Sleep apnea new treatments

In general, surgery for sleep apnea is only about 50% successful.
However, you would need to talk with your surgeon regarding your specific situation. Surgery is usually recommended only after medical therapy has failed.
If your main concern is the snoring, then either the laser procedure or the new Somnoplasty carries about an 85% success rate for resolution of the snoring.

Topical treatment which is formed in Homeopathic medicine is alternative cheapest way to treat sleep disorder. Clinically proven for the result with no side effect caused most of them formulated in natural extract and FDA approved such as Melatrol.

Overall it should be contact your doctor or health care provider during usable, so then it will discard misused between the medicine and your illness or symptoms such as allergy, pregnant or get pregnant etc.

Natural remedies for high blood pressure

For whom need treatment for their high blood pressure with prescription medicine, then you can see here.
Anyway before you take any natural remedies, it's better to consult with your physician or health care provider about your overall condition to prevent misused with any remedies you use.

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is variable of physiological of respiratory rate, body temperature and rate of heart.
A new blood pressure will appear when heart squeezes and relaxes. So, it’s not constant value throughout the day.
The pressure will increase before awakening (systolic, greater than 140 mmHg) and decline while sleep / relax (diastolic, greater than 90 mmHg).
They regulated by brain, kidney,heart, blood vessels and endocrine glands.

Blood pressure is two numbers expressed. Normal level around 120/80 mm of mercury.

Due to activity level and different of diet, American people has gradually increases of blood pressure level. From birth until adulthood.
However, beyond the eighteen age, blood pressure level seem moderate.

During increasing of age, low blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure) actually may decrease while high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure) increases.
It’s indicates the arteries stiffening increase throughout the body.

Lot of people now aware with cholesterol level.
Why? It’s because the risk of heart attacls and strokes.
Due to the deposition of plaques of atherosclerotic caused by large of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels known to be significant cause of narrowing of arteries (coronary arteries).
As a result, it will reduce flow rate especially for flow that depend on the radius fourth power.
Finally, the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis become increase.

The most factor that influence the raising blood cholesterol levels is eating foods that high in saturated fat. Therefore, Nicotine will increase cholesterol deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Cholesterol levels
A level of cholesterol <200>7.8 mmol/l) is considered as a very high level.

Anyway some people with cholesterol level bellow than 200 mg/dl may also have a risk of cardiovascular diseases because lipoproteins carrying cholesterol and fats in the blood (type of lipoprotein they possess).

The main purpose of any treatment for cholesterol is lowering LDL under 160 mg/dl for people that have no heart disease or lower risk of them.

For the people that have heart disease is under 1000 mg/dl. (Recommended by FDS guidelines).
Since with low HDL level may increase risk of heart disease, then the main goal for all patients is more than 35 mg/dl.

Conventional treatment regarding to high cholesterol are exercise, weight loss, diet, quit smoking.

Alternative treatment such as high doses of niacin, soy protein, algae, garlic and other medicine supplement such as hypercet is other effective way to control cholesterol level.

Hypercet not only lowering and control cholesterol level but also support and maintain a normal healthy of blood pressure.
It’s related to the ingredients of hypercent such as calcium, magnesium, beta 1.3d glucans, chromium, malic acid, citric acid and glycine are strong influence to maintain and control blood pressure and cholesterol level.

See Hypercet site if you want to see more detail about those ingredients and benefits are.

Natural cures for high blood pressure

Here is about natural cures for high blood pressure.
If you need treatment for high blood pressure with prescription medicine then you can go here.

Blood pressure (strictly speaking: vascular pressure) refers to the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, and constitutes one of the principal vital signs.

The pressure of the circulating blood decreases as blood moves through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins; the term blood pressure generally refers to arterial pressure, i.e., the pressure in the larger arteries, arteries being the blood vessels which take blood away from the heart.
Arterial pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer, which uses the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure (see Non-invasive measurement). Although many modern vascular pressure devices no longer use mercury, vascular pressure values are still universally reported in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).

The systolic arterial pressure is defined as the peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle; the diastolic arterial pressure is the lowest pressure (at the resting phase of the cardiac cycle).
The average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle is reported as mean arterial pressure; the pulse pressure reflects the difference between the maximum and minimum pressures measured.

Typical values for a resting, healthy adult human are approximately 120 mmHg (16 kPa) systolic and 80 mmHg (11 kPa) diastolic (written as 120/80 mmHg, and spoken as "one twenty over eighty") with large individual variations.
These measures of arterial pressure are not static, but undergo natural variations from one heartbeat to another and throughout the day (in a circadian rhythm); they also change in response to stress, nutritional factors, drugs, or disease.

Hypertension refers to arterial pressure being abnormally high, as opposed to hypotension, when it is abnormally low.
Along with body temperature, blood pressure measurements are the most commonly measured physiological parameters.

Hypercet is one of natural cures for high blood pressure treatment.
It's natural, proven result and FDA approved. Many successful user with this cures.
You can see detail extract ingredient and the benefits of this product in their site.

Anyway, anything cures and treatment you use, it always recommended to consult with your doctor or health care provider about your overall condition.
By doing this, it will prevent misused what ever you take.

Help reduce high blood pressure

For people whose need help to reduce high blood pressure, there are some option you can use.
Immediate treatment;
- Sit, close eyes, take several deep breaths, exhale slowly.
Think only of those breaths, picturing your lungs expanding and conracting.

Advance treatment;
- Regular, vigorous aerobic exercise at a safe level can help to prevent hypertension and reduce blood pressure.
Moderating the intake of fat, salt, and alcohol also has beneficial effects. Smoking tobacco adds to the risk of hypertension.

Anyway if you need any proven alternative treatment for reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol level then you can use Hypercet.
It's natural, proven result and FDA approval.
You can see their site to check how they work and what kind of extract ingredient they use and the benefits.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is 'silent killer' without any warning, so you should pay deep attention for get rid of this killing disorder.

High blood pressure treatment

Approximately one in four adults in the United States suffers from high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure because it adds to the workload of the heart, causing it to enlarge and, over a period of time, to weaken.

In addition, it may damage the walls of the arteries.
It is regarded as the silent killer because it can develop without symptoms.
It is estimated that half of those with hypertension are not even aware of their condition. In adults, hypertension occurs when the blood pressure of a resting person is equal to or greater than 140/90.
Regular, vigorous aerobic exercise at a safe level can help to prevent hypertension and reduce blood pressure.
Moderating the intake of fat, salt, and alcohol also has beneficial effects.
Smoking tobacco adds to the risk of hypertension.

You can also use alternative treatment from Hypercet to reduce high blood pressure and control cholesterol level.
It's totally natural and FDA approval. Many proven result from their user.
You can see how they work and what kind extract ingredients they use in their site here

High blood pressure causes

Some cases of very high blood pressure are due to specific causes that may be surgically remediable.
Most hypertension, however, results from the combination of a genetic predisposition and an environmental factor such as excessive sodium intake, sedentary habits, and stress.

High blood pressure can be controlled.
Mild cases are treated by losing excess weight and reducing the intake of sodium and alcohol. More serious cases are treated with drugs such as diuretics, beta blockers, calcium antagonists, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, alpha blockers, and centrally acting compounds that affect regulatory centers in the brain.
Treatment can usually assure a normal life.

Next, treatment and controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol level with natural

High blood pressure diet

The commonest type of diet followed for health reasons is one intended to cause weight loss in the treatment of overweight, and the term dieting is often assumed to refer to a weight-reduction diet.
Numerous types of weight-reducing diets have been marketed.
Most will cause some initial weight loss, but this is difficult to maintain because obesity is associated with the typical Western lifestyle of low physical activity and constant availability of highly palatable, energy-dense foods.

