Benefits of green tea

Benefits of green tea 

Savor tea for health has been known for thousands of years ago. In scientific research, discovered the usefulness of tea in pharmacology to the human body. Due to various types of chemical compounds such as amino acids, alkaloids pure, aromatic substances and vitamins. 
Vitamin C content in tea is higher compared to the existing content in apples, tomatoes and lime juice. While the B12 size 10-20 times higher than that found in cereals and vegetables, and components are not easily available in other foods. 
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Tea contains the amino acids needed by the body, rich in minerals and various vitamins. A tea drinker who regularly drank tea with a dose of rational, will get a regular supply of nutrients for the body and cause the formation of natural immunity. 
From the results of research in the Soviet Union of green tea and black tea, serves as one of the elements that can help so as not susceptible to disease. 
Chinnese expert researchers from the Academy of Preventife Medicine in China, after studying 17 types of tea can be proved that tea can slow the formation of nitrosamines in the body. In addition, some elements in tea can detect the development of tumor cells found in some parts of the human body. 

Compounds in tea and its function: 1. Catechin      Lowering cholesterol levels      Lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels      Anti-cancer, anti-mutant factor      Helps the kidneys work to prevent the occurrence of gallstones 2. Polyphenols / tannins
     Facilitate digestion, kills bacteria dysentery      Have anti-oxidant functions     Dissolve fat 3. Caffeine (Theophyiline Theobromine)     Stimulates the central nervous     Improving blood circulation, helps kidney function     Increasing concentrations 4. ESSENCE OIL
    Facilitate the digestion and dissolves fat
Source of tea aroma 5. Flavanols
Strengthens blood vessels, has an antioxidant function 6. Fluoride (Menganese, Zinc, Potassium
    Preventing tooth decay


Many ways can be done to determine the body's hydration status. Of course, each method has advantages and drawbacks. The means include: 

   1. measure total body water by dilution
2. measure osmolality and plasma volume
3. urine concentration
4. bioelectrical impedance, and
5. measurement of body mass.

Although the way is very sophisticated and precise to determine the hydration status of the body, but difficult and expensive to do at any time. 

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Well, there is a practical and easy and no cost that can be done anytime and anywhere, whether at home or at work. The trick is to compare the color of our urine with a row of colors in props (check your own urine). By using this ,then we can immediately correct when the body has not been well hydrated by drinking water consumed immediately clean, safe, and healthy.

Water and Cancer Malignancy

By: dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, SpGK - PDGMI Jaya 

Cancer malignancy 

Can not be denied again that cancer is a disease that is very scary for everyone. This disease can affect anyone, all ages, elderly, young children too, as well as any socio-economic groups, rich and poor. In the world of cancer is the number two cause of death after heart disease and blood vessel (cardiovascular). In Indonesia, health research data base (Riskesdas) in 2007 to get the incidence of cancer is approximately 4 persons per 1000 population and mortality due to cancer was ranked seventh. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 30% of cancers are caused by unhealthy lifestyles, including the overweight, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity and smoking habits. Based on data from Hospital Information System (SIRS) in 2007, breast cancer ranks first in hospitalized patients in all hospitals in Indonesia and the next is cervical cancer. 
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Until now, the exact causes of cancer is unknown. Therefore, the prevention of various risk factors should be done. From an early age, every individual is expected to practice clean and healthy lifestyle, among others: 

   1. Eat a balanced nutritional patterns, namely the consumption of a variety of food, in sufficient quantities at each meal and the regular schedule of meals in a day; 
   2. Avoid non-food materials harmful such as cigarettes, alcohol, preservatives, substances perwarna, food flavoring substances, etc.; 
   3. Doing regular physical activity in at least 30 minutes a day; 
   4. Abstain from physical stress, mental and social; 
   5. Consuming water to help remove harmful substances from the body. 


