Although most woman, today, choose to hand over total control of the body’s natural mechanism of childbirth to a doctor, there are a few that do it the natural way. This article is intended for you. Please note that my criticism towards the unnatural forms of childbirth like elected c-sections, epidurals, inductions and the rest of it stems from the fact that in modern day life, childbirth is seen as a ‘medical condition’ that needs to be ‘treated.’ This of course mostly to the financial benefit of the ‘specialist doctor’ called a gynecologist. I do however recognize that in about 5% of woman, emergency intervention is needed to save both the mother and babies lives, my criticism is not directed at these.
I too once believed that any one that chose to even had a normal GP deliver their baby was completely irresponsible, let alone a midwife or the couple themselves! I was wrong. As we now have our 8th baby, I now know better. While I am not devoting this article to the benefits of natural child birth, let me just say the following. I see so many young mothers come in to us with their young ones with problems ranging from constipation, bottle feeding, glue ears, colic, insomnia, eczema, weakened immune system allergies and much more. Most of these are as a result of the un-natural procedures like inductions, c-sections, epidurals, vaccinations, etc, etc.
Back to normal natural child birth. We have found the following especially useful before, during and straight after birth.
Raspberry leaf tea
Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, red raspberry leaf is one of the safest and commonly used tonic herbs for women wanting to get pregnant or for women who are already pregnant. Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tones the uterus, improves contractions and decreases constipation. Red Raspberry leaf does not start labor or promote contractions.It is NOT an emmenagogue or oxytocic herb. What it does is help strengthen the pelvic and uterine muscles so that once labor does start the muscles will be more efficient.
This tea can also be taken after the delivery, to help the uterus contract to it’s original size.
Omega 3
Omega 3 is an ESSENTIAL fatty acid. Although fat is (wrongly) touted as a bad substance that makes us fat and cause cholesterol buildup in the arteries, it is essential to good health. The brain is made up of a large volume of fat. Omega 3 is the building block to the body’s hormones and every single cell wall in the body needs it to function properly. Make sure you take 3000mg to 4000mg daily with your meals. You will need a lot of omega 3 during labour as well. It is much needed for the healing of the bruised tissues after delivery.
We do recommend that you drink A LOT of water during pregnancy. Although some ‘specialist doctors’ will (wrongly) tell you that drinking too much water during the pregnancy is bad for you and causes water retention, quite the contrary is true. It is however important to drink the correct kind of water. You can read more on water here.
Coral 8
For muscles to contract, calcium is required. Magnesium is required to have them relax the muscles. In order to absorb the calcium, you also need vitamin D. Coral 8 contains all of this, plus it’s made from the most absorbable form of calcium, coral calcium. This can also be given during the labour process and helps for pain relief as well as energy levels. The best way would be to slide open a capsule and take the powder under the tongue with a little water.
Caulophyllum (30C)
This homeopathic remedy will help relax an overly tight cervix mouth where slow dilatation leads to great distress and prostration in the labouring woman. It often restores contractions that have ceased and can, in doing so, avoid un-natural interventory steps, like induction or Caesarean Section. You can start taking this remedy three times a day a week or two before your due date and every half hour to every hour during labour.
Cimicifuga (30C)
This remedy acts strongly on the central nervous system, including its impulses to muscular organs like the uterus, improving it’s function. Women who are very agitated during labour or who have a particularly low pain threshold, profit greatly from it’s regular use during labour.
Rescue drops
Will help you cope better if you feel that you are loosing control during labour. Dose frequently for the best effect. You may also find this very useful just before baby is born, when you think you cannot go through with labour or if your body shows symptoms of shock. Should you experience terrible anxiety of sudden onset, just as labour begins, use Aconite (30C) to give relief.
Pulsatilla (30C)
Use this remedy when your labour is very slow to get underway. Pulsatilla will speed it up without stress.
Cell Food
This is such a faithful supplement. I use it mainly during the fourth stage of labour, especially when more oxygen is needed. You can look out for one of two symptoms, tingling lips or a slight blueish tint around the mouth. This is usually an indication that more oxygen is needed. You can put 10 drops in a small amount of water and sip on it, or if things are a bit hectic at this stage, put 2-3 drops straight under her tongue.
Traumeel S
Directly after the delivery take Traumeel S drops under the tongue. This remedy from HEEL helps with the healing of the much bruised tissues and wounds. Take 10 drops every 30 minutes for the first few hours, there after about three times per day, until complete healing has taken place.
Wecesin Powder
This is an awesome remedy! For many mothers, the smell of surgical spirits is synonymous with caring for the newborn baby’s umbilical stump. We have used both in the past and prefer the Wecesin Poweder by far. Straight after every body starts to settle down, and you fit babies first nappy, apply enough of the powder. After each nappy change, repeat this procedure. Within 4 days the dried out piece will drop off and you are done.
You may also find our article “Tips for Breastfeeding mothers” very useful.
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