After obesity, the most common reason for requiring dietary changes is a high blood cholesterol concentration and associated ischaemic heart disease.
The blood cholesterol concentration is increased by diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Reducing the intake of these factors causes a reduction in blood cholesterol, but most individuals find it difficult to change their diet sufficiently to have more than a small effect.
Other diets followed for health reasons include low salt diets for the reduction of raised blood pressure and gluten-free diets for individuals with coeliac disease.

High-fibre diets have become popular since the work of Denis Burkitt and others in the early 1970s.
Fibre is now defined as non-starch polysaccharides, and is supplied by unrefined cereals, vegetables, and fruits.
Fibre has several benefits, including the prevention of constipation and probably reducing the risk for coronary heart disease and cancer of the large bowel.

Next, alternative diet for high blood pressure and cholesterol

Symptoms of high blood pressure

High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms.
The symptoms are usually mild and nonspecific, for that reason, high blood pressure is often called "the silent killer."
People who have high blood pressure typically don't know it until their blood pressure is measured in a routine check up or in other circumstances.

Sometimes high blood pressure patients have the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Blurred vision

The symptoms are so vague and non-specific, that's one of the problems with high blood pressure.
In the past it was considered to be a normal part of aging, and doctors considered that elevated blood pressure was natural.
Now researchers recognize that elevated blood pressure causes kidney damage, elevated risk for stroke and heart attack leading to heart damage.

Visit also, treatment and prevention high blood pressure

Cellulite cream removal

For people whose looking for cream that can remove cellulite appearance, i suggest to use Revitol for cellulite cream removal. Why?
While i used it for my self, many health community regarding to cellulite issue most recommended Revitol product.
Caused they are natural and FDA approved then i'm not so worry with side effect in the future, while i'm enjoying now with my skin performance at my leg and arm.

If you have some problem with me especially cellulite in arm and leg, than i just recommend them.
The extract ingredients they used is strong effect to reduce my cellulite, and i'm not afraid anymore to eat some (little) junk food or fast food caused it's difficult to me to avoid eating them :).
I also do some little jogging and walking several time a week (at least once, if so busy or tired) to help me reduce and control my fat that causing my cellulite re-occure.

Long term cellulite reduction

Many of cellulite reduction cream now that available both online and offline promote that their product has long term result for cellulite appearance. But how do we identified those product really has long term effect.

That's right now some of cellulite reduction cream has clinical proven for cellulite reduction, but how long? What about side effect that occurance in the future?

Most of cellulite reduction cream user agree that cellulite reduction cream with natural ingredient is top priority when choosing. But is it enough?
Another thing should be paid attention are FDA regulation. Are their extracted has been researched and get approved by FDA? Why is should be?
Simply, except you can do own research for side effect in the skin and metabolism with regular use, then it's possible you can ignore this. If not sure, then keep follow the rule.

Mainly, long term cellulite reduction cream has substances ingredients that can help remove fat plus toxins from the body and help those people who are having issues with circulation.
Revitol is one the most popular in the net provide all those criteria.
They will reduce the cellulite appearance gradually and give long term effect.
They formulated to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the legs, stomach and arms.
All ingredients used totalln natural and has FDA approved.

You can visit Revitol site to check what kind of ingredients and benefits they used that give long term effect for cellulite reduction and appearance.

Breast actives natural program enhancement

Why now many people asking for breast enhancement with natural breast actives program?
What happen with breast enhancement with surgery or implant?

One of survey result about breast actives program mainly They work "in", "out" and "examination" into the body. And it's all natural.
For detail can see here

Here we focus about Breast Implant and how dangerous is it?
See also about breast enhancement surgery and dangerous things.

3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant.

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak.
The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects.
Older implants with silicone gel can leak also.
If this occurs, one of two things may occur.
If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed.
If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating.

The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body.
Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant.
If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel.
This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture ,closed capsulotomy , stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation ,excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision ,site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant ,unknown/unexplained reasons.

FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants.
This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988.
Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants.
Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%).
This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant.
Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts.
Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.

The most common complication of breast implants is capsular contracture, a tightening of the scar tissue that the body produces around the implant as a natural part of healing. Additional surgery may be required either to remove the scar tissue or to remove—and perhaps replace—the implant.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by Mentor, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 1264 augmentation patients and 30% for the 416 reconstruction patients.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by McGhan, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 901 augmentation patients and 25% for the 237 reconstruction patients.

Here for Natural breast enhancement with breast actives program.

Survey of natural breast enhancement

One of great survey about what natural treatment is breast actives program.
They work "in", "out" and "examination" onto the body.
And it's all natural.

Why we don't choose breast implant and what kind of the risk?
Or how about breast enhancement with surgery? And what kind of dangerous things?

You can go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement.

Here we focus about breast implant.

3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant.

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak.
The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects.
Older implants with silicone gel can leak also.
If this occurs, one of two things may occur.
If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed.
If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating.

The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body.
Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant.
If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel.
This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture ,closed capsulotomy , stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation ,excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision ,site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant ,unknown/unexplained reasons.

FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants.
This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988.
Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants.
Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%).
This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant.
Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts.
Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.

The most common complication of breast implants is capsular contracture, a tightening of the scar tissue that the body produces around the implant as a natural part of healing. Additional surgery may be required either to remove the scar tissue or to remove—and perhaps replace—the implant.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by Mentor, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 1264 augmentation patients and 30% for the 416 reconstruction patients.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by McGhan, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 901 augmentation patients and 25% for the 237 reconstruction patients.

Natural breast enhancement program actives

Why we choose natural breast enhancement program actives?
Why not breast enhancement with surgery and what commplication they have?
Go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement program with breast actives.

Here, we focus about What complication for breast enhancement with surgery?.

First and foremost there could be an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. General is considered to be more risky yet any anesthetic could bring on a negative reaction. Although extremely rare, it is possible to bleed post-operatively resulting in another surgery to control and drain the collected blood. Another possibility is hematoma (a collection of clotted blood), seroma (a collection of the watery portion of the blood) and thrombosis (abnormal clotting).

Loss of sensitivity is common, although temporary. Permanent sensation loss in the areola (nipple) area or breasts, in general, can and may happen. There is also a risk of excessive scarring or inner scar tissue. Also, you must have more views (films) taken when having a mammogram if you have breast implants -- especially overs.

There is also a risk of calcifications -- especially when there is a definite, thick capsule around the implant. And galactorrhea, which is when you start producing breast milk, is also a complication. This is usually remedied on its own and may stop spontaneously although some cases may need medication or implant removal. Although very rare, it is worth mentioning, full disclosure is the key to an informed consent.

Breast tissue atrophy (loss, shrinking) is a possibility. According to the FDA, "the pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin and shrink. This can occur while implants are still in place or following implant removal without replacement".

Necrosis (death) of the breast tissue, breast envelope and or incision line can happen. Although extremely rare. The chances of necrosis are increased after radioactive/chemotherapy treatment, if you smoke and have poor circulation, or have temperatetherapy or cryotherapy post-operatively.

Extrusion is also an extremely rare occurrence but a scary possibility. Extrusion of the implant is where your body rejects the prosthesis and pushes it out of the skin, like when a piercing is pushed out or like when a thorn or splinter is pushed from the body. Then the implant may become visible under the skin and must be removed before it breaks through resulting in possibly an infection and definite major scarring.

Infection: You could develop a post-operative infection and need to have the implant removed, the infection dealt with and still have to wait for several months before an additional surgery can be performed to re-implant. Infections usually occur with the first 4 to 6 weeks. Some possible infections and a more common one being Staphylococcus, or simply Staph.

Go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement with breast actives.

Breast size natural program enhancement actives

Why we choose breast actives program as good solution for breast size enhancement program?
Why not breast enhancement with surgery?
Go here for treatment with breast active program.

Here, we focus about how dangerous breast enhancement with surgery.

