Benefit Of DIY Natural Homemade Gifts

BY Keoi Magill, ACHS Graduate Certificate in Aromatherapy

We all have much to gain by making our own homemade natural gifts. Anyone can run into a store and buy something off the shelf. But, when you put the time, thought, and energy into making gifts for those you love, the receiver knows that they are special to you.

By using natural materials you are also promoting a green lifestyle. Giving gifts that are natural to friends who have not experienced the benefits of organic products can be quite the eye opener. You will be introducing an eco-friendly lifestyle to someone who may be inexperienced. Plus, typically it costs more to purchase something already made, so you will save money as well.

Making DIY natural gifts can reduce stress. With all the hustle and bustle that life throws at us, spending the time doing something creative can be a form of meditation, calming and exhilarating you all at the same time. It can remove the worry about duplicating something your loved ones already have: your gift is original and one of a kind.

Handmade gifts can be problem solvers and time savers, especially for those on our holiday list who we never know what to give. No more wandering around trying to find that just-right gift. As long as we follow good manufacturing practices, quality assurance is guaranteed when we make natural gifts. We know that our gifts are toxic free and will not harm the environment or our family and friends.

In the truest spirit of the holiday season, there is nothing that we can do that is more rewarding than to make do-it-yourself homemade natural gifts.

For a free holiday recipe book, download the Apothecary Shoppe Holiday Recipe Guide HERE.

A plug for the charity Homeopathy: Medicine of the 21st Century (H:MC21)

Homeopathy Cares

Homeopathy has a history of success in clinical practice

• In Cuba homeopathy has enabled 2.3 million people to be cheaply and effectively protected against endemic Leptospirosis. [1]
• At Bristol Homeopathic Hospital 70.7% of 6,500 patients with chronic conditions benefited from homeopathic treatment and had reduced need for conventional medication. [2]
• About 6 million people in the UK choose homeopathy despite the fact that for the vast majority this means that they have to pay for their treatment. [3]
• There is considerable research evidence for homeopathy, with more randomised controlled trials being positive than negative. For more information see

Homeopathy offers solutions to the NHS

• The NHS spends £11 billion annually on conventional drugs out of a budget of £100 billion, and this cost keeps rising, so it is essential to look seriously at alternatives. [4]
• Only 0.001% of the NHS drugs budget is spent on homeopathic medicines, and these are mainly used to treat patients with chronic health problems who have not been helped, despite great cost, by conventional means. [5,6]
• The NHS also spends £2 billion annually on treating the adverse side effects of conventional drugs. Homeopathy has no side effects. [7]
• Even a small increase in spending on homeopathy could produce dramatic savings, cutting waste and increasing patient satisfaction.

Opposition to homeopathy is based on propaganda

• Homeopathy has a growing evidence base, but according to the British Medical Journal, of the 2,500 most commonly used treatments in the NHS, 51% have unknown effectiveness, and only 11% have been shown to be beneficial.[8,9]
• The leading so-called ‘expert’ and critic of homeopathy, Professor Edzard Ernst, has admitted that he has no qualifications in homeopathy.[10]
• The leading organisation opposing homeopathy, Sense About Science, is funded by pharmaceutical companies and relies on a strategy of propaganda stunts rather than scientific research.[11,12]
• The leading popular book critical of homeopathy (Trick or Treatment?) has been shown to be scientifically unreliable. It was co-authored by Simon Singh (a trustee of Sense About Science) and Professor Ernst.[13]
• The recent Science and Technology Committee report on homeopathy was voted for by only three MPs. Of these only one attended the hearings and he has strong links to Sense About Science (Dr Evan Harris).[14,15,16]

A vision for an economic and effective medical future

H:MC21 believes that the NHS should increase the integration of homeopathic practitioners into front-line healthcare whilst monitoring both clinical and cost benefits.

H:MC21 believes that, by sharing clinical experience and skills in this way, homeopathic and conventional practitioners can provide the safest, most economic and most effective service to patients.

H:MC21 believes that this will allow the NHS to confirm the benefits of homeopathy in the real world of clinical practice.


1. G. Bracho et al., ‘Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control’, Homeopathy, 99 (2010),156-66, available at
2. D.S. Spence, E.A. Thompson, S.J. Barron, ‘Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Disease: A 6-Year, University-Hospital Outpatient Observational Study’, JACM, 2005, 11:793-798.
3. Professor Kent Woods, Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), response to Q211, House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, Evidence Check: Homeopathy (2010), p. Ev 70, at
4. Mr Mike O’Brien, Minister for Health Services, Department of Health, response to Q244, Evidence Check, p. Ev 73.
5. O’Brien, response to Q244, Evidence Check, p. Ev 73.
6. Spence et al.
7. Sarah Boseley, ‘Adverse drug reactions cost NHS £2bn’, The Guardian, 3 April 2008,, accessed 14 November 2008.
8. /research/
9. ‘How much do we know?’, BMJ Clinical Evidence at
10. ‘Interview mit Professor Edzard Ernst, Exeter’, Homöopathische Nachrichten, April 2010, 1-3, translation at #/edzard-ernst/4543212059.
11. Funding information taken from the annual accounts at the Charity Commission.
12. Strategy information from the ‘Memorandum submitted by Sense About Science’ (HO36), Evidence Check, pp. Ev 7-8.
13. William Alderson, Halloween Science (Stoke Ferry: Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, 2009), available at halloween-science/4535659799.
14. ‘Formal minutes’, Evidence Check, pp. 48-50.
15. Register of Members’ Interests, available at, accessed 22 May 2010.
16., accessed 22 May 2010.