Two-thirds of the human body consists of water. Humans will be able to live quite a long time without food, but humans can not live without water only for b ome day. Each cell in the human body functions will be affected by water. In general, water in the human body functions to: 

   1. Remove toxins 
   2. Transporting food and oxygen 
   3. Maintain body temperature 
   4. Lubricate joints 
   5. Protects organs and tissues 
   6. Controlling blood pressure 

Lack of water in the body (dehydration) is the main factor causing various diseases. Here is the result of dehydration: 

   1. can cause the formation of active substances that harm the cell body (free radicals) that cause various diseases, including cancer. 
   2. compounds can cause the cell's genetic ability of the body (DNA) to repair damage to cells is reduced. 
   3. can lead to lower resistance resulting menurunnnya cells' ability to define, refine and destroy the abnormal cells. 
   4. can inhibit the transport of oxygen in an attempt to kill cancer cells. 

Thus, it is clear that the adequacy of the water body is needed to keep the cells can function optimally in order to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, including cancer. 

Bee Venom Therapy Used to Treat Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis

Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) works for many reasons and must be used carefully. But it's feasible to learn even for non-medical people... 

Speaker Creates Buzz Over Bee Venom as Medical TreatmentBy Alexandria Randolph, The Eagle, 7/28/2011

The Eagle
A multiple sclerosis patient who has been self-medicating herself with bee venom will speak Thursday at an annual event sponsored by the Central Texas Beekeepers in Brenham.

Alice Daley and her husband, Bill, said they initially learned about venom therapy in 1995 during a support group meeting for MS patients.

"When we heard about the bee sting treatment, we thought, 'We've got nothing to lose, so let's try it!'" Bill Daley said…

Bill Daley administers the venom once a week to his wife, who suffers from the autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. She has received more than 17,000 stings since beginning the treatment. Some use venom in a cream, ointment or injection form, the latter of which is used on her.

"I have a record of every sting I've ever given her," Daley said. "I give her 32 stings every week; five on each arm and leg, nine on her back, one on her neck and two on her chest."
Alice Daley said that while the treatment isn't commercially available or medically approved, it works for her.

"It keeps me out of the hospital," she said. "I get bee stings every week, and I haven't yet had a crash."
And, not only is she more mobile, she said, but doctors at her last neurological appointment could no longer find lesions that had been present on her brain.

Bill Daley, who is a certified reflexologist, also uses bee venom on some of his patients. "I sting a handful of people for arthritis and energy," Daley said. "There's one guy who gets stung just to feel better."

Kelling said bee venom therapy is not uncommon, though people should make sure they're not allergic to bee stings before trying it.

"I've heard my whole life about people with arthritis who had used stings on their knuckles," Kelling said. "It relieved people of the condition for a while."

While Kelling said he's not sure of the medicinal value of bee venom, he's been stung many times while working with his bees.

"All I know is I don't have any aches," he said...

American College of Healthcare Sciences Raises Lavender Awareness Through Community Wellness Events and U-Pick

On July 20 we hosted our annual Lavender Open House community wellness event at the College campus. More than forty people attended the event to raise awareness about the benefits of growing and harvesting lavender for personal health and as a garden aid!!

Our ACHS Chief Institutional Officer and Master Gardener, Erika Yigzaw, led participants through a series of hands-on workshops highlighting the holistic health applications of lavender, including a lecture about the aromatherapeutic properties, a demonstration of how to use lavender in personal care items, and a demonstration of how to grow, harvest, and pot lavender and other herbs for culinary and herbal medicine use.

Free downloadable videos from the day’s events will be available through the ACHS YouTube channel, ACHStv (, and photos and suggested uses for lavender are available on ACHS Facebook (

Download and read the full-text press release online here:

We'd love to hear from you! What lavender-specific topics would you like ACHS to cover at our next Lavender Open House event?

Apitherapy Workshop in Rhode Island, July 28th

American Apitherapy Society AAS

These workshops are very rewarding and not just for beekeepers, but for advanced practioners, too! 

American Apitherapy Society Symposium
Location:Crown Plaza Hotel Warwick, Rhode Island
Time: 8:30AM-5:15pm Thurs, July 28th
Price: $75 for entire day

Ideal for beginners and advanced practitioners alike; will also include a silent auction with unique apitherapy gifts & products. 