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.


Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected."

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author.

Natural breast enhancement

Why we chose natural breast enhancement and not surgery?
You can go here if you want to direct see about natural breast enhancement.

Here, we discuss about why not choosing breast surgery for breast enhancement?

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. (National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author.)

Breast enlargement surgery

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )

Next, Natural treatment for breast enhancement

Breast enlargement without surgery

Why we choose breast enlargement without surgery, like natural treatment?
What happen to breast enlargement with surgery? How danger is it?

First, we see the breast enlargement with surgery.

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )

Now, see Natural treatment for breast enlargement

Colon cleansing pills

Are we a candidate for irritable bowel syndrome?

- Do we have abdominal pain or cramping?
- Do we have constipation? Diarrhea?
- How about vomiting, or fever or headache?
- How about bloating and water retention?

Irritable bowel syndrome is not pleasant for anyone who has it, and many many Americans do suffer from it, in fact more every year.
Many of these turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser for relief.

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural that formed by pills.
Many successful users with this colon cleansing pills.
Their track record is outstanding.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. They help with this. So does good eating.

Most Americans eat way too much fast food.
Too much sugar, too much fat.
Not enough vegetables and fruit.
Not enough healthy grains or legumes.
Legumes are beans of all types:
green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes.
These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health.

A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people.
Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping.
It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really.
The colon is a very large and very complex organ.
It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system.
All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and we will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment.
It only makes good health sense to do what we can to keep our colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of our body functioning properly.

If you wanna see how they work and what kind of extract ingredient they used, you can visit Bowtrol Probiotic Site for sure.

And after that you can compare with other colon cleansing pills.
It's not surprised if you could not find any better than that.
Good luck.

Home colon cleansing

How Homemade colon Cleansing Can Help You keep in Top Shape –Part 2
If you would like to see part-1, please see this

The second option that could be used as a homemade colon cleanse solution is not very conventional but it works!
This method is called fasting.
This method is very cheap in that it doesn’t involve having to buy stuff to cleanse the colon. All you need is your determination to carry it through.
It takes time some say twenty one days to see results.
You would actually feel your breath come as fresh as that of a baby; okay that’s going too far but you get the idea.

The idea behind using fasting as a way to have a very effective colon cleansing is that when you do not eat, your body is forced to digest whatever it finds in the colon in the bid for survival.
It is also of importance that your colon be well rested during this period.
It is for this reason that people who fast regularly find it hard to go back to eating because of the total sense of well being that emanates from the single act of fasting.
But you need to realize that while this works for some people it definitely cannot work for those who have got stomach ulcers, people who are not disciplined, and more importantly, who likes the idea that his or her body is having to digest impure, toxic substances just for survival?
Be sure to know that your body may be forced to do it, but what is the long term effect?
If the body really feels it did not need this waste materials previously, why force it to digest what it feels is toxic and should be passed out as waste?
So you can see now that except you are comfortable with the idea, it is not a very good option to take.

The third method you can use and has been tested and tried as a surefire ay to get your colon cleansed is by eating lot of fibers to enable regular bowel movements and passing out of the feces frequently.
As result, it is possible to see that among many homemade colon cleanse prescriptions or recommendations is the inclusion of loads of fibers in your diet.
This will enhance the movement of the bowels in a short period.
One of such fiber rich foods is prune juice.
It is advised that if you want to increase the frequency of the bowel movements, then it is a sure option and works too.
It helps loosen up the stool and promotes easier passage of the stool hence preventing lots of straining and disallowing the impaction of feces on the colon wall.
However, if the feces was there before you started taking the prune juice, you might have a little problem.
You will not be able to get rid of the feces that is already stuck to the walls of the colon.

So you see that unless you really enjoy eating prune as you’d have to eat a lot to notice any effect it really takes time to work.
If you’ve got that time, good. If not, then you can see you need a better alternative.
You can try Bowtrol Probiotic.
It's natural, lot of strong extract and fast work.
If you wanna see what kind of extract ingredient they used, then you can visit Bowtrol Probiotic site for sure.

And finally you can compare any treatment that applicable to you.

Colon cleansing diets

Eat this. No don't eat that. Don't even touch that!
It's the kind of advice we keep getting daily.
"If you eat excess fatty substances, you sure wont be able to poop".

From the media to even our friends and loved ones, all we get is advice on what to eat or what not to.
How do you decide what is good for you?
How do you know what food for constipation is best?
Given the fact that there seems to be so many "proven experts" in the market telling us what to eat and what not to.
Who cares anyways!
What if you could eat anything you literally want to eat and be sure that if there is any form of constipation, you'll eliminate it by nightfall. Would that be nice?

Well, there are quite a few people out there who can boast of providing a quick fix like that. However, if you've got constipation, you can eliminate it as fast as possible eating certain food for constipation. There are quite a few around:

1. Figs and Dates.

These are fruits high in fiber content. They take about twenty four hours before results can be seen. Because of its nature, figs enhance the process of digestion and are a rich source of fiber and minerals. This is not to mention the fact that they -figs and dates- produce serotonin.

2. Using Grapes

Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. Grapes contain a high quantity of minerals and vitamins, high fiber content, and manganese. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.

3. Pawpaw

Pawpaw also known as Carica papaya is a well known fruit containing the enzyme papain. But not many know it for its qualities as a food for constipation. The high mineral content of the pawpaw reduces cell waste, gets rid of stomach mucus and colon mucus. To use them effectively, you can eat in between meals or add to smoothies.

4. Persimmon

Another important food for constipation, Persimmons have been reputed to be as highly nutritious as an apple and some claim it may yield better results for the heart. This is because of the high content of fiber and minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron et.c These minerals including phenolic compounds are anti-oxidants and as a result, colon cleaners. For quick results, eat two to three of it daily.

5. Plums

These are fruits with high mineral content in addition to having a gentle laxative property. They are very effective in clearing gas from the bowels.6. Prunes

These are plums that are dried. So the both of them can be used interchangeably. But prunes are generally more effective food for constipation than plums are. Because of the high iron content prunes are generally considered one of the best ways to relieve constipation.

7. Raspberry

The raspberry is a fruit rich in Vit A and C. It is also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Eating them during the day in copious quantities will relieve your constipation fast.

Other way to clean the colon is with Bowtrol Probiotic. It's natural, simple and fast work.
You can see detail extracted ingredient they use for how to clean the colon with natural treatment on their site.

Bowel cleanse

Thousands and thousands of Americans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
It affects young, old and middle aged.
Men and women are both affected by this ailment.
Many thousands of man hours are lost in the working world due to absence or when a person comes in to work, from being less productive simply because they don’t feel well. Irritable bowel syndrome is blight upon American culture and on the American economy, and it is treatable and doesn’t have to be that way.

The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are many, but the most common, according to many experts, is a build up of fecal matter and the resulting gas and bacteria that comes from it in the colon.
The bacteria grows rapidly and spreads toxins throughout the body. The body reacts in a multitude of ways.
This can be manifested in constipation, diarrhea, headache, water retention, or abdominal pain and cramping.
No one likes having irritable bowel syndrome. It is painful, uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Controlling or getting rid of irritable bowel syndrome can be done in many cases through cleansing of the colon.
A clean colon is a healthy colon, goes the old saying.
Many people cleanse their colons through changing their eating habits.
They turn to healthier foods such as big green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads, and whole grains for breads and pastas.
They eat fewer fatty foods and less processed sugar.
They don’t go to fast food restaurants as often.
And many of these people have also discovered the benefits of the natural supplement known as Bowtrol Colon Cleanser.