What Contributions Do Small Businesses Make to Indian Economy?

As the independent India managed to establish large scale industries, the next well-though decision was to promote the small scale industries. As the Indian economy adopted the liberalization policy in early 1990s, the focus was shifted to the development of small scale industries. As a result, small businesses in India started growing.

Today, small businesses of the country play a significant role in the overall development of its economy. This is the reason that government of India has initiated a number of programs and has made a number of policies to ensure further development of small scale businesses and industrial units. Here are some important ways in which small businesses contribute towards the Indian economy.

Development of Backward Regions
Small scale industries and businesses are generally set up in rural areas. This helps in the development of rural and backward areas of the country. As a result, the economic condition of these areas improves that ultimately contributes towards the growth of the Indian economy.

Increase in Employment
Small businesses in India significantly contribute towards the employment for people who don’t get jobs in large scale industries. This has seriously helped to stop migration of people from rural areas and small towns to large cities. As more people get jobs due to small business setups, this results in the overall economical growth.

Foreign Exchange Earnings
Another way that makes small businesses in India important is increase in earning of foreign exchange by exporting quality goods to the foreign markets. Thanks to the production at small scale industrial units, the Indian goods have gained reputation in a number of foreign markets across different continents. Needless to say, this has supported the growth of Indian economy in a big way.

Independent social living, increase in living standard, support to large scale industries and capital optimization are some of the other important ways in which small businesses in India have gained importance. Small scale businesses have gained success due to a number of reasons, the availability of internet being an important one. The use of online business directories to find global buyers has helped these businesses to be a part of the global supply chain.

Cost of swine flu "pandemic" - socalled. £1.2bn

Sorry for being late in posting this. For posterity, as so many of us publicly warned the authorities not to go down this route but they did, I think it is important to remember the cost of this fiasco. It is also illustrative to see what very much looks like a whitewash when what the public needed was an honest account of what the Labour Government and their medical advisors at the time did wrong and how many people suffered as a result.

Swine flu pandemic cost UK £1.2bn

Dame Deirdre Hine discusses the report into the UK's response to the swine flu pandemic

The swine flu pandemic cost Britain more than £1.2 billion despite being much less severe than feared, a Government-commissioned review has found.

Warnings that 65,000 people in the UK could die in a worst-case scenario proved far too pessimistic - and the actual death toll during the outbreak was 457.

An inquiry into the handling of the emergency concluded that the Government's response was "proportionate and effective". [Comment: Well they would say that wouldn't they?]

But it criticised the restrictive contracts with drug companies which have left a stockpile of over 20 million unused doses of swine flu vaccines for England alone. The review revealed that Britain spent £654 million preparing for a possible flu pandemic, and £587 million responding to last year's H1N1 outbreak - a total of £1.24 billion. This included £1.01 billion on drugs, among them anti-virals, vaccines and antibiotics, as well as £115.4 million on items like face masks and respirators.

Critics questioned why the bill for tackling the pandemic was so large, with one describing Britain's response as a "hugely expensive farce". But Dame Deirdre Hine, a former chief medical officer for Wales who led the review, defended the cost. "I think we have got to set these figures, which seem enormous, against the potential for saving lives," she told reporters. "It is fairly clear that there probably were lives saved of very young people, young children and so on." [Comment: let's have the evidence, and also the stats for those who died and those injured by the vaccine]

After the H1N1 outbreak in April last year, the Government made plans to buy up to 132 million doses of swine flu vaccine, enough to give everyone in the UK two doses. But the contracts it signed with drug manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Baxter were too inflexible, the review found. Baxter agreed to a "break clause" allowing the Government to cancel its order for some of the doses but GSK refused.

The Department of Health said it ordered 90 million vaccine doses from GSK, of which it eventually agreed to take 34.8 million. It also placed an order for 36 million doses with Baxter, 9.2 million of which were purchased before the contract was cancelled. About 4.88 million doses of the vaccine were given to people in England in priority groups such as pregnant women and sufferers of asthma, diabetes and heart disease.

The Department of Health said it still held just over 20 million doses of swine flu vaccine for England, with shelf lives that run out by October 2011. Dame Deirdre's review team said commercial confidentiality prevented them from revealing how much money would have been saved if the Government's vaccine contracts had included break clauses. But their report said: "The lack of such a clause in the advance purchase agreements for both contracts consequently exposed the Exchequer to some risk."

Mark Wallace, campaign director of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "The swine flu response has proved to be a hugely expensive farce. Serious questions must be asked about why so much was spent on combating a threat that turned out not to be very serious. It's unacceptable to hide the details of this massive bill behind the excuse of commercial confidentiality. We need full details and full answers about this scandalous waste of money."

NHS funding for orthodox medicine risks misleading patients

Yes, I am deliberately transposing the words "NHS funding for homeopathy risks misleading patients" which Sir John Beddington allegedly said.

It was reported in the Guardian, which, one assumes, is proud of producing a regular flow of anti-homeopathy articles,

"Sir John Beddington, the government's chief scientific adviser, said patients might believe homeopathic treatments could protect them against serious illnesses, or treat existing conditions, because GPs and hospitals are allowed to prescribe them on the NHS."

