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Seawater makes you healthy and cheerful!

Seawater - fun and health

If only your body is in office and already blew your mind on the beach, do not hesitate and give a run to the sea! Not only you will have fun but you will receive a serving of health! Why? Because seawater is a kind of elixir of eternal youth and beauty.

Let children play with the sand from the shore or if you like to bathe or even swim to the horizon, the fun would be the only purpose of a "getaway" to the sea, because water can protect your physical and mental health, and the silhouette.

Sea water and its benefits

If you ever went to facials, forgot them even in summer and beautifies your skin naturally. Many of the products used in salons are based on salt and sea water, including for massage (therapeutic) or delamination, because natural salt from sea water to flush toxins from the skin, reduce acne and pain of any kind, including muscle.

It seems that sea water has the ability to heal wounds, being used since the time of Hippocrates to heal fishermen. Furthermore, sea water can improve various cases of dermatitis, eliminating the effects of sea water caused skin allergies or various chemicals. A full treatment!

If you have sinus problems or if you're cooled, sea water is the best natural medicine (evidenced by the numerous drops for nose based on sea water), and if you want to lose a few pounds, swimming (including algae) or just long walks on the beach that really require your muscles and reshape your figure faster than walking to work.

Seawater. For body and peace of mind ...

As for the benefits for mental, sound waves helps the brain to achieve a state of complete relaxation and floating on water you put in motion and cause blood oxygenation of the brain stronger. And while you're on the beach / in water, breathe deeply, because marine air improves the ability to absorb oxygen, regulates levels of serotonin and relieves stress and insomnia!

You love to treat yourself to the sun? The reason is that for morning sun can affect the endocrine system, stimulating the secretion of endorphins makes you happy and relaxed. Does not have the same effect the rays of the afternoon, thing you know very well ... so beware of them!

Sea water - source of antioxidants

A study conducted in 2008 in Italy has shown that cherry tomatoes doused with seawater containing a larger amount of antioxidants than those watered with fresh water and their consumption increases the body's ability to fight heart disease and cancer .

Well, now what keep you at work? Take a few days and run to the sea! You will return a different person ... healthier.

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