Chronic Pain

On this topic, which is highly controversial, I will start with the science behind it in order to get to explain it better. After I am done with the science I will try to give the alternative medicine solution and also my own personal opinion.

“The management of pain is a cornerstone of the compassionate practice of medicine. The knowledge exists to ameliorate pain in most of our patients. We now require the will to do so.”
--Schecter, Berde, Yaster, 2003

What is Pain?

“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage, or both.”

International Association for the Study of Pain (2001)

Nociceptive pain
Is pain from pain receptor stimulation ( we all have receptors for pain throughout our bodies, when one of these receptors gets stimulated, we feel pain ).

Neuropathic pain
Is due to changes due to damage to the peripheral or central nervous system.

Psychogenic pain:
This is pain felt at the brain with no body pain correlation. It doesn't mean the patient makes it up. Psycogenic pain is as real for the patient as any nociceptive pain ( for example, a thumb being "whacked" with a hammer ).

Idiopathic pain
Is pain without a known cause, and is not a diagnosis of psychogenic pain.

Accurate assessment of the type of pain will allow more accurate selection of appropriate medications. Pain may be multifactorial and require multiple approaches to treatment.

What is Acute Pain?

Acute Pain

The Federation of State Medical Boards (2004), a non-profit organization of 70 regulatory boards from across the country, defines acute pain as, "The normal, predicted psychological response to an adverse chemical, thermal, or mechanical stimulus..."

It is generally time limited and is responsive to antiinflamatory and opioid medications as well as other approaches. Inadequate treatment may delay full recovery and increase healthcare costs.

Acute pain may be due to trauma ( motor vehicle accidents, for example ), or an acute medical ( heart attack pain , for example ) or orthopedic problem ( broken bone, for example ). Postoperative pain, acute exacerbations of pain associated with chronic medical problems (e.g., cancer), and pain associated with medical procedures are also considered to be acute pain.

The treatment of acute pain should be as effective as possible to prevent the formation of prolonged or unusually severe pain episodes that can have negative psychological and physical effects.

Should acute pain NOT be treated conveniently, it will can lead to prolonged hospital stays and delayed recovery, both of which ultimately drive up healthcare costs and adversely affect medical and social outcomes.

What is Chronic Pain?

"A state in which pain persists beyond the usual course of an acute disease or healing of an injury, or that may or may not be associated with an acute or chronic pathologic process that causes continuous or intermittent pain over months or years. “

The Federation of State Medical Boards (2004)

It is estimated that approximately one third of the population suffers from chronic pain and up to 9% of adults suffer from moderate to severe non-cancer related chronic pain (American Pain Society [APS], 2002).

In addition, chronic pain is estimated to affect 15% to 20% of children (Goodman & McGrath, 1991).

The Wisconsin Task Force on Pain Management defines chronic pain as persistent pain, which can be either continuous or recurrent and of sufficient duration and intensity to adversely affect a patient’s well being, level of function, and quality of life.

The economic impact of pain is significant. In 1986 back pain alone cost over 20 billion dollars in healthcare and related disability costs. It is estimated that U.S. business and industry loses about $90 billion annually to sick time, reduced productivity, and direct medical and other benefit costs due to chronic pain among employees. Thus, chronic pain is a major cause of healthcare consumption and disability.

Chronic pain and its related causes are the greatest single source of healthcare consumption and disability during an individual’s working years.

Indequate Pain Treatment Can Lead To:

Lost productivity
Excessive healthcare expenditures
Needless suffering
Domestic and occupational problems
Increased thoughts and risk of suicide
These factors have driven estimates of the economic burden of chronic pain as high as $100 billion annually.

(American Pain Society, 2001: National Conference of State Legislatures, 1999)

Chronic pain lasts at least 6 months after your body has healed. Sometimes, when people have chronic pain they don't know what is causing it. Along with discomfort, chronic pain can cause low self-esteem, depression and anger, and it can interfere with your daily activities.

Pain Management Goals

Pain reduction
Improved functioning
Improved quality of life

Treatment goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time based).

If treatment goals are not easily achieved or the primary healthcare provider does not have adequate time to devote to pain management, consultation from, or referral to, a pain management specialist is in the patient’s best interest. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended and may be required for optimal treatment. The primary healthcare provider may then continue to give the best continuity of overall care for the patient. Appropriate consultations, referrals, diagnostic tests, accurate record keeping, and timely follow-up are the cornerstones of good pain management practices.

The primary care provider is a key part of any pain treatment team. Much of the treatment of chronic pain can and should, with adequate resources, occur in the primary care setting. they are often held accountable financially and otherwise for referrals, pharmacy costs, specialty care and other aspects in the continuum of care, and as such, need to be advised of any changes or developments by the involved specialists and ancillary care providers as much as possible.

Who are Pain Management Specialists?

These are practitioners that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the entire range of painful disorders. Because of the vast scope of the field, pain management is a multidisciplinary subspecialty. The expertise of several disciplines is brought together in an effort to provide the maximum benefit to each patient.

While healthcare providers from a wide variety of specialties may be called upon to treat acute or chronic pain, appropriate pain management is such an involved science that it is often considered a subspecialty.

Pain management specialists provide a consultation and referral resource for all healthcare providers who are having difficulty achieving the desired pain control or who need advice on a particular patient.



There are several pharmacologic options available for the prescribing physician when treating acute and chronic pain.

Anti-inflammatory analgesics: NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc.
Opioid analgesics: They come in short acting ( low potency ), and long acting ( usually high potency ).
Antidepressant therapy: Some antidepressants such as Cymbalta and Elavil have pain perception modification properties.
Muscle relaxants: Such as Ciclobenzaprine, baclofen, tizanidine, etc.
Pain perception modifiers (e.g. anticonvulsants: Such as Topamax, Carbamazepine and valproic acid.

Usually a combination of these is required for effective pain management.

Problems with Opioid Pain Management

1. Tolerance
The American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM), the American Pain Society (APS), and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) define tolerance as "a loss of drug effectiveness due to physical adaptation over a period of use."
Significant tolerance to opioids can develop rapidly during sustained or prolonged analgesic treatment and should be accounted for in the dosing and prescribing process. This means that a narcotic at a given does WILL LOSE EFFICACY controlling pain over time.

2. Physical Dependence

“...a state of adaptation that is manifested by a drug class specific withdrawal syndrome that can be produced by abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction, decreasing blood level of the drug and/or administration of an antagonist. “

American Academy of Pain Medicine, American Pain Society,
American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2001

Physical dependence is not addiction. A withdrawal syndrome is to be expected after prolonged opioid therapy if there is sudden severe dose reduction or treatment cessation. The presence of a physical withdrawal syndrome does not in itself establish the diagnosis of addiction.

3. Addiction

Addiction includes one or more of the following hallmark behaviors:

loss of control over drug use
compulsive use
continued use despite harm to self and/or others, and
physical and psychological craving.
American Academy of Pain Medicine, American Pain Society,
American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2001

The risk of addiction is low if appropriate medication levels are attained. An addiction medicine evaluation or a Pain Management consult should be obtained if fear of addiction is causing physician apprehension and undertreatment.

Non-Pharmacologic Pain Treatment Options

Physical therapy, massage, body/energy work
Physical therapists are widely used and available for addressing pain with hands-on-techniques and for instructing patients in establishing a home exercise program (HEP).
Occupational therapy helps people function at the highest possible level, concentrating on what’s important to them to rebuild their health, independence and self-esteem.
Licensed massage practitioners are trained in soft-tissue manipulation for muscle/fascial release. Myofascial trigger point and other techniques have been shown to be effective for pain reduction in certain conditions.
Energy healing and instructions in self-disciplines such as Pilates and yoga can improve general sense of well being and induce needed relaxation responses in chronic pain patients.