Register at Eastern Apiculture Society Conference. More details at link below:

Do You Use Cananga Oil As An Alternative to Ylang Ylang: ACHStv Gathering Canaga Flowers for Distillation

ACHS College President Dorene Petersen recently traveled to East Java. Here's an ACHStv video from her trip about how cananga flowers are gathered for distillation.

The terms cananga and ylang ylang are sometimes used interchangeably but there are botanical and subsequently essential oil differences. Ylang ylang is Cananga odorata var. genuine while cananga is Cananga odorata var. macrophylla. Both are from the Anonaceae family.

The trees of C. odorata var. macrophylla are quite common in East Java. The oil is extracted from cananga flowers using the hydro distillation process. The oil content in the flower varies from 0.75% to 1%. Total annual production of cananga oil in Indonesia is approximately 30-35 tons.

The main distillation season for cananga oil is from July to October. Areas of concern for this industry are the lack of tree replanting, while the existing trees are getting old and being attacked by caterpillars, which eat up all the leaves. The trees are not managed and grow to heights of 40-50 feet, which makes it difficult and dangerous to harvest. Previously a harvester had fallen from a tree and died from the injuries.

There is potential for developing and encouraging awareness of environmental issues and sustainability practices. The market for cananga oil is small so the price paid to the flower harvesters is low - approximately $0.45 U.S. per kg. Its continued production is tentative given the areas of concern and the low market demand.

This is an oil that deserves a closer look at by aromatherapists, natural product manufacturers, and natural perfumers.

Do you use cananga oil as an alternative to ylang ylang? We'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to post your comments here or to ACHS Facebook at

Lavender U-Pick at ACHS and Lavender Open House Pictures

Our Lavender Open House July 20 was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who participated.

If you're in the Portland area but were unable to attend in-person, stop by the ACHS campus @ 5940 SW Hood Ave, Portland for U-PICK LAVENDER from our Botanical Teaching Garden. It's just $6/bunch! Call (503) 244-0726 for more info. We look forward to seeing you!

We posted pictures from the Lavender Open House to ACHS Facebook here Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite lavender tips!

Visit our YouTube channel ACHStv for videos of the day's demonstrations, too.

Photo of Erika Yigzaw, ACHS Chief Institutional Officer and Master Gardener, demonstrating how to pot lavender and herbs. Image by Joel Strimling, Dean of Freshmen Students. Image © ACHS 2011.

Propolis Protects Against Gastric Ulcers due to Radiation Exposure

Propolis extract is very effective in treating mucous linings of the body...

Journal coverAnti-Ulcerogenic Effect of Aqueous Propolis Extract and the Influence of Radiation Exposure
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2011 Jul 8

Purpose: to study the effect of aqueous propolis extract (AEP) against indomethacin (Indo)-induced gastric ulcers in irradiated and non-irradiated rats.

Materials and methods: animals were irradiated at different radiation dose levels before the induction of ulcers. AEP was injected orally one hour (h) before induction of gastric ulcers and the effects compared with those of lansoprazole (Lanso), which was used as a reference anti-ulcerogenic drug.

Results: pretreatment of rats, either irradiated or non-irradiated, with AEP effectively protected against Indo-induced gastric ulceration. This was associated with a reduction in acid output and peptic activity and an increase in the secretion of mucin. The mucosal prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) level was also increased. The levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) were suppressed to the same extent after treatment. Both propolis and Lanso were effective in reducing the number of gastric lesions as well as the plasma level of malondialdehyde (MDA).

Conclusions: These findings indicate that the gastroprotective effect of AEP could be of value in the management of excessive gastric damage induced by radiation exposure.

Propolis More Effective than Antibiotics in Treating Infected Root Canals

We've seen very successful post-operative healing after using Propolis Extract...

Comparative Evaluation of Propolis and Triantibiotic Mixture as an Intracanal Medicament against Enterococcus faecalis
Journal of Endodontics, 15 July, 2011


The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, triantibiotic mixture (TAM), and an ethanol extract of propolis as intracanal medicaments on Enterococcus faecalis–infected root canals.