I think Beddington is a fool (here I am being polite because I'm an Englishman) to trot out a comment which suggests that a proven alternative and safe form of medicine, unlike the current socalled orthodox medicine, doesn't work. Oh, sorry, I forgot for a moment that he's terribly important - Professor of Applied Population Biology (What?) and is (Labour appointed) Chief Scientific Adviser at £165,000 pa. And, like the hierarchy of the BMA, clearly wants homeopathy killed, which incidentally would make orthodox medicine's monopoly on healthcare complete. Aren’t monopolies meant to be unlawful? Why isn’t the Office of Fair Trading investigating the anti-competitive practices of the BMA?

If Beddington took the trouble to check, he'd find that loads of (“scientifically trained”) doctors through the last couple of hundred years have chosen voluntarily to go over to prescribing homeopathic remedies for the very reason that their orthodox remedies weren't curing their patients. In fact some orthodox remedies were killing or maiming them. These doctors have written loads of books about their experiences. And loads of doctors have cured with homeopathy serious, life threatening illnesses where the conventional medicine of the day had no answers, and used homeopathics effectively prophylactically. And I'm not just talking about curing patients in epidemics eg cholera, typhus, Yellow fever, dyptheria in the old days (see, but recently in Cuba's leptospirosis epidemic in 2007

So, Prof B, just read these snippets:

"One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew
anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many
cases. "Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic
pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied: "But that
is homeopathy." "I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have
nursed have not lost a single case."--W. F. Edmundson, MD, Pittsburgh"

“In Cuba, Leptospirosis is recorded by an efficient national surveillance programme. Its incidence correlates closely with heavy rainfall and subsequent flooding. In late 2007, in response to a developing epidemic, and with only enough vaccine to treat 15,000 high-risk people, the government decided to treat the entire population of the region, over one year of age, with a homeopathic medicine. This was prepared from the inactivated causative organism by the Cuban National Vaccine Institute.

The homeopathic medicine was given to the 2.3 million population of the provinces usually worst affected. Within a few weeks the number of cases had fallen from the forecast 38 to 4 cases per 100,000 per week, significantly fewer than the historically-based forecast for those weeks of the year. The 8.8 million population of the other provinces did not receive homeopathic treatment and the incidence was as forecast. The effect appeared to be sustained: there was an 84% reduction in infection in the treated region in the following year (2008) when, for the first time, incidence did not correlate with rainfall. In the same period, incidence in the untreated region increased by 22%.”

Doesn't that make you wonder whether you are talking nonsense, Prof B? Oh, I interrupted you .....

"I have made it completely clear that there is no scientific basis for homeopathy beyond the placebo effect and that there are serious concerns about its efficacy," Professor Beddington told the Commons science and technology committee today.

“He went on to warn that government funding for homeopathy risked legitimising unproven treatments and that patients could harm their health by choosing these over conventional vaccines and medicines.”

Well, Prof B, did you ever hear of something called the swine flu pandemic on which the last Labour Government wasted over £1.2bn of the taxpayer's money and risked harming the health of the British nation with the swine flu vaccine? Perhaps you've forgotten about the nasty side effects it had on so many, and perhaps you've forgotten that homeopathy doesn't have adverse side effects, and that homeopaths are daily called upon to treat the adverse effects of orthodox drugs? The efficacy and safety of that vaccine for all was unproven at the time this country's Government and medical authorities enthusiastically endorsed it. And do you recall the massive percentage of GPs and nurses who when polled said they would never take the vaccine themselves?

What’s that?

“Professor Beddington cited the case of a man who caught malaria after being advised to take a homeopathic preparation to protect against the disease.”

Well, Prof B, there is no orthodox malaria drug which has protected 100% of those given it by their doctors from malaria. And their side effects? Maybe you didn’t know that an orthodox-doctor-prescribed malaria drug ruined my honeymoon and made me so sick that I couldn’t move for days and only got better when I stopped taking it. Yes, I WAS BEING POISONED.

I doubt you’d want to believe it, but I recently had a patient who’d contracted typhoid while on holiday (confirmed by tests). The reason I had him – for homeopathic treatment – was because orthodox medicine wasn’t curing him. In fact he was feeling very ill indeed, had a lot of nasty symptoms, and was getting very concerned. Two homeopathic remedies and three days later he was feeling so much better he returned to work. In homeopathy we are used to such cases. But do you see us saying that all of orthodox medicine should be scrapped? Not often. But then, we homeopaths generally have open minds. I’m sorry that you don’t. Hence the headline for this posting.

Scientists fear MMR link to autism

New American research shows that there could be a link between the controversial MMR triple vaccine and autism and bowel disease in children. 

The study appears to confirm the findings of British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who caused a storm in 1998 by suggesting a possible link. 

Now a team from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina are examining 275 children with regressive autism and bowel disease - and of the 82 tested so far, 70 prove positive for the measles virus. 

Last night the team's leader, Dr Stephen Walker, said: 'Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain and none are wild measles. 

'This research proves that in the gastrointestinal tract of a number of children who have been diagnosed with regressive autism, there is evidence of measles virus. 

