you to grab the driver to stop the train and find one that is going to, or nearer to, the right destination. But sooner or later, it is the only solution if you are not to find yourself at the bottom of the gulch.
The medical “chemical” paradigm is currently staggering and floundering about like a sick man on his last legs. Anyone standing on the sidelines with a modicum of medical knowledge, and no vested interest in the current system, has seen that clearly for years now. The untold billions of taxpayers’ money that have been misguidedly spent in the last 100 years in dead-end “chemical” and other toxic processes has all been wasted, and as usual there will be no accountability, though there are plenty of selfserving bureaucrats, politicians and medical professionals who thoroughly deserve the red hot poker treatment.
The fact is that, as physics showed many years ago, a humanbeing, is not just a chemistry experiment. At our core – or at least the core that we can currently observe with the most sophisticated instruments scientists have been able to devise – we are each a whirling mass of energy; a universe of fundamental particles and charges which, in ways we have no grasp over whatsoever, comes together in each of us to create and animate the conscious, living, physical creature that we can experience on this planet with our 5 senses. So the sensitives who through the ages have suggested this, maybe using strange language and words like chakra which failed to resonate with ordinary people, have been at least more right all along than their fellows.
The corollary, however unpalatable it may be to those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo of the “chemistry experiment” level of modern medicine, is that many natural healthcare disciplines have developed along lines which, in many situations, are much more likely to help their patients back to optimum health from their ailments than conventional medicine. Homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy, naturopathy are just a few of those where patient cure and satisfaction is way above that which can honestly be claimed using conventional medical practices.
I have no illusions about what is going to happen, sooner or later, because I have seen it happen from the inside when I worked in industry, and I have also read a bit about “catastrophe theory”. It is not pretty, and a lot of people and their families get hurt.
In a large company with a successful product but many competitors one eventually reaches a point where, unless one is able to reinvent the business one is in and evolve, it is not possible annually to sell more of that product in your marketplace than you did the year before. However, the ego of the Chief Executive, whose position and rewards ultimately depend upon the stock markets’ analysis of whether the company is moving forward or stagnating, which analysis in turn is derived from the quarter’s and yearly Net Sales and profitability figures and a few other inputs, does not allow him to accept that reality. Instead, he issues orders to his subordinates that each quarter’s Net Sales figures have to be, say, 10% higher than that quarter in the preceding year, or the Sales Manager will be replaced. He and his Financial Officer then see what they can do to massage the profitability figures without alarming their auditors, to ensure that all on the surface continues to look good to outsiders.
Meanwhile the Sales Manager is forced to approach his suppliers and do deals with them, something that is termed “loading” the trade before the end of each quarter. Eventually, and sometimes it can take years for the crunch point to come, the trade is so saturated with product, that it rebels. The company then takes a bath on that quarter’s figures, and the truth comes out into the public domain. Everyone inside the company (and by analogy – you can see where I am heading - everyone inside the conventional medical profession) already knew that the train was headed for the precipice, but it needed the shareholders to get together and say Enough is Enough and fire the Chief Executive. The company is then broken up and sold, liquidated, or if lucky reshaped under new management. Many innocent insiders get hurt because of the ego of one or a few people at the top. It happens every day in business.
Catastrophe theory predicts that when the tipping point comes, it hits like a tornado. Afterwards one finds oneself at the bottom of the gulch, not like in the cartoons somehow saved in midair by a shrub growing ten feet below the precipice.
Catastrophe can only be averted by the business or profession evolving sufficiently before the tipping point is reached. And in a profession, to do that, it needs the hierarchy, or generally, a subset of younger members, to have the integrity and honesty to publicly get together with its stakeholders and other professions involved in the direction where the new paradigm is likely to lie. In our case, stakeholders would mean, non-partisan representatives of the general public and the natural healthcare disciplines which already treat humanbeings holistically as energetic bodies. Conventional medicine can learn from them, and in the long run the nation’s health and pocket will benefit immeasurably.