One hundred twenty extracted intact human permanent incisors were decoronated, and chemomechanical preparation of the root canal was performed. After sterilization of the samples, they were inoculated with pure culture of E. faecalis and incubated. After incubation, colony-forming units were recorded before medication. Then, samples were divided randomly into five groups (n = 24). Each group was then exposed to various intracanal medicaments, namely calcium hydroxide (group 1), TAM (group 2), propolis (group 3), ethanol (group 4), and saline as the control group (group V). The antibacterial effectiveness of the different intracanal medicament was recorded by determining the percentage reduction in colony counts (%RCC) at the end of days 1, 2, and 7. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post hoc test.


The %RCC was highest for propolis showing 100% reduction on day 2 followed by TAM showing 82.5%, 92.2%, and 98.4% of reduction on days 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Calcium hydroxide showed a gradual increase in antibacterial activity with a maximum of 59.4% on day 7.


Propolis was more effective than TAM against E. faecalis at a 2-day time period, and both were equally effective at 7 days.

face bright

Each woman must really want healthy skin and manicured. Facial treatments starting from the morning before the move, with washing face using warm water and soap washing the face with a special gel or cream form. Avoid using an ordinary bar soap for menadi because it can cause the skin to become dry. Noteworthy is, if your skin feels dry, or Dry gently patted with a towel.

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Use a moisturizing cream that suits the needs of the skin and environmental conditions. If you frequently exposed to sunlight exposure use a moisturizer that comes with a protective ultraviolet with SPF 15 for maximum results. Likewise, if you often are air-conditioned environment is needed so that facial moisturizing dry skin. Do not forget, always use a moisturizer made from natural ingredients.

Once completed the move, immediately clean the face thoroughly. Especially if you use make-up. Make sure there are no traces of makeup left on your face. Because the waste materials that are not cleaned it too long will block the pores so that the face will cause pimples or blackheads.

If you are having difficulty in cleaning the eye make-up section such as eye shadow or eye liner, use baby oil for baby oil is not harmful to the skin, then wash the face using warm water as usual, so that facial cleanliness had more leverage.

Do facials regularly to remove dead skin cells on the face causing the face look dull. The series of facial treatments include a scrub (exfoliate dead skin), steam (to eliminate blackheads and pimples), massage (to facilitate the circulation of blood), and the mask (to tighten facial skin).

But not only from the outside only care that we need to consider, but is supported by a healthy lifestyle, such as sleep patterns, and food intake. Moreover, the face is a mirror that can tell the health condition or the nature of people who have it.

Diet for Blood Type O

Diet based on blood type was first introduced by Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo in his book, Eat Right For Your Type, published in 1996.The contents of the book explains that everyone has a different response to food intake based on blood type they have. That's why certain types of diets can not be applied to everyone.
Diet based on blood type was first introduced by Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo in his book, Eat Right For Your Type, published in 1996.The contents of the book explains that everyone has a different response to food intake based on blood type they have. That's why certain types of diets can not be applied to everyone.

Hunter True TypeIn his book Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo said that based on the historical evolution of about 50,000 to 25,000 years BC, human ancestors had the same blood type, namely O. They are true hunters who eat meat are always ravin. For that Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo recommends that owners of O blood group eat more foods high in protein, low carbohydrate diet followed by lots of eating meat or fish but avoid dairy products and wheat.
Owner blood type O are free to consume meat and fish mixed with olive oil. In addition, free to consume eggs, nuts, but should limit fruit. While the food should be completely avoided is a cereal, various types of pasta and rice. To get the maximum stamina Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo recommends to perform a movement similar to aerobic exercise movement of the hunters.
Characteristic of blood group O• Have an immune system that is higher than other blood types.• Adaptable to a variety of foods on the environment is occupied.• To cope with stress are advised to do aerobic.• It is advisable to eat foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates, such as meat, fruit, fish, vegetables.• If the food consumed is not appropriate, then you are at risk of disease caused by inflammation and damage to organs such as arthritis.
Diet is recommended:• Breakfast: 2 slices of buttered toast layered fruit + One Banana• Snack lunch: Herbal teas• Lunch: A piece of roast beef + + Apple Spinach Salad• Afternoon Snack: A piece of cake• Dinner: A piece of lamb and asparagus boiled potatoes boiled + + + Fruit Herbal Tea

Menstrual agglomerate sign DISEASE?

