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Protein in your diet

     Protein, true "bricks of the building," have very different roles in the body, but mainly it is building. Proteins consist of amino acids. Once ingested, they are "apart" into its constituent parts the amino acids. In a process called hydrolysis, and then after absorption, are restored in specific proteins necessary for human body.

Hydrolysis of protein - energy source for the body

The process can be described in a simple understandable, comparing it to when you eat meat (beef, say, although it can be chicken, pork, etc..) Meat protein is broken down into amino acids that are absorbed in our intestine , then combined in the protein amino acids which build our muscles.

So muscle of another animal (cow in our case) will get to build our muscles. Of course, the protein in cow muscle is different from human muscle, so the amino acids in other proportions will combine to form proteins other than their own. Number of known amino acids is quite high, but the function body only needs about 28, most of which can be synthesized by the body. Exceptions are eight amino acids, which must necessarily find in food, otherwise the body can not make his own proteins. These amino acids are categorized as essential.

Foods with complete proteins and incomplete proteins

Generally, when talking about food and they proteins, are grouped into complete protein foods, so the eight essential amino acids present in a ratio as close to the human body needs and incomplete protein foods, which often have no one or more of the eight essential amino acids, or do not have in sufficient quantities. In the category of complete protein foods enter: meat (chicken, beef, pork, fish, sheep, etc..), Dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc..), Eggs, and the incomplete protein foods of plant origin into the : legumes, cereals, fruits, seeds, etc.. Thus, dry beans, although it has a high content of protein, it is incomplete, being low in three of the eight essential amino acids. Therefore has low nutritional value. There solution to combine these foods with others, all vegetable, rich in these three amino acids and thus and we obtain a protein as the animal. Combining beans with rice at a rate of 1/3 and we obtain it. A man can handle in normal conditions 30-35g of protein per meal.

The latest findings of scientists shows that is not mandatory that every meal you eat protein. They found that, in case of ingestion of protein incomplete, there is a chance the body to create specific proteins, using the amino acids not used in previous tables and stored somewhere in the body (scientists do not know where) for a eventual use. Obviously, for this to happen, you must eat a variety of foods that if you focused on the same food - beans, say - always the same amino acids are missing so it will not be in the "tank" anything that complement amino .

Another finding that should take into account is that at certain times of day the body can metabolize more protein and carbohydrates. Experiments conducted both on laboratory on rats and humans have shown that those who consumed a mixture of glucose with protein immediately after training or, in the worst case, within an hour after training significantly increased muscle mass and strength compared with those who ate only protein, only glucose or glucose with protein, but two or more hours after training. Immediately after exercise, the body is able to synthesize with their 10-25% more protein than any other time of day if it fed properly - with a mixture of protein and glucose.

Protein is a component of muscle growth

In conclusion, the key protein of muscle development is basically the number one nutritional component in muscle growth. We need protein for muscle tissue to recover and grow after workouts. If the diet is low in protein we can train as hard and intense and we guarantee we will not grow.
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