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Green tea - amazing benefits for your health

    Green Tea - benefits from A to Z

There is another drink as green tea so healthy? Used for 4,000 years in Chinese medicine for diseases of all kinds, from headaches and depression to cardiovascular disease, consumption of green tea presents so many benefits that should not make us go a day without a health portion of green tea.

What makes green tea so special? The content of rich EGCG (short for epigalocatechina gallate) substances present only in tea leaves, which have the ability to prevent growth of cancer cells, being 100 times more effective in the fight against free radicals than vitamin C! And gains for green tea drinkers do not stop here ...

Green Tea - 10 major benefits

Here, therefore, the most important benefits of green tea consumption:

1. Reduces risk of cancer: regular consumption of green tea not only help prevent multiplication of cancer cells, but prevents their appearance, for example, according to research, 2 cups of green tea / day reduced the chances of lung cancer with no less than 18%.

2. Eases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: Green tea consumption reduces risks and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation or pain. EGCG compound was named by researchers at the Faculty of Medicine in Michigan as the most effective treatment for this condition, significantly protecting the health of cartilage.

3. Stabilizes cholesterol: Green tea helps to lower LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and increase HDL ("good" cholesterol), which is why green tea drinkers may consume fatty foods, keeping cholesterol levels in a normal limit.

4. Prevents cardiovascular disease: A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association show that people who drink about 5 cups of green tea a day had 16% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, antioxidants in green tea helps prevent heart and keep arteries clean.

5. Strengthens the immune system: Catechins contained in green tea has a great impact on the immune system, strengthening the body resistance against diseases of any kind and protecting at the same time, healthy eyes (green tea benefits are a veritable weapon against glaucoma and other eye diseases common) .

6. Helps maintain silhouette: It was proved that green tea helps fight obesity, stimulating the metabolism and accelerates weight loss. EGCG accelerates combustion, helping you to stay in top form and preventing fatigue and drowsiness associated with a diet more or less drastic.

7. Keep dental health: Antibacterial properties of green tea helps to remove plaque associated with bacteria. Each cup of green tea you drink significantly contribute to maintaining and improving the health of gums and caries prevention.

8. Reduce and prevent acne: Because anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, green tea prevents acne and relieves tender, swollen and redness associated with it, helping to combat hormonal problems and fighting off free radicals that affect skin health.

9. Slows the degradation of brain cells: Green tea is hope for those suffering from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease due to polyphenols with neuroprotective properties in its composition, which fully protects the nervous system, slowing the development of these diseases.

10. Slow down the aging process: In green tea consumption, we find innumerable benefits for youth and beauty of our skin, it prevents oxidation and delaying cell aging and wrinkles.
      To keep your skin young skin, this is what would need to include in your diet: red wine, apples, bananas, garlic, honey, olive oil, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc..

Green Tea - benefits essential to a healthy body 

So, replace soda and energisers with green tea  and make it a habit of healthy consumption, required for a long and carefree life. And, moreover, the taste is fantastic!
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