Those who use Bowtrol Colon Cleanser have been known to recommend it to friends, relatives and acquaintances who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome as well, because it has worked so well for them.
By using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser these people are enhancing the body’s changes of cleansing the colon and discharging the fecal matter and bacteria that causes the problem.
If you had basic science in junior high school, the concept should make sense.
Getting rid of the bacteria gets rid of the toxins.
Having two or three good bowel movements a day should get rid of the fecal matter, which should get rid of the bacteria and gas, and should result in a cleansed colon, fewer toxins and better health.
In this way a combination of healthy eating and use of the supplement Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can lead to feeling better and improved health.

Benefits of colon cleansing

The body is like a highly functional machine.
A machine as we well know must go through a period of complete readjustment, cleaning, realigning, refurbishing etc. so also should our body.

In our daily activities, we forget to check our bodies.
We forget to take care of our bowels and as result, we sometimes become less effective than we are supposed to be. Let we clear that.

Let’s say you’ve got this very important meting that you need to be at and just about the time you sat down, you had this terrible urge to go. What do you do? Leave the delegation and go spend thirty minutes in the loo while keeping them waiting? Imagine what harm that can do to your business. So you see that not cleaning out your bowels can adversely affect the results you pursue.

To effectively carry out an evacuation of your bowels, it is best to take something that will not affect or interfere with your daily activities.
This is where using herbal supplements come in.
Other forms require you to use interfering methods that you would not like.
For example if you were to do a hydrotherapy, you would end up spending about ninety minutes in the clinic or at home.

Most medical expert agree with clean colon, then undoubtful, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain or cramping, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, fever or headache, bloating and water retention will far away from our health problem.

And you can do it by self care or using Bowtrol Probiotic. It's natural and has lot of strong extract ingredient use.

For more detail about what kind extract they used and benefits are, you can visit Bowtrol Probiotic site

Bowel cleansing

Are you a candidate for irritable bowel syndrome?
Do you have abdominal pain or cramping?
Do you have constipation? Diarrhea? How about vomiting, or fever or headache? How about bloating and water retention? Irritable bowel syndrome is not pleasant for anyone who has it, and many many Americans do suffer from it, in fact more every year.
Many of these turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser for relief.

Why do they turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser?
The answer to that is easy.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural and has many successful users.
Their track record is outstanding.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser helps with this. So does good eating.

Most Americans eat way too much fast food.
Too much sugar, too much fat. Not enough vegetables and fruit. Not enough healthy grains or legumes. Legumes are beans of all types – green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes. These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health.
A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people. Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping.
It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really. The colon is a very large and very complex organ.
It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system.
All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and you will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment.
It only makes good health sense to do what you can to keep your colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of your body functioning properly.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is a great place to start.

Visit bowtrol cleansing site for more detail

Herbal colon cleansing

It's undoubtful when our colon clean then most constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, fever or headache, bloating and water retention will almost gone. And mostly illness of colon problem are Constipation and IBS.
Herbal colon cleansing useful in relieving such conditions.

How to relieve it using herbal colon cleansing?
Constipation is the inability of an individual or animal to have bowel movements and eliminate waste materials from the body.
There are varied causes of constipation:
Inadequate intake of fiber-rich foods is one of them.
Excessive consumption of dairy products, processed foods, fast foods, is another.
More importantly, the neglect of water for other fluids such as coffee mineral drinks, beer also contributes greatly to it. Nothing is quite like water.
It is the only substance that the body cannot conveniently do without.
One other supposed factor although still debatable is the lack of exercise.

While this is strictly open to debate and may not really be a core influencer in constipation disorders, it really doesn’t do anyone any harm to indulge in some form of exercise.
A mere walking around the block can trigger bowel movements.
In times past, when someone had constipation, the first thing they thought of is either using enemas or laxatives to help relieve them of the constipation.
However, research has proven over the years that while laxatives are highly effective in the short term, they have long term adverse effects.

For example, people who become so used to using laxatives usually end up having to rely on them for bowel movements.
This is because the colon muscles simply refuse to contract and cause the normal bowel movements.
Luckily though, because of research, we are finding that herbal remedies are more preferable, have longer lasting positive effects and more importantly, no side effects at all.

The normal fruits we hitherto avoided are becoming really useful in helping to treat constipation and making us feel healthier and live longer.
In the next paragraph and beyond, we’ll be looking at the various natural herbal remedies available for our day-to-day consumption.

1. Mangos.
This fruit is very popular in Africa.
I works wonders in the treatment of constipation.
It has never failed anyone who has used it as a natural remedy for constipation.
Unfortunately, it is not available in this part of the world as it is a fruit found only in the tropics.
One in the morning and last thing at night, and you have yourself an easy bowel movement.
You might want to note it in case you travel some day to Africa.

2. Bael Fruit.
This works exceedingly well in the treatment of constipation.
To commence treatment, consume the fruit on a daily basis for three months

3. Eat a medium-sized pear at breakfast or after dinner.
It has been said that it is an effective home remedy in relieving constipation.

4. Eat guava with the seeds.
Take two on a daily basis. It helps with bowel evacuation.

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural and has many successful users. Their extracted ingredients almost complete! (Cascara Sagrada, Turkey Rhubarb, Bentonite Clay, Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra), Aloes, Flax Seeds and much more).
Their track record is outstanding.
It's in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. They helps with this. So does good eating.

Visit Bowtrol colon cleanser site if you want to know more what kind of ingredient and the description about that and you can compare with any herbal colon cleansing outhere.

Colon cleansing at home

How Homemade colon Cleansing Can Help You keep in Top Shape –Part 1

Cleansing the colon is a decision we all will make sometime in our lives.
It may be intentional, willingly, or unwillingly.
When willingly, it is good. But unwillingly, then it means you were forced to do it as a result of certain health conditions.
Either way, you get the colon cleansed.

Now there are various methods through which you can get the colon cleaned out. But we are going to be examining homemade colon cleansing methods.

1. EnemasEnemas are a highly popular though inefficient homemade colon cleanse agent that has been in existence since at least five centuries ago. In the ancient times, people found that to incite bowel movements, you could easily pour water through the anus into the colon. Hence, they started applying that to themselves when they had digestion problems and found it hard to pass their wastes.
Enemas are not hard to get or create.
They are made from a combination of water and oils which are squirted through the anus into the colon until the colon is full and then initiates the bowel movement required. The thing with this method is that it is invasive, embarrassing and unenjoyable.
Moreover, it is not something you can do while on the move.
You must be close to a toilet otherwise, you will suffer the embarrassment of doing it on yourself.

How’s that for thought!
People who use the homemade colon cleanse enema tend to apply more water quantity than the commercially available ones; for instance, a homemade colon cleanse enema contains ¾ of water, peppermint, frankincense or fennel.
Sometimes they combine one or more of these together or even all at the same time.
It is important to note the role these oils play in getting an individual to have bowel movements. They act as stimulators of the colon muscles which in turn contract to expel the stool in the colon.

Please note that in case you settle for this option, you need to add nothing more than 1-3 drops of the oils to the water you’ll be using as enema.

While you may be satisfied with this, it is better that you know that applying it is pretty difficult. It entails having to lie down comfortably, being close to the toilet, the temperature of the water being between ninety eight and one hundred and three (98-103) degrees Fahrenheit, bag containing the enema hanging at least 2 ft above the body et.c it is a whole complex stuff and besides, it doesn’t do a thorough job of properly eliminating impacted fecal matter clinging to your colon walls so if you are looking for the best homemade colon cleanse solution, you might want to check some other option.

If you are not sure about that you can visit Bowtrol Colon cleanse for instant way.
It's definitely natural and fast work.
Hope you find your way.

Natural colon cleansers

Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast.
According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most common type of microbes used. LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid.
This not only provides the characteristic sour taste of fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, but acts as a preservative, by lowering the pH and creating fewer opportunities for spoilage organisms to grow.

Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora to reestablish themselves.
They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis. Claims are made that probiotics strengthen the immune system.