'What it means is that the study done earlier by Dr Wakefield and published in 1998 is correct. That study didn’t draw any conclusions about specifically what it means to find measles virus in the gut, but the implication is it may be coming from the MMR vaccine. If that’s the case, and this live virus is residing in the gastrointestinal tract of some children, and then they have GI inflammation and other problems, it may be related to the MMR.' 

The 1998 study by Dr Wakefield, then a reader in gastroenterology at the Royal Free Hospital in North London, and 12 other doctors claimed to have found a new bowel disease, autism enterocolitis. 

At the time, Dr Wakefield said that although they had not proved a link between MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism, there was cause for concern and the Government should offer the option single vaccines - instead of only MMRs - until more research had been done. 

The paper - and the confused interpretation of its findings - caused uproar and led to many parents withdrawing their co-operation for the triple jab. Ten of the paper's authors also signed retractions on the interpretation but stood by the science. 

This is the second independent study to back up Dr Wakefield. In 2001 John O'Leary, Professor of Pathology at St James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, replicated his findings. 

Last night Dr Wakefield said: 'This new study confirms what we found in British children and again with Professor O'Leary. The only exposure these children have had to measles is through the MMR vaccine. 

'They were developing normally until they regressed. They now suffer autism and bowel disease. 

'The Department of Health and some of the media wanted to dismiss our research as insignificant. The excuse was that no one else had the same findings as us. What they didn't say is that no one else had looked.' 

A spokesman for the Department of Health said they had not read the American report, but added: 'MMR remains the best form of protection against measles, mumps and rubella.'

Bee Propolis: Nature's Healing Balm With Immune Boosting Properties

Proven protection and natural too! Plug in a propolis diffuser and spread the goodness throughout!! Get some throat spray to treat mouth ulcers, too!

Bee Propolis: Nature's Healing Balm With Immune Boosting Properties

(NaturalNews) Bee propolis is a remarkable natural substance collected and produced by honeybees. It is often referred to as a natural antibiotic and has many diverse uses. I love it when nature clearly has the upper hand over the frailty of our human science. Bee propolis is one such substance and has even been described as having anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and even anti-cancer properties with immune modulating effects. These may sound a little too good to be true but you can't go wrong with a bottle of bee propolis in your medicine cabinet. As a natural remedy it will be incredibly useful for at least it's anti-viral effects.

What is Bee Propolis?
Propolis is a resinous substance that bees collect from trees and plants. Bees use it as a natural antibiotic to protect their hive and as defence against disease in the hive. They do this by using it as a seal over foreign matter so that it does not pollute the hive as well as for creating doorways. It is made up of waxes, resins, fatty acids and amino acids. Hundreds of chemical properties have been identified in propolis and this differs from hive to hive as well as with the environment the bees live in and the time of day the propolis was collected. This makes propolis exceedingly complex which is why no one has attempted to synthesise the product. It is natural and cannot be patented and therefore research into the substance is limited regarding its clinical benefits.

Propolis has long been used as a natural remedy and it is thought that it's the numerous flavonoids which it contains that account for its wound healing benefits. Some studies suggest that it may be used against bacteria and viruses and other microorganisms when applied to infected areas topically. Propolis has anti-microbial action on both gram-positive and gram-negative micro-organisms. It contains constituents that increase membrane permeability and inhibit bacterial motility. It is commonly used for wound infection and other illnesses.

Anti-viral and Immune Boosting Effects

A study was done on the effects of bee propolis on Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) -- also known as canker sores -- at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Canker sores are an ulcerative disorder of the oral cavity. They have no cure and medicine used to prevent further outbreaks and relieve pain comes with its own set of dangerous side-effects. Bee propolis was evaluated as a potential remedy to reduce the number of mouth ulcer outbreaks. There were two groups of patients, one group who took a placebo capsule and the other group who took a propolis capsule. Patients who took the propolis capsule showed a significant decrease in the number of outbreaks of mouth ulcers. Another great effect of the propolis was that the patients reported a definite improvement in their quality of life. This would likely be due to the immune boosting effects that propolis has with its high levels of B-vitamin complex and notable quantities of vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene.
About the author: Katherine Oosthuis is completing a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy. She researches and writes for a health and nutrition website Detox For Life . Her passion is to make research available to those who are looking to improve their well-being and revolutionise their health through better nutrition and alternative medicines. 

An Overview of Mobile Phones Industry in India

Mobile Phones IndustryThe mobile phones industry in India has been an attractive destination for the global mobile phone manufacturers from the very start. It was thought in the beginning that the mobile phones in India will serve the growing communication needs in the country. Considering the growth of the industry in India, it can be said that the estimated results have been achieved beyond expectations.

Apart from mobile phone manufacturers, the industry has also seen the growth of mobile phone carriers, mobile phone application developers, mobile phone content providers and so on. It is expected that the industry is going to keep on growing to attain the anticipated goals at a fast rate.

There are two big reasons for the rapid growth of mobile phones industry in India. First, there is a huge market for entry-level mobile phones. And second, the high-end mobile phone buyers too exist in the Indian mobile phone market. These reasons encourage the top mobile phone manufacturers to experiment their products from different categories in the Indian market.

While Samsung, Nokia, Sony and LG are some of the topmost companies that have successfully launched a number of mobile phone models in the country, the companies like Blackberry too are joining the league fast. Besides, there has been a recent rise in the local mobile manufacturers as well. Micromax, Karbonn and Spice are some of the local manufacturers that have started grabbing a significant share in the mobile phones industry in India.

