To prevent some of the most serious diseases should include some nuts in your diet daily. Benefits are plenty, both for health and for beauty, and the few extra calories can be eliminated easily by moving or removing unhealthy snacks. Think a moment: when the last time you ate nuts? Randomness ... should become a habit.
If we want to have a healthy heart should eat no more and no less than 7 nuts per day which, according to recent research, we could protect even the different types of cancer, especially breast cancer.
Daily consumption of nuts - long-term benefits
Rich in vitamin A, B, C, iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, calcium, copper, fiber, protein, folic acid, unsaturated fats and minerals, nut is considered a true food-drug, especially for people suffering of anorexia and anemia, but also for those experiencing weakness or fatigue general physical / mental.
Healthier and twice as rich in antioxidants than almonds, peanuts, pistachios and other fruits, nuts consumed daily reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 35%, those of diabetes and reduce inflammation (chronic).
Researchers at Marshall University in West Virginia recently discovered, after an experiment on mice, the Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E present in nuts and give them their anti-cancer potential to slow the growth of malignant tumors. The study, sponsored by the American Institute for Cancer Research, showed that breast cancer risk is significantly reduced (50%) for mice that were genetically programmed to develop the disease and had consumed a daily equivalent quantity of nuts 50g for body human. And researchers at Harvard University have demonstrated, after a study of 30,000 teenagers, that at least two servings of nuts per week reduce the risk of breast cancer by 36%.
Nuts - benefits for body, mind and ... teeth

As for the calorie content, 100g walnuts = 654 calories, but as long as they replace other unhealthy snacks throughout the day, you should not make problems in terms of silhouette, especially given that they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. For vegetarians and others, nuts can be one of the most healthy and suitable substitutes for the meat, giving the body all the substances necessary for normal functioning ... and more!
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