The rationale for probiotics is that the body contains a miniature ecology of microbes, collectively known as the gut flora.
A number of bacterial types are thought to be thrown out of balance by a wide range of circumstances including the use of antibiotics or other drugs, excess alcohol, stress, disease, or exposure to toxic substances.
In cases like these, the bacteria that work well with our bodies (see symbiosis) may decrease in number, an event which allows harmful competitors to thrive, to the detriment of our health.

Maintenance of a healthy gut flora is, however, dependent on many factors, especially the quality of food intake. Including a significant proportion of prebiotic foods in the diet has been demonstrated to support a healthy gut flora and may be another means of achieving the desirable health benefits promised by probiotics.

Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies suggest a range of potentially beneficial medicinal uses for probiotics.
For many of the potential benefits, research is limited and only preliminary results are available. It should be noted that the effects described are not general effects of probiotics.
All effects can only be attributed to the strain(s) tested, not to the species, nor to the whole group of LAB (or other probiotics).

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural and has many successful users.
Their track record is outstanding.
It's in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser helps with this. So does good eating.

Most Americans eat way too much fast food.
Too much sugar, too much fat.
Not enough vegetables and fruit.
Not enough healthy grains or legumes.
Legumes are beans of all types:
green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes.
These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health.

A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people.
Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping.
It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really.
The colon is a very large and very complex organ.
It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system.
All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and we will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment.
It only makes good health sense to do what we can to keep our colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of our body functioning properly.

Benefit Ingredients
- Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is considered a very mild and effective natural, herbal laxative. It does not cause any dependency so when discontinued the positive effects derived from its use will remain, without the need to continue usage to get the same results. It is derived from bark and is native to the North American continent. It readily grows in the region from British Columbia to Washington state. The bark is collected in early spring and summer, when it is easily peeled from the wood. It is then dried in the shade and aged for at least a year before it is processed for use.

Cascara Sagrada facilitates evacuation and normal stool function while conditioning the muscles in the intestinal tract. It promotes proper hormone levels controlled by the pituitary and also has a positive effect on the gallbladder, liver and the pancreas.

- Turkey Rhubarb
Turkey Rhubarb has powerful properties as an intestinal cleanser. This herb considerably reduces occasional constipation and small dosages have been safely used for hundreds of years to assist in digestion. Turkey Rhubarb cleans the colon and intestinal lymph system, removing accumulated waste and decaying fecal matter as well as congested mucous.

- Bentonite Clay
Bentonite is a clay that can safely be ingested. It absorbs water to form a gel and thereby works as a mild laxative and regulatory agent. The absorbing water bentonite essentially ‘traps’ toxins into the gel it forms and helps to carry them out of your body without giving the body the chance to absorb these potentially substances. When using bentonite it is advised to try and ingest more fluids to compensate for some of the water that is absorbed by this ingredient.

- Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
Slippery Elm is considered a digestive soother and detoxifier. It calms mucus membranes, the stomach and intestines. Slippery elm coats and soothes tissues, helping to protect them by drawing out irritants and toxic substances. It also helps to soothe by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines which in turn, results in the secretion of mucous fluids. Slippery elm absorbs toxins from the bowels and thereby balances the intestinal flora while reducing occasional constipation.

- Aloes
Aloe has been known to contain health properties for thousands of years, even the ancient Egyptians used it frequently and called it “the plant of immortality”. Aloe originally was native to the African continent. It found it’s way to North America and can now be found growing ‘natively’ in warm climates including the desert southwest of the U.S. and Mexico.

- Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are known to promote good health; aside from it being good for your heart it also promotes a healthy digestive system. Flax seeds also alleviates occasional constipation.

- Senna
Senna contains compounds called hydroxyanthracene glycosides, which are also known as sennosides. These stimulate the colon by increasing smooth muscle contractions and thereby aid in the regulation of your bowels, as such they have a laxative effect. Senna also stimulates more fluid secretion by the colon which softens the stool and thereby facilitates its passage, which in turn allows you to become more regular.

- Wormseed
Wormseed detoxifies the intestinal tract unwanted organisms that are present without eliminating the bacterial flora that is actually beneficial to your digestion It also helps in the regulation of bowel movements, effectively helps reduce occasional constipation and diarrhea.

- Black Seeds
Black seeds contain a high concentration of dietary fiber and have been widely used to promote bowel health. It also works with the other ingredients to remove toxins from the digestive system and effectively regulate normal bowel movements.

- Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract sooths the intestinal tract and stomach. It has a soothing effect and regulates bowel movements while eliminating toxins from the body. The active ingredient contained in olive leaf extract is called oleuropein.

- Thyme Oil Powder
Thyme oil has several potent medical benefits, it is a purifying agent and has a calming effect on the bowels.

- Garlic Extract 12:1
Garlic is a natural purifier and Garlic Extract that supports immune health. It aids in the regulation of the intestines by promoting better flora and optimal health.

- Certified Organic Cloves
Certified organic cloves eliminate unwanted organisms from the digestive system, regulate smooth muscle function and breaks up bowel obstruction. This herb also promotes cleansing to optimize bowel function.

- Peppermint (Piperita menthe)
Mint plants have a long history of medicinal use, dating to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It is a stimulant, and helps digestive system disorders by stimulating the production of bile, an essential digestive fluid, which helps in soothing the lining of the digestive tract.

With lot of of strong extracted ingredients they used, it's possible Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is one of best natural way to cleanse the colon while supporting the health of our vital organs.

Visit Bowtrol colon cleansers site for more detail.

Bowtrol colon cleanse

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural and has many successful users.
Their track record is outstanding.
It's in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser helps with this. So does good eating.

Most Americans eat way too much fast food.
Too much sugar, too much fat.
Not enough vegetables and fruit.
Not enough healthy grains or legumes.
Legumes are beans of all types:
green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes.
These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health.

A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people.
Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping.
It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really.
The colon is a very large and very complex organ.
It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system.
All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and we will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment.
It only makes good health sense to do what we can to keep our colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of our body functioning properly.

Benefit Ingredients
- Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is considered a very mild and effective natural, herbal laxative. It does not cause any dependency so when discontinued the positive effects derived from its use will remain, without the need to continue usage to get the same results. It is derived from bark and is native to the North American continent. It readily grows in the region from British Columbia to Washington state. The bark is collected in early spring and summer, when it is easily peeled from the wood. It is then dried in the shade and aged for at least a year before it is processed for use.

Cascara Sagrada facilitates evacuation and normal stool function while conditioning the muscles in the intestinal tract. It promotes proper hormone levels controlled by the pituitary and also has a positive effect on the gallbladder, liver and the pancreas.

- Turkey Rhubarb
Turkey Rhubarb has powerful properties as an intestinal cleanser. This herb considerably reduces occasional constipation and small dosages have been safely used for hundreds of years to assist in digestion. Turkey Rhubarb cleans the colon and intestinal lymph system, removing accumulated waste and decaying fecal matter as well as congested mucous.

- Bentonite Clay
Bentonite is a clay that can safely be ingested. It absorbs water to form a gel and thereby works as a mild laxative and regulatory agent. The absorbing water bentonite essentially ‘traps’ toxins into the gel it forms and helps to carry them out of your body without giving the body the chance to absorb these potentially substances. When using bentonite it is advised to try and ingest more fluids to compensate for some of the water that is absorbed by this ingredient.

- Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
Slippery Elm is considered a digestive soother and detoxifier. It calms mucus membranes, the stomach and intestines. Slippery elm coats and soothes tissues, helping to protect them by drawing out irritants and toxic substances. It also helps to soothe by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines which in turn, results in the secretion of mucous fluids. Slippery elm absorbs toxins from the bowels and thereby balances the intestinal flora while reducing occasional constipation.

