As the old slogan says, we are "80% water" and the water is vital for the human body. More specifically, water is essential for all body processes, from digestion to excretion, including maintaining an optimum temperature of the body.
But how many of us respect the "two liters of water a day"?
Few. How many times have you realized at the end of the day, that you did not drink more water? Even if you drink other liquids, this does not compensate and the body suffers! Apparent lack of thirst, lack of time, stress or simply forgetting, all causes of dehydration can be dangerous to expose ourselves daily.
Here are five ideas that can help us reach our goal, that is to drink water, how much can.
To drink water ... in our honor!
Drink water, so as it should, can sometimes seem a real effort. Therefore, let us lessen the 'burden' by applying these simple tips:
1.Determine which is the amount of water you need, because it varies from person to person. How do you calculate? Divide your weight (number of pounds) to 30 and find the necessary amount of water in liters. If you're lazy to calculate, drink 2 liters per day, not much you can not go wrong;
2.If you simply forget to drink water, which can be very dangerous, get a wristwatch to set the alarm every hour, remembering that ... the case to be thirsty. Drinking small amounts of water every hour is very possible that later in the day, to be optimally hydrated, not forcing your body;

4.Make a bet with a colleague at work or school, which of you will drink more water to the end of the day, you will be too good!
5.Remember to drink water in strategic moments of : 2 glasses of water immediately after waking (will help your body to start the day refreshed), a glass of water before a shower (helps lower blood pressure) and a glass of water before bed (reduces risk of heart attack or stroke). You may drink more water before bed, but there is a risk that all night to sit on the road from bedroom to bathroom.
When you drink too much water ...
If you drink water in industrial quantities, can suffer from hyponatremia, a condition common among athletes who consume large amounts of water during long distance running. Thus, they lose even more salt in the body, besides the sweat and this can affect the brain, heart and muscles.
So it is best to drink water when you are thirsty, but be sure to be thirsty quite often!
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