"Essential oils and their active chemical components have long been proven to be effective against animal parasites such as cattle ticks, sheep ticks, and rabbit mites. Our research is applying this theory to the human scabies mite," said Pasay, one of the researchers.
"We also tested eugenol, which makes up 80% of clove oil, and its related compounds for their effects on the mites and found they were comparable to an existing treatment for scabies," Pasay said.
Clove essential oil contains the constituents eugenol, beta-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene, and is attributed with antiseptic, antispasmodic, and insecticide properties, among others.
To read the full-text research announcement, go to: http://www.dnaindia.com/health/report_clove-oil-may-treat-itchy-rashes_1435265
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