Acupuncture has been demonstrated in clinical trials to be effective in treating acute and chronic pain with wide ranges of etiology
Treats a wide variety of pain types with low incidence of adverse effects, as well as treating the causes of pain
May be used in conjunction with pain medications and other treatments
The National Institutes of Health has stated that acupuncture is effective in treating pain (NIH Consensus Statement, Vol. 15, #5, 1997).

Chiropractic, naturopathic care
Chiropractor adjustments may aid in musculoskeletal mobilization to reduce pain and improve function
Naturopathic physicians address pain with holistic approach that includes botanicals, nutrition, and nutraceutical supplements

Behavioral medicine, mental health treatment, biofeedback
Addresses the psychological aspects of pain
Helps recognize and reduce psychological and behavioral complications to pain
Assists in identifying behaviors or underlying disorders that contribute to pain and undermine treatment

Invasive Treatments for Pain

TENS units
Nerve blocks
Implanted nerve stimulators
Intraspinal delivery systems
Neuroablative procedures
Healthcare providers may utilize a number of non-pharmacologic interventions to reduce pain, including transcutaneous nerve stimulators, nerve ablations or blocks, and other procedures designed to interrupt or reduce the pain signals.

Interventional treatments can be utilized with pharmacologic and other treatments and may help reduce medication use and side effects.

Other Alternative treatments for pain

Movement therapy
Myofascial work
Guided imagery
Energy work
Craniosacral work
Feldenkrais method
Music therapy
Alexander’s technique
Mind-body techniques
Trager approach
Antiinflammatory herbs

What is the author's opinion?

A. Pain treatment is a necessary symptom to be addressed in office visits.

B. Pain treatment doesn't necesarily mean opioids.

C. Opioids in cancer or terminal condition patients is warranted and useful.

D. Opioids in other patients need to given on a patient to patient basis. Although formal addiction is rare, tolerance, pseudoaddiction, physical dependance will happen and can offset the help that pain medication could do.

E. Pain needs to be treated in a multidisciplinary way, with a pain management referral, behavioural therapy, alternative medicine, etc.

Worst Menopause Symptoms May Start in Brain

Study challenges old notion that menopause starts in the ovaries.
Some of the most unpleasant symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats, have long been believed to originate in the ovaries.

But new research challenges that assumption, and instead suggests that menopausal symptoms, at least in part, may begin in the brain.

That's because the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland stop reacting normally to estrogen in some women, suggesting they may have developed a reduced sensitivity to estrogen, researchers at the New Jersey Medical School report in the Dec. 22/29 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"This is an important new concept: Menopause doesn't just originate in the ovary, but also in the brain," said Laura Goldsmith, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and women's health at the New Jersey Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

These findings may lead the way to further research that will ultimately help doctors predict the type of menopausal transition a woman might have, and help to design non-estrogen medications that could help reduce symptoms that women experience as they enter this phase of life, said Dr. Gerson Weiss, chairman of obstetrics and gynecology and women's health at the New Jersey Medical School.

Menopause refers to the time when menstruation stops. A woman is not considered menopausal until she has not had a period for 12 consecutive months, according to the North American Menopausal Society. The time before menopause, which is often rife with symptoms due to hormonal fluctuations, is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, common symptoms include hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, mood swings and irregular periods.

This study stemmed from research done for the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN), which was funded by the National Institutes of Health, that examined women's' health as they approached menopause.

The SWAN study included more than 3,300 women between the ages of 42 and 52 at the start of the study. A subset group of 840 women provided daily urine samples, which were tested for hormone levels. The samples were collected daily for one full menstrual cycle or 50 days, whichever came first.

From that group, the researchers learned that 160 did not ovulate. After further analyzing the hormone levels from the non-ovulating women, the researchers discovered that these women fell into three distinct groups.

The first group had an increase in their levels of estrogen, and then had an appropriate surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) that should have triggered ovulation, but didn't. According to Weiss, this lack of response indicated a problem originating in the ovary.

In the second group, estrogen levels peaked, but there was no correlating surge in LH, which Weiss said should be triggered by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland responding to higher estrogen levels.

The third group had similar estrogen levels early in their cycles, but didn't have an increase in estrogen later as the first and second groups did. LH levels didn't surge, but were higher for most of the cycle than they were in the other groups.

According to Weiss, this is "clear evidence that the brain is not responding to hormones," suggesting the second and third groups showed different kinds of decreased sensitivity to estrogen in the brain.

The women in the third group were also the ones most likely to report symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Goldsmith said the researchers hope to continue studying these women. She said they'd especially like to learn how the timing of menopause correlates with their findings. For example, the researchers would like to see if the women in the third group were, perhaps, further along in the menopausal process.

menopause relief "It appears that what's going on in menopause isn't only ovarian," said Dr. Steven Goldstein, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York University School of Medicine. "We thought the pituitary responded to lower levels of estrogen, but there may be a lack of sensitivity to estrogen in the hypothalamus and pituitary."

What's important for women to know, said Goldsmith, is that there are "real biochemical changes occurring during menopause." Researchers are beginning to understand how those changes start to occur, which is the first step in trying to come up with more effective treatments.

SOURCES: Gerson Weiss, M.D., professor and chairman, obstetrics and gynecology and women's health; Laura Goldsmith, Ph.D., professor, obstetrics and gynecology, New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark; Steven Goldstein, M.D., professor , obstetrics and gynecology, and obstetrician/gynecologist, New York University School of Medicine and Medical Center, New York City; Dec. 22/29, 2004, Journal of the American Medical Association

More information about Menozac for menopause treatment

Plant and natural supplements for menopause symptoms

One of best plant and natural supplement for menopause symptoms are Menozac.
Their ingredients such as Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol acetate), Soy (Glycine max) (seed), Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) (root), Damaiana (Turnerna diffusa) (leaf) ease the way through the turmoil of menopause.

How those ingredients works and benefits you can check on their site.

Some of menopause symptoms:
Mood swings (often mistaken for bi-polar or mental illness).
It's really not that bad and can be controlled.

Hot flashes & night sweats (one time you are stoking hot, the next you are chilled to the bone.)

Changes in skin (dark patches on the face of some women caused by hormones) pimples, more moles, skin tags on the body. Moles and skin tags are more in the heridity factor so if the women in your family don't have them you probably won't.

Breast swelling, water retention, weight gain (in some women), thinning hair (in some women), thinning of the vaginal tissue and other parts of the body, thinning skin (can bruise easier), depression (in some women), feelings of discontentment, insomnia (in some women) and some others thing.

Menozac is natural formula with several herbal extracts. Their plants have long story for helping relief menopausal symptoms and supporting the balance of body's hormonal.
See more detail how they work in their site

Croton Oil

Croton Oil Fights Prostate Cancer

An active ingredient found in the oil of the Southeast Asian croton plant--12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, commonly known as TPA; may inhibit the growth of new prostate cancer cells, according to researchers at Rutgers University.

