How many meals a day for healthy living and not to get fat? Here is a question that has stirred much controversy among specialists: some say three, others say 6, others say you have to listen to your stomach, literally, when you show signs of hunger ... and we try to listen but, omitting some aspects, end up making big mistakes eating.
How often and when to eat during the day? What is a meal and what effect has the frequency with which eat on our body?
How many meals a day you take, as many have to digest
Why so many people recommend 5-6 meals per day specialist, instead of 3? Because the amount is small, food is digested more easily and thus avoid the situation that rarely eat much at one time ... and everything is deposited on the hips.
In addition, there are many advantages of frequent small meals, including:
-maintaining a high energy level;
-reduction of hunger and the appetite;
a better absorption and utilization of nutrients;
-reduce bloating;
-use calories for muscle growth;
lower-body fat storage;
-constant level of blood sugar and insulin.
Attention! These tables do not mean mountains of food, not a small biscuit, but relatively small amounts of food, but adequate of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Number of meals per day - recipe for weight loss?
Jorge Cruise, author of 5 bestsellere related to diet, including "The 3-Hour Diet" suggests the following recipe to raise your energy levels and maintain your weight, or even to lose weight: eat breakfast at an hour after you wake up, then eat from 3 to 3 hours, but stop 3 hours before you sleep.
However, although many researchers agree that the habit of eating irregularly and skipping meals (figuratively!) We can disturb the body, there is no consensus about the optimal number of meals per day. The only agreement that is not related to weak to eat fewer calories and burn more at the end of the day. So, no matter how many times you eat per day, not to give up exercise, which, at the end of the day, helps you lose weight, and sleep better!

So as long as there is no consensus about the number of meals per day, most healthy is to eat moderate meals a day when you are really hungry and avoid eating at night. But how do you know if you're hungry, in the true sense, and not just a feeling induced?
Simple! Your answer to these questions: I hungry? (if you're not sure, astepata 20 minutes and ask yourself again), now while I ate last time? (if more than 3 hours ago, is likely to be just a feeling) I could not mellowed my hunger with a snack until the next meal? (in this case, eat fruit or vegetables).
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