This calls for a comparison between the offline and online business directories to understand which category offers more advantages. Below you can find some factors that form the basis for this comparison.
Geographical Search
Printed directories provide information about local markets and local businesses. But what if you wish to learn about the product and service providers in other region? Fortunately, the online business directories break the geographical barriers. People living in the United States can refer to the online business directories India uses to list its business providers in various categories.
Updated Information
Offline printed directories update the information about the business providers once a year. So, the information you come across might have gone out-of-date. On the other hand, a business directory available on the web is regularly updated with the business information regarding different companies. So, you can easily rely upon online directories to find up-to-date information about different businesses.
Product Catalogs
This is among the most significant difference that makes online business directories much better than their offline counterparts. The businesses are allowed to display their product catalogs in the web-based directories. On the other hand, the offline directories are simply used for listing services, where no information about the business products is available.
Business Marketing
From the perspective of the business owners, an online business directory provides them with the platform to promote their business products and services. The web based directories are good enough to promote businesses among different types of customers, including wholesalers, exporters, retailers and end-users as well.
Easy to Search Information
Online business directories offer fast and easy search tools that make it easy for the interested buyers to search for the products and services easily. This type of facility is lacked by the offline directories that require people to go through boring pages to search for the information they want. So, searching using online directories is a less time consuming process.
Inexpensive Tools
Printed directories are costly not only for the publisher but also for the businesses getting listed in them. On the other hand, online business directories are among the least expensive online promotion tools. Businesses don’t have to spend considerably t get listed in the web-based directories.
Easy to Access
Online business directories can be accessed at any point of time and from any place. You can even access them from your mobile phones. However, it is impractical to carry printed directories everywhere. So, you can easily find information about business providers using the online directories from homes, offices and other places.
Online business directories act as the meeting platforms for the purchasers and the sellers and for the businesses to find their targeted audiences. So, these directories got to have some great advantages over the printed directories.
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