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Onions - important medicinal properties, flavor and beyond

     Onions - properties important for physical and mental health

I know, onions meant for you so far more taste than health, but many properties of the consumption of onions will make you look, from now on, with different eyes this valuable vegetable for human body.
Rich in fiber, protein, sodium, vitamins A, B, C, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and with strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties, onion helps us keep  daily health:

Onions - 7 valuable health properties:

- Onions treat anemia: due to high amount of iron in the onion, one of the most important properties is its ability to fight anemia, people experiencing this problem should consume 1-2 onions whole week;

- Onions lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, has anticoagulant properties which is why half the onion daily consumption reduces risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases, moreover, onion decreases blood pressure and dissolving clots formed in time;

- Onions prevents colon cancer, due to its high fructo-oligosaccharides, which stimulate the development of colon health Sour needed other harmful bacteria growth stops, reducing the risk of developing tumors, onions reduced risks of other cancers, such as the esophagus, stomach or prostate;

- Onions treat colds and strengthens the body, due to its surprisingly high in vitamin C (9mg to 100g of onion), it acts as an antibiotic speeds up healing and is effective against cough, fever, pain in the neck (onion juice mixed with honey) or respiratory disorders, asthma or bronchitis, it strengthens immunity and prevents infections due to sulfur compounds contained, responsible for strong smell ... and tearing;

- Onions can stop hair loss (the juice of an onion should be applied to the scalp and let it work a few minutes, twice a week) prevent premature loss of teeth (destroy germs in the mouth), moreover, onion juice mixed with honey and olive oil is a natural effective treatment against acne;

- Onions has diuretic properties, prevent fluid retention, and excessive accumulation of gas or chronic constipation, freeing you stomach ache and other stomach disorders.

- Onions have beneficial properties in terms of insomnia and calming nerves. If you are struggling with lack of sleep, try to eat a few pieces of onion with 1-2 hours before bedtime, and if you feel a strong fussiness, you can quickly calm breathing heavily several times a freshly cut onion.

And another thing: it seems that the onion has a powerful aphrodisiac effect, so ... forget the smell and enjoy its many properties.
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