To match up the growing demand of mobile phones, the mobile phone carrier services like Bharti Airtel, Tata Teleservices and Reliance Communications have improved their services as well. Uninor and Videocon are among the latest entrants among mobile service providers that are making place for themselves at a fast rate.

Some of the factors responsible for the growth of the industry include growing income of the middle-class families, popularity of mobile based services like online ticket booking and low rate mobile connection plans. The recent launch of 3G by different mobile carrier service providers in the country has further made the things favorable for high-end growth of the mobile phones industry in India.

Note: Get latest updates and business information about "electrical gadgets" & "electronic goods in india" on India's largest B2B Marketplace

Pourquoi on mange du miel? Why do we eat honey?

une explication complète sur les vertus du Miel de toutes les nectars.
a complete explanation to the specific values found in different honeys.

Les caractéristiques de certains miels. Characteristics of various honeys.

Cliquez pour agrandir l'image
Le Miel d'Acacia : Longtemps liquide et clair, on y retrouve le parfum subtil et sucré de la fleur d'acacia. C'est un miel très apprécié. Il est idéal pour mélanger aux fromages blancs, yaourts, fruits rouges et fruits secs.
Le Miel de Châtaigniers : D'odeur forte, de couleur brun foncé presque rouge, au goût prononcé, c'est un miel fort et tonique. Il est plus corsé dans les zones ou la production de miel est accompagnée d'une production de miellat.
Le Miel de Forêt : La particularité du miel de forêt réside dans son mélange de nectars et de miellats variés, son arôme rappelle souvent les feuilles sèches des sous-bois. En bouche, le miel de forêt engendre des sensations boisées, suaves, où percent parfois une pointe de réglisse et un soupçon de menthe.
Le Miel de Lavande : Bien clair à jaune doré, ce miel fortement aromatique, sensiblement acidulé, traduit le caractère de cette fleur méditerranéenne.
Le Miel de Montagne : Généralement plus corsé, fortement aromatique de couleur ambré, c'est un miel de flore variée, récolté en moyenne ou haute montagne... Des saveurs pures, excellent pour la forme.
Le Miel de Sapin : De couleur foncée presque noir, au goût fortement balsamique et malté parfois mentholé, c'est un miel tonique et réputé.

Le Miel de Tilleuls : Ambré, clair, très parfumé au prononcé de menthe, c'est un miel de qualité conseillé pour les jeunes enfants pour son coté apaisant.
Le Miel de Tournesol : De couleur jaune vif, il exhale un arôme végétal très frais, légèrement acidulé. De texture assez fine, il est facile à tartiner et possède un pouvoir sucrant important. Riche en oligoéléments calcium, bore et silicium.
Le Miel Toutes Fleurs : Doré, ambré ou clair, crémeux ou liquide, c'est toute la saveur des régions de France, le goût des terroirs des fleurs butinées. Cocktail luxuriant des fleurs de plaine, subtilité des fleurs sauvages.

Le Miel et ses vertus. Honey and its benefits.

Chaque miel est caractérisé par une composition analytique propre qui lui donne des vertus particulières.
Chacun possède les propriétés communes à tous les miels et celles plus spécifiques, reconnues par des médecins, que l'on attribue aux fleurs et plantes visitées par les abeilles.

Miel d'Acacia : calmant, reconstituant, régulateur intestinal peut être donné à des jeunes enfants.
Miel d'Aubépine : antispasmodique - sédatif nerveux - conseillé en cas de digestion difficile, de palpitations.
Miel de Bourdaine : laxatif - facilite la digestion gastrique - stimule l'appétit.
Miel de Bruyère : antianémique, dynamogénique, diurétique antirhumatismal, conseillé en cas de fatigue, de convalescence ou d'affections des voies respiratoires.
Miel de Châtaignier : accélère la circulation sanguine.
Miel d'Eucalyptus : antiseptique général des voies respiratoires et des voies urinaires.

Miel de Forêt : très riches en divers oligoéléments: potassium, phosphore, calcium, soufre, magnésium, manganèse, zinc, fer, cuivre.
Miel de Garrigue : tonique et fortifiant.
Miel de Gâtinais : très nourrissant, revitalisant.
Miel de Lavande : anti-inflammatoire des voies respiratoires, antispasmodique, calmant de la toux.
Miel de Menthe : soulage les maux de l'appareil digestif, peut être indiqué aux cardiaques.
Miel d'Oranger : sédatif nerveux, calmant pour les enfants, conseillé en cas d'insomnie, antispasmodique.
Miel de Romarin : cholagogue, augmente les sécrétion biliaire, stimulant des fonctions hépatiques, conseillé en cas d'asthme, de difficultés digestives.
Miel de Rhododendron : antirhumatismal, tonifie et assouplit l'épiderme.
Miel de Ronce : diurétique, tonique, conseillé aussi en cas d'angine, aphte, enrouement, diarrhée.
Miel de Sapin : antiseptique général et anti-inflammatoire des voies respiratoires. diurétique, conseillé pour les bronches et pour l'insuffisance rénale.
Miel de Sarrasin : reconstituant, tonifiant, conseillé en cas de fatigue , d'anémie, de convalescence, de problèmes circulatoires.
Miel de Thym : antiseptique général, stimulant des fonctions digestives, tonifiant, facilite les tonus musculaire et la récupération physique.
Miel de Tilleul : sédatif nerveux, favorise le sommeil, calmant des migraines, de douleurs gastriques, de spasmes.
Miel de Tournesol : fébrifuge, conseillé en cas d'état fébrile améliore la circulation sanguine.

