Even if you are not a tea lover, you should include in your diet as often as possible, even for its value. But people in front of a large diversity, which tea should we choose? Well, as there are many types of tea, as there are many problems that need to treat or prevent them ... So you knowingly choose tea.
Three types of tea essential for healthy living
- Black tea prevents diabetes. It seems that tea polysaccharides have properties to balance blood sugar levels, which means that a consumer may frequently prevent diabetes, as recommended and those who already have the disease. Black tea is rich in vitamins and minerals (vitamin B1, B2, C, K, PP, potassium, iodine, phosphorus), is effective in combating stress, helps regulate cholesterol, stimulates digestion and fat burning. Also, it seems that it would protect and oral health, preventing plaque formation and decay.
- White tea prevents colon cancer because white tea is less processed than other types of tea, which leads to a stronger action of polyphenols, a type of antioxidants, according doctoroz.com., Inhibiting the onset and development of cells cancer and protecting us so many types of cancer, particularly colon, prostate and stomach. In addition, white tea strengthens blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and strengthens bones, opening minds to restore bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

- Green tea protects us from Alzheimer's disease: Green tea consumption improves memory, protects brain cells and combats enzymes that destroy the brain's chemical transmitters, reducing the risk of dementia. Green tea is known for its effect to reduce blood cholesterol and regulating, but also for its anticancer and antiaging.
Types of tea, all delicious!
And what better way than a perfumed tea, along with some cookies and a good song in the morning? One wonderful day!
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