We demonstrated TPA could simultaneously stop the growth of new prostate cancer cells, kill existing cancer cells and ultimately shrink prostate tumors, said Allan Conney, Ph.D., one of the study's authors. The researchers also tested the effect of TPA in combination with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), a vitamin A derivative that has been shown to effectively treat leukemia.

croton oil in prostacet Mice with induced prostate tumors received a daily dose of TPA, ATRA or a combination of the two for 46 days. After 21 days of treatment, tumor regression became apparent in 62 percent of mice treated with TPA, compared to 31 percent of mice treated with ATRA. All mice receiving the combination treatment showed signs of tumor regression. Researchers also found TPA and the combination treatment continued to inhibit tumor growth for the duration of the study, compared to ATRA inhibiting tumor growth only for the first 28 days of treatment.

Our studies are an important early step in a long process, and we are planning additional testing in humans, Conney said. Further research with these compounds and others could provide hope for the half million new cases of prostate cancer each year.

The study is published in the March issue of Cancer Research (64, 5:1811-20, 2004) (

Hypothyroidism causes early menopause

Menopause can be a difficult time for many women.
Reductions in circulating estrogen hormone levels result in a number of physical and physiological changes, which in turn may lead to mental and emotional stress.
While short-term hormone replacement therapy helps many women, most symptoms of menopause can be relieved with the use of thyroid curing medicine that is thyromine.

Thyromine works very well for people who have 'hypothyroidism’ a key cause of early start of menopause.
All the ingredients of thyromine (For example L-Tyrosine, Guglipid, Adrenal Powder from Bovine, Piper Longum Extract and Ginger extract) work to stimulate the metabolism, bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol help regulate body's stress levels, increase the production of thyroid hormones and stimulate the immune system.

Weight gain during menopause can be distressing.
Shifting to a low fat, high-fiber diet and controlling overall dietary intake can help control weight gain. Diets rich in phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens, may offer additional relief. But the linseed product like thyromine is also a good source of phytoestrogens.

Thyroid treatment system i.e. Thyromine, works by stimulating the body to produce normal levels of thyroxine, because the supplements are all natural this may be done without side effects such headaches and insomnia.
The body is also provided with necessary nutrients that help it to function properly. Thyroid treatment supplements may also help to restore deficient iodine levels, as adequate amounts are vital to a healthy thyroid gland.

Many women suffer from irritability, mood swings, and depression during the onset of menopause. While some of this may be attributable to the stress of undergoing a major life change, any such symptoms should be carefully evaluated by a physician and appropriately managed. Depending on the severity of symptoms, thyromine dosages can be prescribed.

With a healthy diet and exercise, menopausal women can improve distressing symptoms such as weight gain and mood swings through the thyroid treatment. Many women experience a noticeable improvement in their overall physical condition within a few weeks of thyromine intake. Everyone tends to experience slightly different results due to individual body chemistry and composition.

Prostate cancer and natural treatment

Dietary changes should be on the prescription pads of doctors treating men with prostate cancer.
New research shows that eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes while eating less meat, dairy, and refined carbohydrates could slow the progression of the deadly disease.

Studies have associated the Western diet not only with prostate cancer incidence but also with a greater risk of disease progression after treatment, said Gordon A. Saxe, MD, PhD, lead author of the study and assistant professor of Family and Preventive Medicine at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego.
Conversely, many elements of plant-based diets have been associated with reduced risk of progression.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a marker for prostate cancer recurrence and often the earliest sign of spread of the disease beyond the prostate gland, even in people with no symptoms.
Saxe and colleagues conducted a six-month preliminary study to investigate whether a plant-based diet, reinforced with stress-management training, could prevent or lessen a rise in PSA among ten men with recurrent prostate cancer.

The men and their spouses or other support person participated in intensive group and individual diet and stress-reduction trainings.
The men were taught to shift their diet to more whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes and to eat less meat, dairy, and refined carbohydrates (such as white rice, white flour, and sugar).
The people took cooking classes, participated in group discussions and meals, and were counseled regarding calorie intake (1,600 calories per day) and portion sizes.

Compared with the rate of PSA rise in the prestudy period, there was a significant reduction on the rate of rise throughout the intervention period.
Nine of the ten men had a slower progression of PSA levels.
Four of the ten men had a lower PSA level than when they started the diet.
The time it took the men's PSA levels to double increased nearly tenfold over six months, suggesting a strong protective effect.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer affecting men in the Western world after skin cancer.
About 35% of men who are treated for the disease will experience a recurrence within ten years. These men are at higher risk for life-threatening metastases.
Prevention of such recurrences is, therefore, an essential element of therapy. Unfortunately, the conventional treatments to prevent recurrence, such as hormone therapy, cause many undesirable side effects, such as hot flashes, loss of libido, and loss of bone mass.

These findings have significant therapeutic potential for recurrent prostate cancer, concluded Dr. Saxe. A natural dietary and lifestyle based approach may serve as an adjunct or alternative to hormonal therapy.

Prostacet as a natural treatment for prostate cancer provide lot of strong ingredient extract based on the expert research. You can see more detail how the work and what kind of ingredients they used in their site here.

Other mention should not ignored is general lifestyle. It is also contributes to the health of the prostate.
Exercise also promotes circulation and relieves tension in the body, which enhances the odds of a healthy prostate.

Alternative treatment for localized prostate cancer

New research suggests that green tea may help prevent the spread of prostate cancer. Specifically phytochemicals in green tea, called polyphenols attack growth factors and proteins, interrupting growth processes of tumors, thus preventing them from spreading to other organs.
Since earlier studies suggests that the same natural plant substances might also help prevent the start of prostate cancer, researchers indicate that more studies are needed on green tea’s affect on fighting this common cancer.
The best way to reduce your risk of prostate cancer still lies in eating a mostly vegetarian diet.

Studies on diet and cancer also show that green tea when tested with mice with an aggressive form of cancer can decrease the spread or metastasis of prostate cancer to liver, bone, and other parts of the body.
Additional study of green tea may help develop a treatment to prevent the dormant, non threatening type of prostate cancer many men have in their 70’s & 80’s from becoming aggressive and fatal.

Around six cups of green tea per day would contain the equivalent amount of polyphenols for individuals to help block the spread of cancer.
Other data shows that the phytochemicals in green tea could inhibit the early phases of prostate cancer development.

The phytochemicals seem to increase the number of enzymes that help convert carcinogens to dormant, harmless forms.
Many questions remain about the amount and frequency of green tea necessary to affect the formation of prostate cancer.
Black tea has shown similar benefits to green tea, although they appear to have lower levels of the beneficial substances than green tea.
Whatever the benefits of green tea, it would be a mistake to rely on tea alone for prevention.

Studies suggest a variety of nutritional influences on prostate cancer risk. The use of Vitamin E may offer some protection.
The antioxidant mineral selenium also seems protective.
Most Americans get adequate amounts of selenium, but these studies used nutrition supplements, so the study participants achieved higher intake levels.
It waits to be seen whether men can protect themselves by taking supplements, including multivitamins, with selenium. If total selenium intake exceeds 400 mcg per day, nerve damage and other side effects can occur in the individual.

Other good foods for natural nutrition are blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, flaxseed, soybeans, and tomatoes.
Cooked tomatoes are actually a far better source than raw tomatoes because the cooking process releases the lycopene from cells.

Prostacet that provide such extract ingredients also combined with fiber, omega3, croton oil and much more is one of best option as a treatment for localized prostate cancer.
You can see more detail about how they work and ingredients the used in their site, here.

Lastly general lifestyle also contributes to the health of the prostate.
Exercise also promotes circulation and relieves tension in the body, which enhances the odds of a healthy prostate.

Liver Cirrhosis

This is the end stage of any chronic liver disease.