Miel de toutes fleurs : très équilibré en oligoéléments nécessaires à l’organisme.

sources : ouvrages de références, documents du Docteur Y. DONADIEU et du Professeur E. BENGSH.

A Brief Understanding of the Export Business in India

Exports Business in India
The Indian export business has been growing steadily for the past several decades. Indian exporters have succeeded in taking the export business to an international level.

Factors Contributing To the Growth of Export Sector

Several factors have contributed to the growth of export business in India. The growth of Small and Medium enterprises is one of the most important factors that have led to an increase in the export of the country. Most of the Indian exporters include the SME sectors which have grown tremendously during the past several years.

Some of the most important and profitable sectors in the export business include textiles, chemicals, telecommunication hardware, food grains, iron and steel, consumer durables and electronics. India is second largest exporter in the world next to China.

Another important factor that has led to the acceleration of exports is the online business to business web portals. The use of business directory by the Small and Medium enterprises has led to a global exposure of products and services.

Today Indian exporters can easily find markets for their products through online portals. The small enterprises found it difficult to reach the target audience but with the use of the b2b directories, these industries are able to showcase different products and services in the global markets, make better and faster transactions and have an in depth knowledge about market situations.

Indian exporters have a healthy competition with neighbouring countries which has further led to the growth of export sector in the country. The government has created new opportunities by introducing several policies to augment the export sector. By the year 1990, government introduced liberal policies to boost the export business in India. The introduction of various trade policies have led to a substantial flow of foreign currency.

Some of the Important Export Products

The Indian exporters maintain cordial trade relations with neighbouring countries. Majority of the commodities produced in the country are exported to foreign countries. Some of the most important and notable commodities include:
Iron and steel: India is the leading exporter of iron and steel to different countries all over the world.
  • Leather products: leather products like shoes, bags and belts are exported to different countries on large basis. It is one of the most profitable sectors of the Indian economy.
  • Textiles: another sector that contributes to the GDP of the country is the textile industry.
  • Chemicals and pharmaceuticals: India is the leading exporter of various chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The export of petroleum has also increased during the past several years.
  • Readymade garments: Indian exporters are well known for their readymade products in the international markets. Indian dresses and fabrics have immense appreciation all over the world.
  • Jewellery: Indian jewellery has craved a niche in the global markets with its unique blend of traditional and contemporary styles.
  • Dairy products: a leading exporter of milk products and eggs, the current census show a considerable increase in the export of dairy products.

The growth of SMEs and the use of business directory have led to a notable growth of the export sector of the country in many ways. Today the country is a leading exporter of many commodities in the international market.

Kundan Jewellery Spells Magnificence and Elegance

Indian jewellery is considered the embodiment of traditional beauty and opulence. Among the wide variety of designs and patterns of Indian jewellery, the Kundan jewellery is known to be the perfect image of skilled craftsmanship and matchless talent.

The Origin of Kundan Jewellery

Kundan jewellery dates back to the early Mughal Empire. The art of making this magnificent jewellery can be traced back to the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Heavy designs and intricate patterns done in semi precious and precious stones became so popular those days as it was worn mostly by the royal families.

Even after several decades, the essence of kundan jewellery remains untarnished with experienced craftsman bringing forth new designs and innovative ideas for a complete make over. These jewels are basically made in gold and silver along with precious stones like emerald, ruby and so forth.

The very essence of kundan jewellery lies in the way the stones are set on the kundan. Solid gold is rarely used as the whole process requires skilful cutting of holes for the gems or stones to be placed precisely in the kundan. Some of the most precious stones enamelled in the jewellery includes topaz, amethyst, rock crystal, jade, garnet and sapphire. However, the base material used for this jewellery is known as Lac, which is a liquid secretion. Gold is then used to cover the lac and the stones are pushed into the jewellery.

Best Choice for Brides

The traditional kundan jewellery is undoubtedly the most exquisite jewellery sets that a bride can adorn in her life. Available in a wide variety of colors and designs, these elegant set of jewellery can match any colored bridal outfit. The jewellery includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, bangles and mang tilak.

The jewelleries are classical masterpieces with intricate designs and patterns of laying precious gems by most dedicated Indian jewellers. This Indian jewellery ranges among the top priorities of Indian brides because it is a paragon of aesthetic values and royalty.

Moreover, it blends well with the bridal lehenga cholis and sarees. Designer sarees and lehengas also complement with the kundan jewellery. It is available in silver, golden and copper colors to match almost any outfit. As this jewellery is heavily set, it usually blends well with the bridal outfit or heavily embroidered outfits. It is difficult to find any other Indian jewellery with such matchless beauty as the kundan jewellery.

There are quite a number of jewellers that offer these jewelleries at affordable rates. You can also shop for them in the online stores which offer a wide variety of designs and patterns to suit individual preferences. You can find jewellery sets which include a beautiful necklace with earrings and a mang tilak exclusively for brides- to- be. Earrings and necklaces set in pearls and beads are greatly in vogue these days.