- Aloes
Aloe has been known to contain health properties for thousands of years, even the ancient Egyptians used it frequently and called it “the plant of immortality”. Aloe originally was native to the African continent. It found it’s way to North America and can now be found growing ‘natively’ in warm climates including the desert southwest of the U.S. and Mexico.

- Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are known to promote good health; aside from it being good for your heart it also promotes a healthy digestive system. Flax seeds also alleviates occasional constipation.

- Senna
Senna contains compounds called hydroxyanthracene glycosides, which are also known as sennosides. These stimulate the colon by increasing smooth muscle contractions and thereby aid in the regulation of your bowels, as such they have a laxative effect. Senna also stimulates more fluid secretion by the colon which softens the stool and thereby facilitates its passage, which in turn allows you to become more regular.

- Wormseed
Wormseed detoxifies the intestinal tract unwanted organisms that are present without eliminating the bacterial flora that is actually beneficial to your digestion It also helps in the regulation of bowel movements, effectively helps reduce occasional constipation and diarrhea.

- Black Seeds
Black seeds contain a high concentration of dietary fiber and have been widely used to promote bowel health. It also works with the other ingredients to remove toxins from the digestive system and effectively regulate normal bowel movements.

- Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract sooths the intestinal tract and stomach. It has a soothing effect and regulates bowel movements while eliminating toxins from the body. The active ingredient contained in olive leaf extract is called oleuropein.

- Thyme Oil Powder
Thyme oil has several potent medical benefits, it is a purifying agent and has a calming effect on the bowels.

- Garlic Extract 12:1
Garlic is a natural purifier and Garlic Extract that supports immune health. It aids in the regulation of the intestines by promoting better flora and optimal health.

- Certified Organic Cloves
Certified organic cloves eliminate unwanted organisms from the digestive system, regulate smooth muscle function and breaks up bowel obstruction. This herb also promotes cleansing to optimize bowel function.

- Peppermint (Piperita menthe)
Mint plants have a long history of medicinal use, dating to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It is a stimulant, and helps digestive system disorders by stimulating the production of bile, an essential digestive fluid, which helps in soothing the lining of the digestive tract.

So with lot strong extracted ingredient they used, The Bowtrol Colon Cleanse is possible most a natural way to cleanse the colon while supporting the health of our vital organs.

Visit Bowtrol Colon Cleanse site for more detail.

Best colon cleanse

Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast.
According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most common type of microbes used.
LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid.
This not only provides the characteristic sour taste of fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, but acts as a preservative, by lowering the pH and creating fewer opportunities for spoilage organisms to grow.

Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora to reestablish themselves. They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis. Claims are made that probiotics strengthen the immune system.

The rationale for probiotics is that the body contains a miniature ecology of microbes, collectively known as the gut flora.
A number of bacterial types are thought to be thrown out of balance by a wide range of circumstances including the use of antibiotics or other drugs, excess alcohol, stress, disease, or exposure to toxic substances.
In cases like these, the bacteria that work well with our bodies (see symbiosis) may decrease in number, an event which allows harmful competitors to thrive, to the detriment of our health.

Maintenance of a healthy gut flora is, however, dependent on many factors, especially the quality of food intake.
Including a significant proportion of prebiotic foods in the diet has been demonstrated to support a healthy gut flora and may be another means of achieving the desirable health benefits promised by probiotics.

Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies suggest a range of potentially beneficial medicinal uses for probiotics.
For many of the potential benefits, research is limited and only preliminary results are available. It should be noted that the effects described are not general effects of probiotics.
All effects can only be attributed to the strain(s) tested, not to the species, nor to the whole group of LAB (or other probiotics).

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It's in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser helps with this. So does good eating.

Visit Bowtrol Probiotic site for more detail

Homeopathic medicine for depression

When discussing depression as a symptom, a feeling of hopelessness is the most often described sensation.
Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in the modern world and a growing cause of concern for health agencies worldwide due to the high social and economic costs involved.
Symptoms of depression, like the disorder itself, vary in degree of severity, and contribute to mild to severe mood disturbances.

Mood disturbances may range from a sudden transitory decrease in motivation and concentration to gloomy moods and irritation, or to severe, chronic prostration.
Relora® Max is a natural proprietary blend of a patented extract of Magnolia officinalis and a proprietary extract from Phellodendron amurense.
The selective extracted ingredients from 50 plants fractions could manage and control stress related appetite.
The focus is control stress-related eating and has the added value of being non-sedating.

How they work?
When chronic stress occurs, the adrenal glands release stress hormones in large amounts. Elevated stress hormones may lead to excess body fat in several ways.

First, they are a potent signal to the brain to increase our appetites and cravings for pleasurable foods, or "comfort foods" such as sugar, fat, and alcohol.
Second, these hormones act as a signal to our fat cells to hold onto as much fat and release as little stored fat as they can.

Next, they block the effects of many hormones such as insulin, so blood sugar control suffers and comfort food cravings go up.
Stress hormones can also interfere with serotonin, one of our brain's mood chemicals, leading to a depressed feeling and a drive for more comfort foods. Plus these hormones interfere with the hormone known as growth hormone resulting in muscle loss and fat gain.

Lastly, sustained stress hormone elevation can lower thyroid function and that means that your metabolism gets turned down.

All of these effects can combine to cause our bodies to take in more calories and burn off fewer calories - so we gain weight - and we tend to gain it specifically around our bellies (which increases our risk for hypertension, diabetes and heart disease).

According to government researchers, the link between stress, tension, and excess belly fat is clear.
High levels of cortisol stress hormone can cause pound after pound of excess body fat to accumulate around your waist and tummy, a health-threatening, figure-destroying condition affecting an estimated 47 million Americans... mostly women.

Self treatment
To decrease stress and stress related weight gain, you need to learn to manage your stress levels.
Exercise, use meditation or have a quiet place to retreat to when you're stressed out.
Eating a diet that's low in refined sugars or that have a low glycemic index helps decrease the stress of blood sugar fluctuations on our bodies. Eat meals at regular times each day (it's best not to eat after 7pm).
Drinking plenty of quality water during the day also helps decrease the fatigue commonly seen around mid-day and early afternoon.

A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial with Relora® was completed in January 2004.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Relora® in overweight women who typically eat more in stressful situations. Twenty-eight subjects completed the study and Relora® was well tolerated.
There was a significant weight gain during the study for the placebo group but no significant weight gain and some weight loss for the Relora® group.
There was also a significant reduction in anxiety scores.
The mechanism of action appears to be through reduction or normalization of stress hormone levels, and possibly perceived stress, thereby helping subjects maintain body weight.

Urinary Incontinence

Hello and welcome again to this blog. Let's learn about urinary incontinence.

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence means that you can't always control when you urinate. The severity of urinary incontinence ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having sudden, unpredictable episodes of strong urinary urgency. Sometimes, the urgency may be so strong you don't get to a toilet in time and you get wet. About 12 million adults in the United States have urinary incontinence. It's most common in women over 50 years old. But it can also affect younger people, especially women who have just given birth. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have this problem. If you hide your incontinence, you risk getting rashes, sores, and skin and urinary tract infections. Also, you may find yourself avoiding friends and family because of fear and embarrassment.

Although urinary incontinence affects millions of people, it isn't a normal part of aging or, in women, an inevitable consequence of childbirth or changes after menopause. It's a medical condition with many possible causes, some relatively simple and self-limited and others more complex.


Urinary incontinence isn't a disease, it's a symptom. It indicates some underlying problem or condition that likely can and should be treated.

Except when you're urinating, your bladder muscle stays relaxed so that it can expand to store urine. The relaxed bladder gets support from increasing contractions of your pelvic floor muscles. Your bladder and pelvic floor muscles communicate with each other to help hold urine in the bladder without leaking.

When your bladder is full, it sends nerve signals to your brain. In response, and at an appropriate time and place, you relax your pelvic floor muscles and your bladder contracts, allowing urine to pass through the urethra and out of your body.