Cirrhosis is a condition that refers to irreversible scarring ( fibrosis ) of the liver. As scar tissue replaces normal tissue, blood flow through your liver is affected. This makes it increasingly difficult for your liver ( liver failure ) to carry out essential functions, such as detoxifying harmful substances, purifying your blood and manufacturing vital nutrients.

Cirrhosis rarely causes signs and symptoms in its early stages. But as liver function deteriorates, you may experience fatigue, nausea, unintended weight loss, and swelling in your legs and abdomen. In time, jaundice — a yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes — and intense itching can develop. You may also experience bleeding from your digestive system that could be severe.

Excessive use of alcohol and chronic infection with the hepatitis C virus are the leading causes of cirrhosis. But other factors — including damaged bile ducts, immune system problems and prolonged exposure to certain environmental toxins and fatty liver — can cause liver scarring, too.

Although liver damage from cirrhosis is irreversible, the disease usually progresses slowly and symptoms are often controllable. Specific treatment for cirrhosis depends on the underlying cause, but anyone with cirrhosis must avoid alcohol and other substances that harm the liver. When damage is so severe that liver function is seriously impaired, a liver transplant may be the only option for treatment.


You may not have signs and symptoms of cirrhosis in the early stages of the disease. But as more scar tissue replaces healthy tissue and liver function declines, you may experience some of the following:

Lack of appetite
Weight loss
Spider veins under your skin or easy bruising
Yellowing of your skin and eyes
Bleeding from engorged veins in your esophagus or intestines
Loss of interest in sex
Fluid in your abdominal cavity (ascites)
Itching on your hands and feet and eventually on your entire body
Swelling of your legs and feet from retained fluid (edema)
Mental confusion, such as forgetfulness or trouble concentrating (encephalopathy)

Causes of Cirrhosis

Many people associate cirrhosis with alcohol abuse, and in fact, chronic alcoholism is the primary cause of cirrhosis in the United States. Alcoholic cirrhosis usually occurs after a decade or more of heavy drinking, although the amount of alcohol that can injure the liver varies from person to person. The liver is particularly vulnerable because it breaks down alcohol into highly toxic chemicals. Some of these chemicals trigger inflammation that eventually destroys liver cells. In time, web-like scars and small knots of abnormal tissue replace healthy liver tissue. In the initial stages of cirrhosis, the liver swells, but it later shrinks as larger areas of scar tissue form.

Other causes of cirrhosis include:

Chronic hepatitis B and C. The serious liver infection hepatitis C ranks second only to alcoholism as a cause of cirrhosis. Nearly a quarter of people with chronic hepatitis C develop cirrhosis — often as long as two decades or more after infection — and many with cirrhosis eventually progress to end-stage liver disease or to liver cancer. Infection with another hepatitis strain, hepatitis B, also can lead to cirrhosis.

Autoimmune hepatitis. In this disorder, the body's immune system attacks liver cells, causing inflammation similar to the inflammation that occurs in viral hepatitis. Normally, your immune system protects you from viruses, bacteria and other disease-causing organisms. It's not clear why the body sometimes attacks its own cells, but researchers believe a virus or bacteria might trigger this response in people with a genetic predisposition to develop an autoimmune disorder. Many people with autoimmune hepatitis also have other autoimmune problems such as thyroiditis, Graves' disease or ulcerative colitis. Autoimmune hepatitis can affect people of any age, although it's more common in women than in men. Because the inflammation is usually severe and chronic, it may lead to cirrhosis and eventually to liver failure.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). In this disorder, fat accumulates in the liver, leading to inflammation and occasionally to scar tissue. Although the exact cause isn't known, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease seems to be associated with diabetes, obesity and elevated levels of fat in the blood.

Inherited diseases. These include disorders that cause high levels of certain minerals such as copper (Wilson's disease) or iron (hereditary hemochromatosis) to accumulate in the liver. Other inherited conditions that may cause cirrhosis include cystic fibrosis and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency — a disorder in which abnormal protein damages liver cells.

Blocked or inflamed bile ducts. Bile is a fluid that aids in the digestion of fats. It's produced in your liver and travels to your gallbladder and small intestine (duodenum) through thin tubes called bile ducts. Diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis or primary sclerosing cholangitis can cause the ducts to become inflamed, scarred or blocked. This forces bile back into the liver, where it damages tissue and eventually may lead to cirrhosis. Complications from surgery on the liver, bile ducts or gallbladder (secondary biliary cirrhosis) also can lead to blocked bile ducts. Babies sometimes develop cirrhosis as a result of biliary atresia — a condition in which the bile ducts are closed or missing at birth.

Prolonged exposure to toxic materials. Your liver is the primary clearinghouse for alcohol, drugs and other toxins. Prolonged exposure to environmental toxins such as arsenic and severe reactions to some drugs — including prescription drugs — can sometimes cause severe liver disease.


If your doctor suspects you have cirrhosis w he might order the following tests:

Liver blood tests. A damaged liver releases certain enzymes. Measuring these enzymes may help determine whether you have liver damage.

Bilirubin test. Bilirubin, a red-yellow pigment that results from the normal breakdown of red blood cells, is metabolized in your liver and excreted in your urine. But in advanced cirrhosis, your liver can't process bilirubin, leading to high blood levels of the pigment.

Ultrasound. This noninvasive test uses sound waves to produce a picture of internal organs, including the liver. Ultrasound is painless and usually takes less than 30 minutes. While you lie on a bed or examining table, a wand-shaped device (transducer) is placed on your body. It emits sound waves that are reflected from your liver and transformed into a computer image.

Computerized tomography (CT) scan. This test uses X-rays to produce cross-sectional images of your body. It can provide an accurate look at internal organs, but it generates more radiation than conventional X-rays do.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Instead of X-rays, MRI creates images using a magnetic field and radio waves. Sometimes a contrast dye also may be used. The test can take from 15 minutes to an hour.

Liver biopsy. Although other tests can provide a great deal of information about the extent and type of liver damage, a biopsy is the only way to definitively diagnose cirrhosis. In this procedure, a small sample of tissue is removed from your liver and examined under a microscope. Your doctor is likely to use a thin cutting needle to obtain the sample. Needle biopsies are relatively simple procedures requiring only local anesthesia, but your doctor may choose not to do one if you have bleeding problems or severe abdominal swelling (ascites). Risks include bruising, bleeding and infection.



Because cirrhosis disrupts the normal function of your liver, it can cause a number of serious complications:

Increased pressure in the portal vein. Blood from your intestine, spleen and pancreas enters your liver through a large blood vessel called the portal vein. If scar tissue blocks normal circulation through the liver, this blood backs up, leading to increased pressure within the vein (portal hypertension).

Enlarged veins (varices). When circulation through the portal vein is blocked, blood may back up into other blood vessels — mainly those in your stomach and esophagus. Sometimes veins also form around your navel and at the rectum. The blood vessels are thin-walled, and because they're filled with more blood than they're meant to carry, are likely to bleed. Massive bleeding in the upper stomach or esophagus from these blood vessels is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical care.

Fluid retention. Liver disease can cause large amounts of fluid to accumulate in your legs (edema) and abdominal cavity (ascites). Edema is especially common in alcoholic cirrhosis. Several factors play a role, including portal hypertension and changes in the hormones and chemicals that regulate fluids in your body. Ascites can be uncomfortable and may interfere with breathing. In addition, abdominal fluid may become infected and require treatment with antibiotics. Although not life-threatening in itself, ascites is usually a sign of advanced cirrhosis.
Bruising and bleeding. Cirrhosis interferes with the production of proteins that help your blood clot and with the absorption of vitamin K, which plays a role in synthesizing these proteins. As a result you may bruise and bleed more easily than normal. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is particularly common. Cirrhosis may also lead to a drop in platelets. Platelets are also needed for blood clotting, and low levels may also lead to bleeding.

