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Radishes - amazing curative properties, cooler taste

Radishes - important health properties, from A to Z

If you did not know what or do not have the time to to cook every day take advantage and enjoy fresh vegetables at a reasonable price and eat a salad every day, both for health and for the figure. And do not forget a miracle ingredient: radishes! Properties essential for health, vitamins, minerals and numerous therapeutic virtues, all are found in those little ones, crispy and delicious bulbs!

White, red, purple or black radishes prevent many cancers, supports the circulatory system heart health, strengthen the immune system, detoxifies the body and are extremely valuable in a diet. Let's not forget for large amount of vitamin C, A B, and for high content for calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, folic acid or potassium radishes, remineralizing tonic properties, all with only 16 kcal / per 100g!

Radishes, properties essential for the human body:

- Radishes - beneficial properties for digestion: the content of calcium-rich magnesium, vitamin C and fiber facilitates digestion, facilitating the elimination of waste that stagnates in the body and improving at the same time, metabolism, also radish leaves are very healthy for digestion, with properties laxatives, antitoxic preventing excess fat accumulation;

- Radishes - anticancer properties: presence of terpenes, lignins anthocyanidins (which give color radishes) inhibits cancer cell growth, decay and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease;

- Radishes - setting properties of blood: are high in potassium, radishes help lower blood pressure, fighting simultaneously against fatigue, depression and stress;

- Radishes - immune stimulating properties: radishes strengthen the body against infection by high content of vitamin C (14.8mg / per 100g), combat anorexia are excellent for people recovering from or experiencing a state of physical and mental exhaustion, also , radish juice reduces fever and is very good in fighting colds and allergies;

- Radishes - healing properties of joint pains: radishes relieve rheumatic pains, as recommended in the fight against gout or chronic arthritis;

- Radishes - beneficial properties the respiratory system: anti-infective properties radishes were fortified, favoring expectoration freeing the airways, people with lung disease should consume 10 radishes every day;

- Radishes - kidney cleansing properties: radishes help treat kidney problems, contributing to breaking up and removing stones, is recommended to drink radish juice 6 tablespoons 3 times a day to stop the development of kidney stones ;

- Radishes - cleansing properties of the skin: vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc vitamin B complex in composition radishes, and the large amount of water helps keep skin youthful brightness, crushed raw radishes can be applied to the skin to prevent dry, red spots or cracks;

Radishes - powerful healing properties beyond taste

So if you eat radishes up today for the sake of taste, know that they are essential for maintaining health and overall body strength. Besides the above benefits, radishes improve liver health, blood circulation, fight bad breath, headaches, acidity, a sore throat or fever.
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