A teaspoon of honey bee is the work of hundreds of hardworking ... about 400 substances and extremely valuable to our health that can not be reproduced artificially! Honey is the strongest known natural energy and a true wonder of nature with fabulous effects on our health, why should not pass a day without us indulge the senses and the whole body with many teaspoons of honey.

Honey has antiseptic and antioxidant properties, promotes cellular regeneration and a cure is at hand for the various ailments, from burns and scars to the ulcer, diabetes or heart disease. The rich in vitamin B, C, A, D, K, but also potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, honey purifies and strengthens the body in a natural and pleasant way!
Secrets of the honey
Not just the taste of honey is very special , but its many medicinal properties, and antitumor! Honey prevents infections and act on all body systems from the respiratory and digestive system to the skin.
If you suffer from diarrhea, indigestion, gastritis or ulcers, honey should not miss in your diet. It promotes digestion, stimulates metabolism and acts as a natural bandage for the stomach, but also for injury, irritation or scarring and speed healing by reducing inflammation. For example, pain in the neck can be quickly controlled with a few teaspoons of honey, soothing irritation and killing bacteria that cause infection.
Honey defend yourself against the most prevalent diseases in the world, namely tooth decay! 98% of world population suffer from tooth decay, and one of the methods to prevent it is the replacement of eating sugar with ... honey.
Hangover? Also honey is the solution! Combine 15 ml honey 80 ml of orange juice and 70 ml of yogurt and you "wake up" instantly!
Honey in everyday life ...
Occupies a very important role ... and can replace many harmful habits. For example, in the morning, before going out to run, leave the energizer aside and take a teaspoon of honey, you will fly in place to run! If you feel exhausted and lacking energy, a teaspoon of honey and restore your vitality instantly , and if you have trouble concentrating or are very sought intellectual, all the honey you put up.
"Dose" of honey daily is recommended for a child, an average of 10 teaspoons of honey per day and an adult - double, approximately 100g.
Honey - Healthy ... how long is natural
Now I know that you will rush to buy a jar of honey from the nearest store, be careful honey you take to be true because so many traders get "honey" by boiling sugar and various infusions plants.
To go to the safe, supply you with organic honey, it meets several conditions: hives are placed in green areas (extremely important considering that a bee fly 3-5 km in search of "raw material"), and to the bees is not applied any treatment with antibiotics. Organic honey is motorized throughout the manufacturing process so that you can be sure that what you eat protect your health, not endanger.
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