Jaundice. This occurs when your liver isn't able to remove bilirubin — the residue of old red blood cells — from your blood. Eventually, bilirubin builds up and is deposited in your skin and the whites of your eyes, causing a yellow color. Excreted bilirubin may turn your urine dark brown and your stools a pale clay color.

Itching. Bile salts deposited in your skin can cause intense itching.

Hepatic encephalopathy. A liver damaged by cirrhosis has trouble removing toxins from your body — normally one of the liver's key tasks. The buildup of toxins such as ammonia — a byproduct of protein digestion — can damage your brain, leading to changes in your mental state, behavior and personality (hepatic encephalopathy). Symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy include forgetfulness, confusion and mood changes, and in advanced cases, delirium and coma.
Weak bones (osteoporosis). Cirrhosis interferes with your liver's ability to process vitamin D and calcium, both of which are essential for bone growth and health. As a result, weak, brittle bones and bone loss are a common complication of the disease. Taking calcium and vitamin D may help prevent osteoporosis.

Liver cancer. Cirrhosis can increase the risk of liver cancer, which occurs when malignant cells begin growing in the tissues of your liver.

Liver failure. This occurs when extensive damage to liver cells makes it impossible for your liver to function.


Although liver damage from cirrhosis is irreversible, treatment can often help prevent further damage and reduce complications. The treatment used depends on the underlying cause of the cirrhosis.

Treating alcoholic cirrhosisAbstaining from alcohol is the main treatment for alcoholic cirrhosis. Therapy is tailored to the individual and may involve a chemical dependency evaluation, counseling, an outpatient treatment program or a residential inpatient treatment program.

Nutrition is also often a key part of therapy because people with cirrhosis, and especially alcoholic cirrhosis, are frequently malnourished. A doctor or dietitian is likely to recommend a high-calorie, nutrient-dense dietary plan to help liver cells regenerate.

Researchers are also studying certain substances that may prove useful in treating alcoholic cirrhosis. These include drugs that block factors that contribute to liver inflammation and a soybean extract (polyunsaturated lecithin) that may stop the progression of liver scarring.
In addition to treating the cause of cirrhosis, your doctor will focus on preventing or improving any complications:

Portal hypertension. Your doctor may prescribe blood pressure medications such as beta blockers to help lower portal vein pressure and prevent bleeding from enlarged blood vessels.
Bleeding blood vessels. To help stop actively bleeding blood vessels, you may be given drugs such as octreotide (Sandostatin), a derivative of a natural hormone that constricts blood vessels. You may take these medications alone or in combination with certain procedures. One such procedure, endoscopic variceal band ligation, treats bleeding in the esophagus. In this procedure, latex bands are used to pinch off the blood supply to bleeding blood vessels. If successful, you will need to go back for at least one more endoscopy to apply additional bands if necessary to flatten the esophageal varices. For bleeding veins in the stomach (gastric varices), treatment is more difficult. Most recently, doctors have been injecting glue into these veins with good success. If these methods are not successful, your doctor may use a catheter with a balloon on the end to compress the veins and stop the bleeding. When bleeding is severe or recurs often, you may need a procedure to create a bypass (shunt) between the venous system in your liver and your general venous system. Called transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, the procedure, which is performed through a vein in your neck, is a fairly low-risk alternative to more-invasive surgeries.

Fluid retention. Sometimes avoiding alcohol and salt are all you need to reduce fluid buildup in your legs or abdomen. If not, your doctor may prescribe diuretics such as spironolactone (Aldactone) or furosemide (Lasix). Severe cases may require paracentesis — a procedure in which large amounts of fluid are removed through a thin tube inserted in the abdomen.
Itching. Doctors often prescribe antihistamines or other medications such as cholestyramine (Questran) and rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane) to reduce itching caused by metabolites in the blood.

Treatments for hepatic encephalopathy. The medication lactulose, a synthetic sugar, can help lower blood ammonia and other toxin levels by changing the type of bacteria in your intestine and decreasing the absorption of ammonia and other toxins. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic to reduce the number of ammonia and other toxin-producing bacteria in your intestine.

Liver failure. When complications can't be controlled or liver function is severely impaired, a liver transplant may be the only option for some people. Although liver transplantation is often successful, the number of people awaiting transplants far exceeds the number of donated organs. But several new developments in transplantation may make it possible for more people to receive the organ they need.

These developments include the donation of liver segments from living donors, splitting one donated liver between two recipients, new organ allocation policies and, especially, new approaches to liver transplants for people with hepatitis C. Until recently, hepatitis C-infected livers were routinely discarded. But studies show that people already infected with hepatitis C who receive livers from hepatitis C-positive donors do as well as if they had received a liver not infected with the virus. This may mean that many more livers will become available for people with hepatitis C. Nevertheless, hepatitis C may recur in the new liver.

Prevention and at-home treatment

Although the damage from cirrhosis is irreversible, the disease often progresses slowly, and you can take steps to reduce further liver damage:

Avoid alcohol. This is the single most important measure you can take to help protect your liver and reduce the risk or severity of complications. Avoiding alcohol is crucial, no matter what type of cirrhosis you have.

Limit medications. Because your damaged liver isn't able to detoxify and eliminate drugs from your system, discuss all medications, including nonprescription drugs, with your doctor. In general, avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and naproxen. If you have liver damage, the best pain reliever is acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) as long as you don't take more than 2 grams a day. Be especially careful not to combine any analgesic with alcohol, even if you take only the recommended daily amount of the drug.

Avoid people who are sick. When your liver is damaged, you can't fight off infections as easily as healthy people. Do everything that's reasonable to avoid getting sick. Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B, influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia.

Eat a healthy diet. Because cirrhosis can cause a number of nutritional deficiencies along with weight loss, it's especially important to eat a diet high in calories and nutrients. Emphasize fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and small amounts of protein. These foods are high in nutrients, including vitamins A, C and E, which tend to be depleted in people with cirrhosis. Your doctor may also prescribe vitamin supplements.

Restrict salt. Because the sodium in salt causes your body to retain water, it can contribute to or increase fluid buildup in your legs and abdomen. In addition to not adding salt to your food, it's best to avoid high-sodium prepared foods, such as canned soups and cold cuts, and condiments such as soy sauce, catsup and mayonnaise. Lemon juice and herbs make good salt substitutes.

Alternative medicine

A number of complementary and alternative therapies — many of them herbs and nutritional supplements.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum). In Europe, the herb milk thistle has been used for centuries to treat jaundice and other liver disorders. Today, scientific studies suggest that the chief constituent of milk thistle, silymarin, may aid in healing and rebuilding the liver. Silymarin seems to stimulate the production of antioxidant enzymes that help the liver neutralize toxins. It also seems to increase the production of new liver cells and may even improve the severe scarring of cirrhosis. Milk thistle is available in capsule or alcohol-free extracts at many natural food stores and some drugstores. Check with your doctor before trying this or any other herb to make sure it won't interact with other medications you're taking.

Vitamin C: Potent Antioxidant.

Catechin: Powerful antioxidant.

N acetyl cysteine: Precursor to Gluthathione. This compound should help the remaining liver cells to detoxify substances.

Reishi Extract: Mushroom known for its antioxidant properties.

Green Superfood drink: For helping with the Detoxification.