The amount of blood, even the color and consistency of menstrual blood each cycle can vary, and it is more often the norm / normal. In the menstrual cycle, the endometrial lining (inner wall of the uterus) to thicken and during menstruation ,along with menstrual blood. The amount is about 30-80 ml per cycle.

Many women are menstrual blood contain clots, blood clots can be bright red or dark red-black and usually come out during most menstrual blood. When many blood clots, menstrual blood color will appear darker. Every now and then got my period with clotted blood that should not make sense to worry too much, but if too long / each cycle, then the state of anemia (anemia) can occur.

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Sometimes a blood clot showed the pathological (caused by a disease / condition is not normal), among others:
- Our bodies release an anticoagulant that causes menstrual blood is not clotted, but if menstrual blood is very much and fast discharge, anticoagulation was not functioning and menstrual blood to be clotted.
- Miscarriage, often a woman does not realize the missed period, and there is such a miscarriage. Usually, clotted blood and tissues contain. When the discharge of blood clots with tissue will feel pain.
- Benign tumors of the uterus (myoma uteri), which is located inside the uterus and cause broader endometrial surface often cause more menstrual blood, clotted and painful.
- Adenomyosis, pathological changes in the uterine muscle that causes the uterus to dilate and uterine muscle contraction impaired.
- Infection of the womb, often causing irregular periods and longer.
- Hormonal disorders, can occur anytime during the reproductive period of women, but more often around the age of menopause, a drastic change in weight / sudden, the side effects of medication, especially steroids.
- Obstruction of menstrual blood flow, so that the blood clotted before exiting, for example, there is a polyp in the neck / cervix, or infection causing the blockage.

Why Do Properties Need Housekeeping Services

Housekeeping services are among the most popular categories of the service sector. These services have become popular in most of the countries as different types of properties have realized their importance in more than one way. Those who hire these services soon realize their significance in the day to day operations.

With their growing demand, the housekeeping service providers have improved and added the ways to serve various types of clients. If you have been recommended to hire a housekeeping service provider, you must know what these professionals are capable of. Here is a discussion to make you familiar with the concept of housekeeping and how it can fulfill your needs.

Housekeeping Services

A Boon to Hospitality
Hospitality industry has grown tremendously due to improvement in tourism and recreation. This has raised the expectations of the guests and customers from establishments like hotels, restaurants and bars and also from airlines and cruise lines. Housekeeping services act as a boon to the hospitality industry as these services follow a professional approach to serve the customers.

Property Management
Vacation houses and resorts are among the preferred accommodations of the tourists traveling to different cities and countries. To help these customers have a memorable experience, the owners of these properties hire housekeeping services for the purpose of property management. These service providers offer a significant role even if these rental properties lie vacant during the off-season.

Maintaining Cleanliness
Hospitals and healthcare centers need to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Moreover, these establishments require following the cleanliness rules while preparing foods for the patients. All these needs are fulfilled by the housekeeping service providers at these establishments. These service providers maintain cleanliness at various lodging properties as well. Waste disposal, floor and carpet cleaning, glass cleaning and pest control are among the services offered by housekeeping professionals.

Repair and Maintenance
Regular inspection of the properties and repair and maintenance of different parts of a property are the other important functions performed by the housekeeping services. It is an important task to be performed especially when the owner of the property is not physically present at the property all the time.

Taking Care of Stocks
Another task performed by the housekeeping services is that of maintenance of stock and supply of different items. For example, a housekeeping department in a hotel maintains the stock of bed sheets, linens, towels, room fresheners and other important items.

Finance Management
An important role has been added to the list of responsibilities that a housekeeping department offers. They are expected to maintain accounting records for the property so that the owner is able to keep an eye on his profits and losses. Financial reporting from the housekeeping department is expected to be efficient and flawless.

