"Health is more important than all!" How much we like to say and how this thing really is, but when it comes to take care of it prevented us of many problems: the lack of time, the need (or pleasure? ) to eat fast food, daily vices ... And then we wake up with various diseases, deficiencies, problems, one of the most common being that related to cholesterol. I know the pharmacy's full of drugs, as well as the market! The most simple and inexpensive way to prevent or get rid of cholesterol: eating apples.
Cholesterol level? Tip: increased consumption of apples!

This means that if we know the healing properties of these fruits and we make little effort to be healthy, eating apples should be huge! Let's face it, how hard it is to eat an apple a day? Thirst, hunger, pleasure, boredom, for any reason is good for apple crunch!
Apples vs. cholesterol - final score
A study by University of Florida comes to support the above statements: 160 women monitored in one year, they ate 75 grams daily apple (ie one apple or even less). The result? Their cholesterol level decreased by 14%, and the amount of C-reactive protein (a protein produced by the liver, which indicates the level of inflammation in the body) associated with heart disease decreased by 32%! Moreover, they have lost weight about 1.5 kg, although the consumption of apples added 240 calories to their diet.
Why apple consumption lowers cholesterol ?
The large amount of pectin in apple blocks absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, and antioxidants especially those in fruit peel prevent damage to body cells due to free radicals. Not to mention that stimulates memory, strengthen bones and even lower risk of cancer ...
So that's why Eve could not resist in front of the famous apple tree in the Garden of Eden. Just kidding! However, eating apples daily, drop your cholesterol and take care of your health habit too simple to not be adopted. You eat apples every day?
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