The Kundan jewellery sets are a unique combination of contemporary styles and traditional designs which makes them even more attractive and alluring in the international markets. Known for excellent craftsmanship, these jewelleries undoubtedly add a golden touch to the brides’ attire.

It's a Great Day to Quit … American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout

Thursday is the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout, an "event" encouraging smokers to quit that day (or to at least make a plan for quitting that day).

It has been said that the easiest way to quit smoking is not to start. But if you, or someone you care about, have become addicted to smoking, read on (please feel free to forward this email, too).

Quitting is not easy. But making the decision to quit is the first step towards living a healthier life. The next step is to stay smoke-free and there are many support tools available. For a holistic option consider black pepper (Piper nigrum) essential oil.

Studies suggest inhaling black pepper essential oil may help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The vapor released when black pepper essential oil is diffused is thought to help dispel anxious feelings associated with quitting smoking.*

If you or a loved one want to quit smoking, make this your day! The Cancer Society's website lists several health benefits accrued over time, including decreased heart rate, blood pressure, and risk of coronary heart disease. Read the full list of benefits here.

For more information about natural stop-smoking supports, you may be interested in Conquer Tobacco Naturally. In his book, Dr. Edward Blomgren, an ACHS graduate, details alternative strategies to help smokers quit in 12 weeks or less.

To access the American Cancer Society Guide to Quitting Smoking (and their Cigarette Cost Calculator, which is an eyeopener!), click here.

From natural health supporters to another, congratulations on all the small, everyday choices you make to live healthy! Take care!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

NRDC: Vanishing Bees

NRDC: Vanishing Bees

Honey bees are disappearing across the USA, putting $15 billion worth of fruits, nuts and vegetables at risk

A solid article from the National Resource Defenses Council, which includes the list below of all the crops bees pollinate - it's a great reference when speaking to the dangers of pesticide use.

bee on a flower
Why are the bees leaving? Scientists studying the disorder believe a combination of factors could be making bees sick, including pesticide exposure, invasive parasitic mites, an inadequate food supply and a new virus that targets bees' immune systems. More research is essential to determine the exact cause of the bees' distress.
Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture has allotted $20 million over the next five years for research, that amount pales in comparison with the potential loss of $15 billion worth of crops that bees pollinate every year. And the USDA has so far failed to aggressively seek out a solution.
If we don’t act now to save the honey bee, it might be too late. And no honey bees will mean no more of your favorite fruits and vegetables

Here’s a list of what bees pollinate:

Fruits and NutsVegetablesField Crops
  • Almonds
  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocadoes
  • Blueberries
  • Boysenberries
  • Cherries
  • Citrus
  • Cranberries
  • Grapes
  • Kiwifruit
  • Loganberries
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Nectarines
  • Olives
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums/Prunes
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Cantaloupe
  • Honeydew
  • Onions
  • Pumpkins
  • Squash
  • Watermelons
  • Alfalfa Hay
  • Alfalfa Seed
  • Cotton Lint
  • Cotton Seed
  • Legume Seed
  • Peanuts
  • Rapeseed
  • Soybeans
  • Sugar Beets
  • Sunflowers

Re-Coloring Black Friday with Aromatherapy

BY Keoi Magill, ACHS Certificate in Aromatherapy Graduate

On Black Friday, we have less than a month until the presents will be unwrapped. With all the gifts to be purchased, parties to plan, cards to write and holiday cooking, we just don’t seem to have time to spend taking care of ourselves. You can dial down your holiday stress and achieve balance with aromatherapy. Here are a few simple and easy ways to sail through the holiday season.

Before you go out shopping put a few drops of lavender oil Lavendula angustifolia, on a cotton ball. Just breathe in the calming aroma whenever you need it. Another way is to add the lavender to 4 oz of distilled water and spray yourself with a fine mist. It will help reduce your stress and alleviate irritability.

Add a drop or two of peppermint oil Mentha piperita, to your favorite body lotion and rub it into your feet. It will help invigorate and refresh your tired feet and help with exhaustion.

Make a blend of bergamot Citrus bergamia, peppermint Mentha piperita, and cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum, and diffuse on a lamp ring or ceramic diffuser throughout your home before a party. Not only will it help reduce your anxiety and nervousness, it smells festive and inviting.

When you are wrapping presents or writing out your holiday cards, diffuse or use a cotton ball with a few drops of rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis and neroli Citrus aurantium var. amara. These two oils are great together for mental clarity and to help ward off depression.

The holiday season doesn’t have to be black when you can open your crayon box of essential oils and in minutes color yourself balanced.

To learn more about aromatherapy and essential oils, download your free copy of "History of Aromatherapy" HERE.

*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe, or cure. See you primary care physician before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

A Tribute to Servicemembers, Veterans and Military Families

This Veterans Day, our servicemembers, veterans, and military families are in our thoughts. If you or a loved one are affiliated with the military, we want to say thank you for your service to our country. Your commitment to protecting the health and safety of our nation is sincerely appreciated.

Part of our mission at ACHS is to help active duty servicemembers, veterans, and military spouses get the training they need for a successful civilian career in holistic health. In fact, ACHS was recently named a Military Friendly School by GI Jobs magazine for the second year in a row. We’re very proud of this award and the services we’re able to offer servicemembers, and are dedicated to continuing to expand our services.