Housekeeping services are meant to serve various business properties and their customers. If you have a property that needs to be managed or taken care of, you must think of hiring an efficient housekeeping service provider. Search for these service providers at online business directories as these are the most convenient sources to find a good option.

How Are Electrical and Electronic Goods Useful in Industries

Industrial sectors, ranging from product manufacturing to food processing and from construction to packaging industry, are highly reliant upon variety of electronic and electrical supplies. There are many categories of electrical and electronic tools and related tools that are critical for various processes in industrial sectors.

Operated using batteries or electricity, there are tools that make many tasks easier for the industrial workers. Besides, there are tools and supplies that lay the foundation for different types of set-ups. Also, there are tools that are used to make electrical and electronic goods functional. The following discussion provides information on different categories of electrical and electronic supplies commonly found in industrial workplaces.

To begin with, wires and cables are the common electrical supplies that constitute the skeleton of different industrial setups. These electrical components are installed to transport electricity from one industrial unit to another. In addition, wires and cables are used to set up networks in the computer and IT industries. Telecommunication industry is among the prime users of these supplies to install communication networks.

Switches and lighting fixtures are other important examples of electrical goods used at industrial workplaces. There are many electrical supplies that are used to ensure safety while using electrical and electronic appliances. Load controllers, for example, are the essential components that must be installed in industrial units that require electrical load management.

There are many tools that are operated upon electrical components to ensure that they are properly installed. Wire crimpers, screwdrivers, wire strippers, pliers, fish tape and many such small but essential products are included in the list of electrical supplies that are useful for industrial working.

Lighting equipments, ranging from bulbs to light rods and lamps too are counted among electrical supplies that every industry needs to have. Voltage and current detection tools are required to ensure that the circuits are working in the desire manner. Voltmeters, for example, are the tools that check voltage level in the high load circuits installed in industrial units.

Electrical and electronic batteries are the fundamental goods to provide industrial units with adequate and uninterrupted power supply. Inverters and generators are useful goods that are used at industrial units to handle the situations like power shortage. Electronic motors are the electrical machines that are used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and have importance in variety of industrial operations.

Expensive electronic appliances like refrigeration appliances and food processors are of great importance in food manufacturing industry. Computers and many related electronic devices need no introduction for their importance in different industrial sectors. From small electrical supplies like wires to big electrical gadgets, the smooth working of most of the industrial sectors can’t be imagined in the modern setups.

Considering the importance of electrical and electronic good and supplies, it is important to purchase them from reputed manufacturers and suppliers. Look for companies supplying these supplies, tools and equipments at online business directories. This will help you obtain right components and goods at competitive prices from companies located in different parts of the world.

How to Use Your Essential Oil Travel Kit

Join Tracey Miller from the American College of Healthcare Sciences at the Beaverton Farmer's Market as she walks you through the seven must-have essential oils for travel: cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), lemon (Citrus limonum), tea tree Australia (Melaleuca alternifolia), peppermint (Mentha piperita var. vulgaris), and ylang yang (Cananga odorata). Traveling with essential oils is a great way to support you health while traveling and to have your sustainable, natural first aid kit on the go!

Honey Can Reverse Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics

Unadulterated Honey is an effective agent against destroying bacteria and speeds healing in wounds... 

Society for General Microbiology
Spring Conference 11-14 April , 2011 (PDF)
Harrogate International Centre, UK

"Manuka honey could be an efficient way to clear chronically infected wounds and could even help reverse bacterial resistance to antibiotics, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s Spring Conference in Harrogate.

Professor Rose Cooper from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff is looking at how Manuka Honey interacts with three types of bacteria that commonly infest wounds: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Group A Streptococci and Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus (MRSA). Her group has found that honey can interfere with the growth of these bacteria in a variety of ways and suggests that honey is an attractive option for the treatment of drug-resistant wound infection.