Always consult a doctor before starting any treatment with herbs as many of these could impair the effect of allopathic medicines.

Sleep apnea new treatments

In general, surgery for sleep apnea is only about 50% successful.
However, you would need to talk with your surgeon regarding your specific situation. Surgery is usually recommended only after medical therapy has failed.
If your main concern is the snoring, then either the laser procedure or the new Somnoplasty carries about an 85% success rate for resolution of the snoring.

Topical treatment which is formed in Homeopathic medicine is alternative cheapest way to treat sleep disorder. Clinically proven for the result with no side effect caused most of them formulated in natural extract and FDA approved such as Melatrol.

Overall it should be contact your doctor or health care provider during usable, so then it will discard misused between the medicine and your illness or symptoms such as allergy, pregnant or get pregnant etc.

Natural remedies for high blood pressure

For whom need treatment for their high blood pressure with prescription medicine, then you can see here.
Anyway before you take any natural remedies, it's better to consult with your physician or health care provider about your overall condition to prevent misused with any remedies you use.

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is variable of physiological of respiratory rate, body temperature and rate of heart.
A new blood pressure will appear when heart squeezes and relaxes. So, it’s not constant value throughout the day.
The pressure will increase before awakening (systolic, greater than 140 mmHg) and decline while sleep / relax (diastolic, greater than 90 mmHg).
They regulated by brain, kidney,heart, blood vessels and endocrine glands.

Blood pressure is two numbers expressed. Normal level around 120/80 mm of mercury.

Due to activity level and different of diet, American people has gradually increases of blood pressure level. From birth until adulthood.
However, beyond the eighteen age, blood pressure level seem moderate.

During increasing of age, low blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure) actually may decrease while high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure) increases.
It’s indicates the arteries stiffening increase throughout the body.

Lot of people now aware with cholesterol level.
Why? It’s because the risk of heart attacls and strokes.
Due to the deposition of plaques of atherosclerotic caused by large of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels known to be significant cause of narrowing of arteries (coronary arteries).
As a result, it will reduce flow rate especially for flow that depend on the radius fourth power.
Finally, the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis become increase.

The most factor that influence the raising blood cholesterol levels is eating foods that high in saturated fat. Therefore, Nicotine will increase cholesterol deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Cholesterol levels
A level of cholesterol <200>7.8 mmol/l) is considered as a very high level.

Anyway some people with cholesterol level bellow than 200 mg/dl may also have a risk of cardiovascular diseases because lipoproteins carrying cholesterol and fats in the blood (type of lipoprotein they possess).

The main purpose of any treatment for cholesterol is lowering LDL under 160 mg/dl for people that have no heart disease or lower risk of them.

For the people that have heart disease is under 1000 mg/dl. (Recommended by FDS guidelines).
Since with low HDL level may increase risk of heart disease, then the main goal for all patients is more than 35 mg/dl.

Conventional treatment regarding to high cholesterol are exercise, weight loss, diet, quit smoking.

Alternative treatment such as high doses of niacin, soy protein, algae, garlic and other medicine supplement such as hypercet is other effective way to control cholesterol level.

Hypercet not only lowering and control cholesterol level but also support and maintain a normal healthy of blood pressure.
It’s related to the ingredients of hypercent such as calcium, magnesium, beta 1.3d glucans, chromium, malic acid, citric acid and glycine are strong influence to maintain and control blood pressure and cholesterol level.

See Hypercet site if you want to see more detail about those ingredients and benefits are.

Natural cures for high blood pressure

Here is about natural cures for high blood pressure.
If you need treatment for high blood pressure with prescription medicine then you can go here.

Blood pressure (strictly speaking: vascular pressure) refers to the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, and constitutes one of the principal vital signs.

The pressure of the circulating blood decreases as blood moves through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins; the term blood pressure generally refers to arterial pressure, i.e., the pressure in the larger arteries, arteries being the blood vessels which take blood away from the heart.
Arterial pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer, which uses the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure (see Non-invasive measurement). Although many modern vascular pressure devices no longer use mercury, vascular pressure values are still universally reported in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).

The systolic arterial pressure is defined as the peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle; the diastolic arterial pressure is the lowest pressure (at the resting phase of the cardiac cycle).
The average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle is reported as mean arterial pressure; the pulse pressure reflects the difference between the maximum and minimum pressures measured.

Typical values for a resting, healthy adult human are approximately 120 mmHg (16 kPa) systolic and 80 mmHg (11 kPa) diastolic (written as 120/80 mmHg, and spoken as "one twenty over eighty") with large individual variations.
These measures of arterial pressure are not static, but undergo natural variations from one heartbeat to another and throughout the day (in a circadian rhythm); they also change in response to stress, nutritional factors, drugs, or disease.

Hypertension refers to arterial pressure being abnormally high, as opposed to hypotension, when it is abnormally low.
Along with body temperature, blood pressure measurements are the most commonly measured physiological parameters.

Hypercet is one of natural cures for high blood pressure treatment.
It's natural, proven result and FDA approved. Many successful user with this cures.
You can see detail extract ingredient and the benefits of this product in their site.

Anyway, anything cures and treatment you use, it always recommended to consult with your doctor or health care provider about your overall condition.
By doing this, it will prevent misused what ever you take.

Help reduce high blood pressure

For people whose need help to reduce high blood pressure, there are some option you can use.
Immediate treatment;
- Sit, close eyes, take several deep breaths, exhale slowly.
Think only of those breaths, picturing your lungs expanding and conracting.

Advance treatment;
- Regular, vigorous aerobic exercise at a safe level can help to prevent hypertension and reduce blood pressure.
Moderating the intake of fat, salt, and alcohol also has beneficial effects. Smoking tobacco adds to the risk of hypertension.

Anyway if you need any proven alternative treatment for reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol level then you can use Hypercet.
It's natural, proven result and FDA approval.
You can see their site to check how they work and what kind of extract ingredient they use and the benefits.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is 'silent killer' without any warning, so you should pay deep attention for get rid of this killing disorder.

High blood pressure treatment

Approximately one in four adults in the United States suffers from high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure because it adds to the workload of the heart, causing it to enlarge and, over a period of time, to weaken.

In addition, it may damage the walls of the arteries.
It is regarded as the silent killer because it can develop without symptoms.
It is estimated that half of those with hypertension are not even aware of their condition. In adults, hypertension occurs when the blood pressure of a resting person is equal to or greater than 140/90.
Regular, vigorous aerobic exercise at a safe level can help to prevent hypertension and reduce blood pressure.
Moderating the intake of fat, salt, and alcohol also has beneficial effects.
Smoking tobacco adds to the risk of hypertension.

You can also use alternative treatment from Hypercet to reduce high blood pressure and control cholesterol level.
It's totally natural and FDA approval. Many proven result from their user.
You can see how they work and what kind extract ingredients they use in their site here

High blood pressure causes

Some cases of very high blood pressure are due to specific causes that may be surgically remediable.
Most hypertension, however, results from the combination of a genetic predisposition and an environmental factor such as excessive sodium intake, sedentary habits, and stress.

High blood pressure can be controlled.
Mild cases are treated by losing excess weight and reducing the intake of sodium and alcohol. More serious cases are treated with drugs such as diuretics, beta blockers, calcium antagonists, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, alpha blockers, and centrally acting compounds that affect regulatory centers in the brain.
Treatment can usually assure a normal life.