Causes of temporary urinary incontinence

Certain foods, drinks and medications can cause temporary urinary incontinence. A simple change in habits can bring relief.

Alcohol. Beer, wine and spirits are all diuretics. They cause your bladder to fill quickly, triggering an urgent and sometimes uncontrollable need to urinate. In addition, alcohol can temporarily impair your ability to recognize the need to urinate and act on that need in a timely manner.

Over-hydration. Drinking a lot of water or other beverages, particularly in a short period of time, increases the amount of urine your bladder has to deal with and may result in an occasional accident.

Dehydration. If you have urge incontinence, you may try to limit your fluids to reduce the number of trips to the toilet. However, if you don't consume enough liquid to stay hydrated, your urine can occasionally become very concentrated. This collection of concentrated salts can irritate your bladder and worsen your urge incontinence.

Caffeine. Caffeine also is a diuretic. It causes your bladder to fill more quickly and hold less than usual so that you suddenly and perhaps uncontrollably need to urinate.

Bladder irritation. Carbonated drinks, tea and coffee — with or without caffeine — may irritate your bladder and cause episodes of urge incontinence. Citrus fruits and juices and artificial sweeteners also can be sources of aggravation.

Medications. Sedatives, such as sleeping pills, can sometimes interfere with your ability to control bladder function. Other medications — including water pills (diuretics), muscle relaxants and antidepressants — can cause or increase incontinence. Some high blood pressure drugs, heart medications and cold medicines also can affect bladder function. After surgery, some people experience temporary overflow incontinence from the lingering effects of anesthesia.

Easily treatable medical conditions also may be responsible for urinary incontinence.

Urinary tract infection. Infectious agents — usually bacteria — can enter your urethra and bladder and start to multiply. The resulting infection irritates your bladder, causing you to have strong urges to urinate.

Constipation. The rectum is located near the bladder and shares many of the same nerves. Hard, compacted stool in your rectum causes these nerves to be overactive and trigger urine frequency.

Causes of persistent urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence can also be a persistent condition caused by some underlying physical problem — weakened pelvic floor or bladder muscles, neurological diseases, or an obstruction in your urinary tract. Factors that can lead to chronic incontinence include:

Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women may experience stress incontinence because of hormonal changes and the increased weight of an enlarging uterus. In addition, the stress of a vaginal delivery can weaken the pelvic floor muscles and the ring of muscles that surrounds the urethra (urinary sphincter). The result is often stress incontinence . The changes that occur during childbirth can also damage bladder nerves and supportive tissue and can lead to a dropped (prolapsed) pelvic floor, producing a vaginal bulge. With prolapse, your bladder, uterus, rectum or small bowel can get pushed down from the usual position and protrude into your vagina. Such protrusions can be associated with incontinence. Incontinence related to childbirth may develop right after delivery or, more likely, may not develop until years later.

Changes with aging. Aging of the bladder muscle affects both men and women, leading to a decrease in the bladder's capacity to store urine and an increase in overactive bladder symptoms. Risk of overactive bladder increases if you have blood vessel disease, so maintaining good overall health — including stopping smoking, treating high blood pressure and keeping your weight within a healthy range — can help curb symptoms of overactive bladder.

Women produce less of the hormone estrogen after menopause, a decrease that can contribute to incontinence. Estrogen helps keep the lining of the bladder and urethra healthy. With less estrogen, your urethra can't hold back urine as easily as before.

Interstitial cystitis. This rare, chronic condition can be associated with an inflammation of the bladder wall. It occasionally causes urinary incontinence, as well as painful and frequent urination. Interstitial cystitis affects women more often than men, and its cause isn't clear.

Prostatitis. Loss of bladder control isn't a typical sign of prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate gland . Even so, urinary incontinence sometimes occurs with this extremely common condition. The prostate actually surrounds the urethra, so inflammation of the prostate occasionally swells and constricts the urethra, blocking normal urine flow and leading to urinary urgency and frequency. Rarely, this also causes incontinence.

Enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. In older men, incontinence often stems from enlargement of the prostate gland, a condition also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). For some men, this problem results in urge or overflow incontinence. Prostate cancer behaves the same way, and further incontinence can develop as a consequence of surgery or radiation to treat it.

Bladder cancer or bladder stones. Incontinence, urinary urgency and burning with urination can be signs and symptoms of bladder cancer and also of bladder stones. Other signs and symptoms include blood in the urine and pelvic pain.

Neurological disorders. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, a brain tumor or a spinal injury can interfere with nerve signals involved in bladder control, causing urinary incontinence.

Obstruction. A tumor anywhere along your urinary tract can obstruct the normal flow of urine and cause incontinence, usually overflow incontinence. Urinary stones — hard, stone-like masses that can form in the bladder — may be to blame for urine leakage. Urinary obstruction can also occur after overcorrection during a surgical procedure to correct urinary incontinence, leading to more urine leakage.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Stress incontinence. Stress incontinence is when urine leaks because of sudden pressure on your lower stomach muscles, such as when you cough, laugh, lift something or exercise. Stress incontinence usually occurs when the pelvic muscles are weakened, for example by childbirth or surgery. Stress incontinence is common in women.

Urge incontinence. This occurs when the need to urinate comes on too fast -- before you can get to a toilet. Your body may only give you a warning of a few seconds to minutes before you urinate. Urge incontinence is most common in the elderly and may be a sign of an infection in the kidneys or bladder.

Overflow incontinence. This type of incontinence is a constant dripping of urine. It's caused by an overfilled bladder. You may feel like you can't empty your bladder all the way and you may strain when urinating. This often occurs in men and can be caused by something blocking the urinary flow, such as an enlarged prostate gland or tumor. Diabetes or certain medicines may also cause the problem.

Functional incontinence. This type occurs when you have normal urine control but have trouble getting to the bathroom in time. You may not be able to get to the bathroom because of arthritis or other diseases that make it hard to move around.

Why is discussing urinary incontinence with your doctor important?

1. Urinary incontinence may indicate a more serious underlying condition, especially if it's associated with blood in your urine.

2. Urinary incontinence may be causing you to restrict your activities and limit your social interactions to avoid embarrassment.

3. Urinary incontinence may increase the risk of falls in older adults as they rush to make it to the toilet.

A few isolated incidents of incontinence don't necessarily require medical attention. But if incontinence is frequent or affecting your quality of life, talk to your doctor.


Incontinence is not always preventable. However, you may be able to decrease your risk of urinary incontinence with these steps:

A. Maintain a healthy weight. By taking good care of yourself and keeping or getting your weight under control, you may be able to decrease your risk of urinary incontinence.

B. Don't smoke. Get help in quitting if you do smoke.

C. Kegel exercises. Because pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the urinary sphincter and pelvic floor muscles, doctors may advise pregnant women to do Kegel exercises during pregnancy as a preventive measure.

D. Avoid bladder irritants. Avoiding or limiting certain foods and drinks may help prevent or limit urinary incontinence. For example, if you know that drinking more than two cups of coffee makes you have to urinate uncontrollably, cutting back to one cup of coffee or forgoing caffeine may be all that you need to do.

E. Eat more fiber. Including more fiber in your diet or taking fiber supplements can help prevent constipation, a risk factor for urinary incontinence. Your doctor may recommend that you drink more or less water as a preventive measure, depending on your bladder problem.

F. Be active. Physical activity reduces your risk of developing incontinence. Results from the Nurses' Health Study show that women in that study who participated in moderate amounts of low-impact physical activity were less likely to experience urinary incontinence.