Honey has long been acknowledged for its antimicrobial properties. Traditional remedies containing honey were used in the topical treatment of wounds by diverse ancient civilisations. Manuka honey is derived from nectar collected by honey bees foraging on the manuka tree in New Zealand and is included in modern licensed wound-care products around the world. However, the antimicrobial properties of honey have not been fully exploited by modern medicine as its mechanisms of action are not yet known. 

Professor Cooper’s group is helping to solve this problem by investigating at a molecular level the ways in which manuka honey inhibits wound-infecting bacteria. “Our findings with streptococci and pseudomonads suggest that manuka honey can hamper the attachment of bacteria to tissues which is an essential step in the initiation of acute infections. Inhibiting attachment also blocks the formation of biofilms, which can protect bacteria from antibiotics and allow them to cause persistent infections,” explained Professor Cooper. “Other work in our lab has shown that honey can make MRSA more sensitive to antibiotics such as oxacillin -effectively reversing antibiotic resistance. This indicates that existing antibiotics may be more effective against drug-resistant infections if used in combination with manuka honey...”

ACHS Annual Lavender Open House, Distillation, and U Pick July 20

We are soooooo excited about our Lavender Open House tomorrow. If you're in the Portland area, make sure to stop by the ACHS campus from 11 am-2 pm for a workshop about the health benefits of lavender, growing lavender, and how to distill and harvest lavender. It's going to be lots of fun!

If you're able to attend, make sure to RSVP to (503) 244-0726 or email The event will be at the ACHS campus at 5940 SW Hood Ave., Portland Oregon 97239. You can find directions to our campus online here:

If you're not able to attend in person, not to worry--we'll post lots of pictures and video from the day's events to ACHS on Facebook at AND our YouTube channel, ACHStv here

Here's a clip from our 2009 Lavender Open House and Distillation. Enjoy! Watch Parts 2-5 on ACHStv here

Cananga Flowers (Ylang Ylang) Being Sorted and Gathered From the Ground

Cananga flowers (ylang ylang) being sorted and gathered from the ground. The flowers drop to the ground after they are cut from a very tall tree. The harvester, in this case a man, was perilously perched 40 feet above the ground in the branches executing the cut with a hooked blade tied to a 15 foot stick. His wife is on the ground sorting and gathering with amazing speed. Unfortunately they are paid only .45 cents per kilo of flowers.

Photo by Dorene Petersen, ACHS President. © 2011. Bali.

Propolis Can Control Blood Glucose, Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Propolis, along with the other products from the beehive, have remarkable promise for the human condition...

Effects of Encapsulated Propolis on Blood Glycemic Control, Lipid Metabolism, and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rats
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2012;2012:981896

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The present study investigates the encapsulated propolis on blood glycemic control, lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) rats.

The animal characteristics and biological assays of body weight, fasting blood glucose (FBG), fasting serum insulin (FINS), insulin act index (IAI), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were measured and euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique were used to determine these effects.

Our findings show that oral administration of encapsulated propolis can significantly inhibit the increasing of FBG and TG in T2DM rats and can improve IAI and M value in euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp experiment. There was no significant effects on body weight, TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C in T2DM rats treated with encapsulated propolis.

In conclusion, the results indicate that encapsulated propolis can control blood glucose, modulate lipid metabolism, and improve the insulin sensitivity in T2DM rats.

Bee Venom May Help Treat Complication of Lupus

We seen positive effects with the use of Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) for other auto-immune conditions such as Arthritis, Lyme's Disease, Multiple Schlerosis, ALS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, even Tennis Elbow ...

Bee Venom-Associated Th1/Th2 Immunoglobulin Class Switching Results in Immune Tolerance of NZB/W F1 Murine Lupus Nephritis
Am J Nephrol, 2011;34:163-172

LogoBackground/Aims: Bee venom (BV) therapy has been used to treat inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis in humans and in experimental animals. This study was conducted to examine the therapeutic effect of BV on established lupus nephritis in New Zealand Black/White (NZB/W) F1 female mice.