Next, treatment and controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol level with natural

High blood pressure diet

The commonest type of diet followed for health reasons is one intended to cause weight loss in the treatment of overweight, and the term dieting is often assumed to refer to a weight-reduction diet.
Numerous types of weight-reducing diets have been marketed.
Most will cause some initial weight loss, but this is difficult to maintain because obesity is associated with the typical Western lifestyle of low physical activity and constant availability of highly palatable, energy-dense foods.

After obesity, the most common reason for requiring dietary changes is a high blood cholesterol concentration and associated ischaemic heart disease.
The blood cholesterol concentration is increased by diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Reducing the intake of these factors causes a reduction in blood cholesterol, but most individuals find it difficult to change their diet sufficiently to have more than a small effect.
Other diets followed for health reasons include low salt diets for the reduction of raised blood pressure and gluten-free diets for individuals with coeliac disease.

High-fibre diets have become popular since the work of Denis Burkitt and others in the early 1970s.
Fibre is now defined as non-starch polysaccharides, and is supplied by unrefined cereals, vegetables, and fruits.
Fibre has several benefits, including the prevention of constipation and probably reducing the risk for coronary heart disease and cancer of the large bowel.

Next, alternative diet for high blood pressure and cholesterol

Symptoms of high blood pressure

High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms.
The symptoms are usually mild and nonspecific, for that reason, high blood pressure is often called "the silent killer."
People who have high blood pressure typically don't know it until their blood pressure is measured in a routine check up or in other circumstances.

Sometimes high blood pressure patients have the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Blurred vision

The symptoms are so vague and non-specific, that's one of the problems with high blood pressure.
In the past it was considered to be a normal part of aging, and doctors considered that elevated blood pressure was natural.
Now researchers recognize that elevated blood pressure causes kidney damage, elevated risk for stroke and heart attack leading to heart damage.

Visit also, treatment and prevention high blood pressure

Cellulite cream removal

For people whose looking for cream that can remove cellulite appearance, i suggest to use Revitol for cellulite cream removal. Why?
While i used it for my self, many health community regarding to cellulite issue most recommended Revitol product.
Caused they are natural and FDA approved then i'm not so worry with side effect in the future, while i'm enjoying now with my skin performance at my leg and arm.

If you have some problem with me especially cellulite in arm and leg, than i just recommend them.
The extract ingredients they used is strong effect to reduce my cellulite, and i'm not afraid anymore to eat some (little) junk food or fast food caused it's difficult to me to avoid eating them :).
I also do some little jogging and walking several time a week (at least once, if so busy or tired) to help me reduce and control my fat that causing my cellulite re-occure.

Long term cellulite reduction

Many of cellulite reduction cream now that available both online and offline promote that their product has long term result for cellulite appearance. But how do we identified those product really has long term effect.

That's right now some of cellulite reduction cream has clinical proven for cellulite reduction, but how long? What about side effect that occurance in the future?

Most of cellulite reduction cream user agree that cellulite reduction cream with natural ingredient is top priority when choosing. But is it enough?
Another thing should be paid attention are FDA regulation. Are their extracted has been researched and get approved by FDA? Why is should be?
Simply, except you can do own research for side effect in the skin and metabolism with regular use, then it's possible you can ignore this. If not sure, then keep follow the rule.

Mainly, long term cellulite reduction cream has substances ingredients that can help remove fat plus toxins from the body and help those people who are having issues with circulation.
Revitol is one the most popular in the net provide all those criteria.
They will reduce the cellulite appearance gradually and give long term effect.
They formulated to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the legs, stomach and arms.
All ingredients used totalln natural and has FDA approved.

You can visit Revitol site to check what kind of ingredients and benefits they used that give long term effect for cellulite reduction and appearance.

Breast actives natural program enhancement

Why now many people asking for breast enhancement with natural breast actives program?
What happen with breast enhancement with surgery or implant?

One of survey result about breast actives program mainly They work "in", "out" and "examination" into the body. And it's all natural.
For detail can see here

Here we focus about Breast Implant and how dangerous is it?
See also about breast enhancement surgery and dangerous things.

3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant.

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak.
The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects.
Older implants with silicone gel can leak also.
If this occurs, one of two things may occur.
If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed.
If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating.

The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body.
Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant.
If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel.
This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture ,closed capsulotomy , stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation ,excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision ,site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant ,unknown/unexplained reasons.

FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants.
This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988.
Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants.
Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%).
This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant.
Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts.
Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.

The most common complication of breast implants is capsular contracture, a tightening of the scar tissue that the body produces around the implant as a natural part of healing. Additional surgery may be required either to remove the scar tissue or to remove—and perhaps replace—the implant.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by Mentor, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 1264 augmentation patients and 30% for the 416 reconstruction patients.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by McGhan, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 901 augmentation patients and 25% for the 237 reconstruction patients.

Here for Natural breast enhancement with breast actives program.

Survey of natural breast enhancement

One of great survey about what natural treatment is breast actives program.
They work "in", "out" and "examination" onto the body.
And it's all natural.

Why we don't choose breast implant and what kind of the risk?
Or how about breast enhancement with surgery? And what kind of dangerous things?

You can go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement.

Here we focus about breast implant.

3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant.

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak.
The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects.
Older implants with silicone gel can leak also.
If this occurs, one of two things may occur.
If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed.
If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating.

The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body.
Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant.
If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel.
This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture ,closed capsulotomy , stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation ,excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision ,site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant ,unknown/unexplained reasons.

FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants.
This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988.
Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants.
Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%).
This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant.
Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts.
Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.

The most common complication of breast implants is capsular contracture, a tightening of the scar tissue that the body produces around the implant as a natural part of healing. Additional surgery may be required either to remove the scar tissue or to remove—and perhaps replace—the implant.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by Mentor, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 1264 augmentation patients and 30% for the 416 reconstruction patients.
In a prospective clinical study of saline-filled breast implants conducted by McGhan, the cumulative, 3-year, by patient rates of a first occurrence of capsular contracture Grades III and IV were 9% for the 901 augmentation patients and 25% for the 237 reconstruction patients.

Natural breast enhancement program actives

Why we choose natural breast enhancement program actives?
Why not breast enhancement with surgery and what commplication they have?
Go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement program with breast actives.

Here, we focus about What complication for breast enhancement with surgery?.

First and foremost there could be an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. General is considered to be more risky yet any anesthetic could bring on a negative reaction. Although extremely rare, it is possible to bleed post-operatively resulting in another surgery to control and drain the collected blood. Another possibility is hematoma (a collection of clotted blood), seroma (a collection of the watery portion of the blood) and thrombosis (abnormal clotting).

Loss of sensitivity is common, although temporary. Permanent sensation loss in the areola (nipple) area or breasts, in general, can and may happen. There is also a risk of excessive scarring or inner scar tissue. Also, you must have more views (films) taken when having a mammogram if you have breast implants -- especially overs.

There is also a risk of calcifications -- especially when there is a definite, thick capsule around the implant. And galactorrhea, which is when you start producing breast milk, is also a complication. This is usually remedied on its own and may stop spontaneously although some cases may need medication or implant removal. Although very rare, it is worth mentioning, full disclosure is the key to an informed consent.

Breast tissue atrophy (loss, shrinking) is a possibility. According to the FDA, "the pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin and shrink. This can occur while implants are still in place or following implant removal without replacement".

Necrosis (death) of the breast tissue, breast envelope and or incision line can happen. Although extremely rare. The chances of necrosis are increased after radioactive/chemotherapy treatment, if you smoke and have poor circulation, or have temperatetherapy or cryotherapy post-operatively.