1. Exercises

One of the most common treatment recommendations includes exercising the muscles of the pelvis. Kegel exercises may strengthen a portion of the affected area. According to many industry specialists, the pelvic floor is actually a group of muscles and connective tissues running side-to-side and front to back along the bony ridges of the pelvis. Visualize the pelvic floor as a “hammock” or “bowl”. For everything to be working properly, this hammock should be worked out like every other muscle in the body.
Kegel exercises to strengthen or retrain pelvic floor muscles and sphincter muscles can reduce stress leakage. Patients younger than 60 years old benefit the most. The patient should do at least 24 daily contractions for at least 6 weeks.
Increasingly there is evidence of the effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle exercise (PFME) to improve bladder control. For example, urinary incontinence following childbirth can be improved by performing PFME.

2. Vaginal cone therapy

A more recently developed exercise technique suitable only for women involves the use of a set of five small vaginal cones of increasing weight. For this exercise, the patient simply places the small plastic cone within her vagina, where it is held in by a mild reflex contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Because it is a reflex contraction, little effort is required on the part of the patient. This exercise is done twice a day for fifteen to twenty minutes, while standing or walking around, for example doing daily household tasks. As the pelvic floor muscles get stronger, cones of increasing weight can be used, thereby strengthening the muscles gradually. The advantage of this method is that the correct muscles are automatically exercised by holding in the cone, and the method is effective after a much shorter time. Clinical trials with vaginal cones have shown that the pelvic floor muscles start to become stronger within two to three weeks, and light to medium stress incontinence can resolve after eight to twelve weeks of use.

3. Electrical stimulation
Brief doses of electrical stimulation can strengthen muscles in the lower pelvis in a way similar to exercising the muscles. Electrodes are temporarily placed in the vagina or rectum to stimulate nearby muscles. This can stabilize overactive muscles and stimulate contraction of urethral muscles. Electrical stimulation can be used to reduce both stress incontinence and urge incontinence.

4. Biofeedback
Biofeedback uses measuring devices to help the patient become aware of his or her body's functioning. By using electronic devices or diaries to track when the bladder and urethral muscles contract, the patient can gain control over these muscles. Biofeedback can be used with pelvic muscle exercises and electrical stimulation to relieve stress and urge incontinence.

5. Timed voiding or bladder training
Timed voiding (urinating) and bladder training are techniques that use biofeedback. In timed voiding, the patient fills in a chart of voiding and leaking. From the patterns that appear in the chart, the patient can plan to empty his or her bladder before he or she would otherwise leak. Biofeedback and muscle conditioning--known as bladder training--can alter the bladder's schedule for storing and emptying urine. These techniques are effective for urge and overflow incontinence.

6. Medications
Medications can reduce many types of leakage. Some drugs inhibit contractions of an overactive bladder, others relax muscles, leading to more complete bladder emptying during urination, and yet others tighten muscles at the bladder neck and urethra, preventing leakage. Some hormones, such as estrogen, are believed to cause muscles involved in urination to function normally.

Pharmacological treatments of urinary incontinence include:

topical or vaginal estrogens - used in cases of vaginal atrophy
tolterodine (Detrol)
darifenacin (Enablex)
solifenacin (Vesicare)
trospium - used in urge incontinence
imipramin - used in mixed and stress urinary incontinence
duloxetine (Cymbalta) - used but not FDA approved in stress urinary incontinence

Some of these medications can produce harmful side effects if used for long periods. In particular, estrogen therapy has been associated with an increased risk of cancers of the breast and endometrium (lining of the uterus). A patient should talk to a doctor about the risks and benefits of long-term use of medications.

7. Pessaries
A pessary is a medical device that is inserted into the vagina. The most common kind is ring shaped, and is typically recommended to correct vaginal prolapse. The pessary compresses the urethra against the symphysis pubis and elevates the bladder neck. For some women this may reduce stress leakage. If a pessary is used, vaginal and urinary tract infections may occur and regular monitoring by a doctor is recommended.

8. Surgery
Doctors usually suggest surgery to alleviate incontinence only after other treatments have been tried. Many surgical options have high rates of success. Urodynamic testing seems to confirm that surgical restoration of vault prolapse can cure motor urge incontinence. Used as a last resource treatment.

Some of the more common procedures include:

Artificial urinary sphincter. Shaped like a doughnut, the device is implanted around the neck of your bladder. The fluid-filled ring keeps your urinary sphincter shut tight until you're ready to urinate. To urinate, you press a valve implanted under your skin that causes the ring to deflate and allows urine from your bladder to be released. This surgery is the most effective procedure for male incontinence.

Bulking material injections. Some women and men with stress incontinence benefit from urethral injections of bulking agents. This procedure involves injecting bulking materials — which may be cow-derived collagen, carbon particle beads or synthetic sugars — into the tissue surrounding the urethra or the skin next to the urinary sphincter. The injection tightens the seal of the sphincter by bulking up the surrounding tissue. The procedure is done with minimal anesthesia and typically takes about two to three minutes. It usually needs to be repeated after several months, because the effect can be lost over time.

Sacral nerve stimulator. This small device acts on nerves that control bladder and pelvic floor contractions. The device, which resembles a pacemaker, is implanted under the skin in your abdomen. A wire from the device is connected to a sacral nerve — an important nerve in bladder control that runs from your lower spinal cord to your bladder. Through the wire, the device emits electrical pulses that stimulate the nerve and help control the bladder. The pulse doesn't cause pain and provides relief from heavy leaking in many cases.

Sling procedure. The most popular and common surgery for women with stress incontinence is the sling procedure. During this procedure, a surgeon removes a strip of abdominal tissue and places it under the urethra. Or the surgeon may use a strip of synthetic mesh material or a strip of tissue from a donor (xenograft) or cadaver. The strip acts like a hammock, compressing the urethra to prevent leaks that occur with the activities of daily living. Sling procedures improve or cure incontinence in most cases.

Bladder neck suspension. In this procedure, your surgeon makes a 3- to 5-inch incision in your lower abdomen. Through this incision, he or she places stitches (sutures) in the tissue near the bladder neck and secures the stitches to a ligament near your pubic bone (Burch procedure) or in the cartilage of the pubic bone itself (Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz, or MMK, procedure). This has the effect of bolstering your urethra and bladder neck so that they don't sag. The downside of this procedure is that it involves major abdominal surgery.

9. Other measures such as the use of protective pads and catheters can alleviate the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Alternative Medicine

Cranberry juice is acidic and is known to be beneficial to the bladder, so add it to your diet.

Limit your fluid intake to 4 glasses of water a day.

Empty your bladder regularly, at least six to eight times a day to avoid "accidents".

In women, lower estrogen levels during menopause can cause urethral tissue to become thinner, less resilient, and less elastic, leading to reduced sphincter control. The addition of phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) to the diet can be helpful for women who experience menopause-related tissue atrophy. Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that produce an estrogen-like effect in the body.

In most cases, adding phytoestrogens to the diet is safe and easy and the following items may be suggested roasted soy nuts, soy milk, soy protein powder, tempeh, textured soy protein and tofu. Soy isoflavones, which are the components of soy with the strongest estrogenic properties, are available in capsule form in health food stores and supermarket nutrition sections. A typical dose is 50–150 mg daily.

Nutritional-wise eliminate food sensitivities which may cause chronic inflammatory conditions. Eat whole, fresh, unrefined, and unprocessed foods. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soy, beans, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and mackerel).
Avoid sugar, dairy products, refined foods, fried foods, junk foods, and caffeine.

Homeopathy treatments include

Causticum 3 pellets of 30C every 4 hours until symptoms resolve– Indicated for stress incontinence associated with difficulty urinating.
Natrum muriaticum 3 pellets of 30C every 4 hours until symptoms resolve– Indicated for stress incontinence associated with the menopausal symptoms of vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and a history of emotional grief.
Pareira 3 pellets of 30C every 4 hours until symptoms resolve – Indicated for difficulty urinating due to prostate.

Other compounds can be also tried such as Aloe, Argentum Nitricum, Belladona, etc.

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