Methods: Beginning at 18 weeks of age, mice were given a subcutaneous injection of either BV (3 mg/kg BW) or an equal volume of saline once a week until the end of the study. To examine the effect of BV on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, splenocytes from NZB/W mice (23 weeks of age) were treated with BV (1 µg/ml) or PBS in the presence of anti-CD3ε (1 µg/ml) and anti-CD28 antibodies (4 µg/ml) for 48 h.

Results: BV administration delayed the development of proteinuria to a significant extent, prevented renal inflammation, reduced tubular damage, and reduced immune deposits in the glomeruli. Interestingly, CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells were significantly increased in vitro and in vivo after BV treatment.

Conclusion: Collectively, the administration of BV that has immune modulating effects represents an applicable treatment of lupus nephritis in NZB/W F1 mice.

Lipstick for Dogs: An ACHS Fundraiser Benefiting the Oregon Humane Society

ACHS is hosting a fabulous fundraiser on July 27. We hope you can attend! 

Lipstick for Dogs is a fundraiser benefiting the Oregon Humane Society.

35% of retail sales and 15% of preferred client sales donated with a minimum $250 donation


Lipstick for Dogs features Arbonne vegan cosmetics, skin care, and nutrition products. Events include a raffle, free makeovers, and more!

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Propolis Fights Cavities, Mexican Researchers Discover

Propolis is very effective... we've surprised dentists with the use of Propolis Extract to treat injured or infected gums...

Mexican Researchers: Resin Produced by Bees can Fight Cavities

bees on plant.jpgResearchers are using propolis, a resinous substance produced by honey bees, to fight cavities and are examining whether the compound can be used to control hypertension, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, or UNAM, said.
Bees use propolis, which is made from plant resins gathered by the insects, to seal hives, UNAM said.
The chemical structure of propolis "varies due to factors such as the time of year, flowering and the region where the insects gather it," the university said.

The project, whose goal is to promote the use of a "wasted resource," is being carried out by UNAM School of Chemistry researcher Jose Fausto Rivero Cruz and veterinarians Angel Lopez Ramirez and Adriana Correa Benitez.
Mexico produces just six tons annually of propolis even though it is the world's sixth-largest honey producer, the researchers said.

Propolis is mainly used in Mexico to deal with coughs, but it is known that the substance has other therapeutic uses and can help in the treatment of viral infections, scars, swelling, allergies and pain.
The researchers tested the effects of propolis on the bacterial organisms that cause cavities - Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus mutans - and isolated some compounds that help fight the dental problem.
"With these discoveries, we can look for ways to prevent cavities," Rivero Cruz said.

The researchers are also looking at using propolis to control high blood pressure, but that phase of the project is going more slowly and has not entered the test stage yet, UNAM said.

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Malaysian Tualang Honey Heals Wounds Faster Than Other Treatments

Placing honey immediately on a burn is very effective in eliminating the pain quickly and reducing the damage ...

Indian Journal of Plastic SurgeryEvaluations of Bacterial Contaminated Full Thickness Burn Wound Healing in Sprague Dawley Rats Treated with Tualang Honey
Indian J Plast Surg, 2011 Jan;44(1):112-7.

AIM: The effect of Tualang honey on wound healing in bacterial contaminated full-thickness burn wounds was evaluated in 36 male Sprague Dawley rats.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The rats were randomly divided into three groups (n = 12/group). Three full-thickness burn wounds were created on each rat. Each group of rats was inoculated with a different organism in the burn wounds: Group A was inoculated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Group B was inoculated with Klebsiella pneumoniae and Group C was inoculated with Acinetobacter baumannii. One wound on each rat was dressed with either Tualang honey, Chitosan gel or Hydrofibre silver. Each wound size was measured on day 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 of the study.

RESULTS: The mean wound size of the Tualang honey-treated wounds was not statistically different than that of the Chitosan gel or Hydrofibre silver-treated wounds when the wounds were compared throughout the entire experiment (P > 0.05). However, comparing the mean wound size on day 21 alone revealed that the Tualang honey-treated wounds were smaller in comparison to that of the Chitosan gel and Hydrofibre silver-treated groups.

CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that topical application of Tualang honey on burn wounds contaminated with P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii gave the fastest rate of healing compared with other treatments.
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