the unrelenting power of propolis, proving once again its anti-carcinogenic properties...
Propolis isa resinous product collected by honey bees. It was also reported that propolishas a wide variety of biological actions, including antimicrobial activity andantioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and suppressive effects of dioxin toxicity activities.
Comparisonof Effects of the Ethanolic Extracts of Brazilian Propolis on Human LeukemicCells As Assessed with the MTT Assay
Evidence-BasedComplementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012

The aim ofthis study was to compare the in vitro cytotoxic activities of green propolis(G12) and red propolis (G13) in human leukemia cells. These cells wereincubated with different concentrations of propolis and 48 hours after the IC50was calculated for each cell.
The resultsshowed that the red propolis has cytotoxic effect in vitro higher than greenpropolis. Red propolis was showed to be cytostatic in K562 cells and caused thesame amount of apoptosis as its control Gleevec.
Inconclusion, these results showed that red propolis is more cytotoxic than thegreen propolis in a variety of human cell lines of leukemia. Red propolis maycontain drugs capable of inhibiting cancer cell growth. Therefore, furtherisolation of respective chemical ingredients from the red propolis (G13) foridentification of the activities is necessary.
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