Extrusion is also an extremely rare occurrence but a scary possibility. Extrusion of the implant is where your body rejects the prosthesis and pushes it out of the skin, like when a piercing is pushed out or like when a thorn or splinter is pushed from the body. Then the implant may become visible under the skin and must be removed before it breaks through resulting in possibly an infection and definite major scarring.

Infection: You could develop a post-operative infection and need to have the implant removed, the infection dealt with and still have to wait for several months before an additional surgery can be performed to re-implant. Infections usually occur with the first 4 to 6 weeks. Some possible infections and a more common one being Staphylococcus, or simply Staph.

Go here for treatment with natural breast enhancement with breast actives.

Breast size natural program enhancement actives

Why we choose breast actives program as good solution for breast size enhancement program?
Why not breast enhancement with surgery?
Go here for treatment with breast active program.

Here, we focus about how dangerous breast enhancement with surgery.

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.


Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected."

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author.

Natural breast enhancement

Why we chose natural breast enhancement and not surgery?
You can go here if you want to direct see about natural breast enhancement.

Here, we discuss about why not choosing breast surgery for breast enhancement?

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. (National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author.)

Breast enlargement surgery

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )

Next, Natural treatment for breast enhancement

Breast enlargement without surgery

Why we choose breast enlargement without surgery, like natural treatment?
What happen to breast enlargement with surgery? How danger is it?

First, we see the breast enlargement with surgery.

For years, women have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging bosom. For many women, the answer has been the very costly and dangerous cosmetic surgery instead of natural ways.

But the cost and risks make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people simply don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.

Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected.

21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )

Now, see Natural treatment for breast enlargement

Colon cleansing pills

Are we a candidate for irritable bowel syndrome?

- Do we have abdominal pain or cramping?
- Do we have constipation? Diarrhea?
- How about vomiting, or fever or headache?
- How about bloating and water retention?

Irritable bowel syndrome is not pleasant for anyone who has it, and many many Americans do suffer from it, in fact more every year.
Many of these turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser for relief.

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural that formed by pills.
Many successful users with this colon cleansing pills.
Their track record is outstanding.
Bowtrol Colon Cleanser in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed.
Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. They help with this. So does good eating.

Most Americans eat way too much fast food.
Too much sugar, too much fat.
Not enough vegetables and fruit.
Not enough healthy grains or legumes.
Legumes are beans of all types:
green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes.
These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health.

A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people.
Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping.
It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really.
The colon is a very large and very complex organ.
It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system.
All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and we will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment.
It only makes good health sense to do what we can to keep our colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of our body functioning properly.

If you wanna see how they work and what kind of extract ingredient they used, you can visit Bowtrol Probiotic Site for sure.

And after that you can compare with other colon cleansing pills.
It's not surprised if you could not find any better than that.
Good luck.

Home colon cleansing

How Homemade colon Cleansing Can Help You keep in Top Shape –Part 2
If you would like to see part-1, please see this

The second option that could be used as a homemade colon cleanse solution is not very conventional but it works!
This method is called fasting.
This method is very cheap in that it doesn’t involve having to buy stuff to cleanse the colon. All you need is your determination to carry it through.
It takes time some say twenty one days to see results.
You would actually feel your breath come as fresh as that of a baby; okay that’s going too far but you get the idea.

The idea behind using fasting as a way to have a very effective colon cleansing is that when you do not eat, your body is forced to digest whatever it finds in the colon in the bid for survival.
It is also of importance that your colon be well rested during this period.
It is for this reason that people who fast regularly find it hard to go back to eating because of the total sense of well being that emanates from the single act of fasting.
But you need to realize that while this works for some people it definitely cannot work for those who have got stomach ulcers, people who are not disciplined, and more importantly, who likes the idea that his or her body is having to digest impure, toxic substances just for survival?
Be sure to know that your body may be forced to do it, but what is the long term effect?
If the body really feels it did not need this waste materials previously, why force it to digest what it feels is toxic and should be passed out as waste?
So you can see now that except you are comfortable with the idea, it is not a very good option to take.

The third method you can use and has been tested and tried as a surefire ay to get your colon cleansed is by eating lot of fibers to enable regular bowel movements and passing out of the feces frequently.
As result, it is possible to see that among many homemade colon cleanse prescriptions or recommendations is the inclusion of loads of fibers in your diet.
This will enhance the movement of the bowels in a short period.
One of such fiber rich foods is prune juice.
It is advised that if you want to increase the frequency of the bowel movements, then it is a sure option and works too.
It helps loosen up the stool and promotes easier passage of the stool hence preventing lots of straining and disallowing the impaction of feces on the colon wall.
However, if the feces was there before you started taking the prune juice, you might have a little problem.
You will not be able to get rid of the feces that is already stuck to the walls of the colon.

So you see that unless you really enjoy eating prune as you’d have to eat a lot to notice any effect it really takes time to work.
If you’ve got that time, good. If not, then you can see you need a better alternative.
You can try Bowtrol Probiotic.
It's natural, lot of strong extract and fast work.
If you wanna see what kind of extract ingredient they used, then you can visit Bowtrol Probiotic site for sure.

And finally you can compare any treatment that applicable to you.

Colon cleansing diets

Eat this. No don't eat that. Don't even touch that!
It's the kind of advice we keep getting daily.
"If you eat excess fatty substances, you sure wont be able to poop".

From the media to even our friends and loved ones, all we get is advice on what to eat or what not to.
How do you decide what is good for you?
How do you know what food for constipation is best?
Given the fact that there seems to be so many "proven experts" in the market telling us what to eat and what not to.
Who cares anyways!
What if you could eat anything you literally want to eat and be sure that if there is any form of constipation, you'll eliminate it by nightfall. Would that be nice?

Well, there are quite a few people out there who can boast of providing a quick fix like that. However, if you've got constipation, you can eliminate it as fast as possible eating certain food for constipation. There are quite a few around:

1. Figs and Dates.

These are fruits high in fiber content. They take about twenty four hours before results can be seen. Because of its nature, figs enhance the process of digestion and are a rich source of fiber and minerals. This is not to mention the fact that they -figs and dates- produce serotonin.

2. Using Grapes

Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. Grapes contain a high quantity of minerals and vitamins, high fiber content, and manganese. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.

3. Pawpaw

Pawpaw also known as Carica papaya is a well known fruit containing the enzyme papain. But not many know it for its qualities as a food for constipation. The high mineral content of the pawpaw reduces cell waste, gets rid of stomach mucus and colon mucus. To use them effectively, you can eat in between meals or add to smoothies.

4. Persimmon

Another important food for constipation, Persimmons have been reputed to be as highly nutritious as an apple and some claim it may yield better results for the heart. This is because of the high content of fiber and minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron et.c These minerals including phenolic compounds are anti-oxidants and as a result, colon cleaners. For quick results, eat two to three of it daily.

5. Plums

These are fruits with high mineral content in addition to having a gentle laxative property. They are very effective in clearing gas from the bowels.6. Prunes

These are plums that are dried. So the both of them can be used interchangeably. But prunes are generally more effective food for constipation than plums are. Because of the high iron content prunes are generally considered one of the best ways to relieve constipation.

7. Raspberry

The raspberry is a fruit rich in Vit A and C. It is also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Eating them during the day in copious quantities will relieve your constipation fast.

Other way to clean the colon is with Bowtrol Probiotic. It's natural, simple and fast work.
You can see detail extracted ingredient they use for how to clean the colon with natural treatment on their site.
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