If you know someone who is passionate about holistic health and is a servicemember, veteran or spouse, tell them to email our Military Education Coordinator Tracey Miller for more information about benefits available through ACHS. Call (800) 487-8839 or email just send an email to

On behalf of the ACHS family, thank you for all you do!

November is American Diabetes Month: Cinnamon May Help Regulate Blood Glucose

For those who follow us on Twitter (ACHSedu), you already know that November is American Diabetes Month. Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, Diabetes Month raises awareness for diabetes prevention and the new Stop Diabetes movement. How will you help stop diabetes?

As part of your diabetes education, check out the recent study in the Diabetic Medicine journal exploring the potential use of cinnamon in regulating blood glucose and blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes. Who knew of of the oldest traditional plants used for digestive troubles (and for culinary and flavoring purposes), may also help with type 2 diabetes!

The October study "Glycated haemoglobin and blood pressure-lowering effect of cinnamon in multi-ethnic Type 2 diabetic patients in the UK: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial" tested 58 patients with type 2 diabetes and concluded that: "The intake of 2 g of cinnamon for 12 weeks showed reduction in HbA1c levels, mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure within patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. These results indicate that cinnamon should be considered in addition to standard therapy to regulate blood glucose and blood pressure levels to treat patients with type 2 diabetes."

READ more about the
Diabetic Medicine study HERE.

* This information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. You should always consult with your primary care physician before making any changes to your health and wellness routine.

Your Human Rights to Health are under attack!

This is an incredibly important topic for everyone who believes as this blog does that it is a basic human right not to have your Government or a Government sitting in Belgium tell you what you can or cannot put into your mouth or use in any other way you reasonably choose, or deny or restrict any individual the right of access to natural herbs or supplements to treat themselves, or their patients if they are a natural therapist.

I've extracted below the whole of an article at the URL mentioned. It's written from a US perspective but it's nonetheless applicable to us all in EU.

Fine for those who are not "into" treating themselves with natural remedies with little or no side effects, and who prefer to trot along to doctor trusting him/her to make decisions for them about stuffing some noxious chemicals down them. I'm happy for them if they are comfortable with the "what synthetic drug can I sell you?" system and turn a blind eye to the side effects. But for the large minority of us who don't buy into that system, who do our homework on what natural substances are available for us to self-treat safely and effectively, or who wish to consult a natural therapist on that subject, and have them prescribe us accordingly, this level of control is totally unacceptable. Natural healthcare has been effectively and safely used for generations without the burdensome controls now being imposed, and there is no reason to change this.

Let's all support the Alliance for Natural Health's legal challenge to the new EU laws, and let's have some public naming and shaming. It's high time that the bumpkins who have the impudence to interfere in our lives in this way were "outed" so that we can where possible deprive them of any future influence over us and try and make their lives very much less comfortable.

In less than a year, virtually all medicinal herbs will be illegal in the European Union.

It sounds like a bad April Fool’s joke, but it’s not. On the first of April next year, thousands of products associated with traditional medicine will become illegal throughout the European Union.

April 1, 2011, is the date the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD) comes into force throughout Europe. Many herbal products—including those already sold safely as food supplements—will need to be registered under THMPD if they are to be made available. But registration involves a series of eligibility and technical challenges as well as prohibitive costs, so a large number of traditional medicines will be prevented from being registered. This is especially true if the medicines are made by smaller companies with low annual sales volumes—a fairly common occurrence with traditional medicines.

In their take-no-prisoners strategy to wipe out every penny of competition and gain complete control of the health of the people, Big Pharma and Agribusiness have scored a major win in Europe. Similar, potentially devastating battles are also underway in the U.S.

How can this be happening?

The secret weapon used by drug companies is trade law. According to Gaia Health:
“Rather than treating food and traditional medicines as human rights issues, they have been treated as trade issues. That makes the desires of large corporations the focus of food and herbal law, rather than the needs and desires of people.
It’s this twisting that has resulted in the FDA’s making outrageously absurd statements, such as claiming that Cheerios and walnuts quite literally become drugs simply because of health claims made for them.”

A related concern is that laws and regulations that are enacted in Europe often influence US policy—and a negative outcome over there is a dangerous precedent that could be adopted here at home. So preserving access in the EU is absolutely critical to our own health freedoms.

Our colleagues at the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), together with the European Benefyt Foundation (EBF), have established a joint working group to coordinate their response to this issue. They plan a three-pronged attack:

1. Force a judicial review of THMPD as being an unsuitable vehicle for assessing traditional medicines. Not a single Ayurvedic or traditional Chinese medicine product has been registered under it. This will be expensive—please see the ANH website about how you can help - at

2. Change the EU food supplement regulations. The current regulations say that herbal products previously sold as food supplements are to be reclassified as medicines; a food or herb preparation is considered “novel” (and thus banned from sale) if it cannot be proved that one or more of its ingredients had been used significantly in the EU before May 1997; and health claims made by many herbal products are banned, limiting consumer choice.

3. Facilitate a new regulatory framework for traditional medicinal products to replace THMPD and expand its scope. This would regulate not only over-the-counter herbal medicines, but practitioner-prescribed and pharmacy-dispensed supplements as well. The European Benefyt Foundation has been working to develop such a framework for over a year.
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