When you hear garlic you think at steak seasoned with garlic and other similar foods and, of course, the odor which it leaves behind. Perhaps for this reason many avoid eating it often and is a shame, because, besides good taste and spicy, garlic has many nutritional properties and we can easily call a 100% natural product.
I think it would be appropriate to take example from our friends in antiquity, especially the Egyptians and Romans. They ate garlic in large quantities, just for its therapeutic effects. Even if they believed that garlic can cure over 60 diseases, which is still less exaggerated, they knew what they knew.

Garlic - the natural medicine!
Today garlic is recommended especially in cases of hypertension and obesity. Garlic contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and is very good at heart, especially for those suffering from tachycardia and other heart problems. I do not want to remain with the impression that you can replace a full medical treatment with a few cloves of garlic.
Garlic works best preventive. He is very rich in allicin, which is a kind of antibiotic. So protect yourself against colds and germs. Also is an antifungal that can prevent diseases such as candidiasis. For children, frequent consumption of garlic can get rid of little worms. And girls, take heed, garlic does wonders for the skin!
But what about the smell of garlic?
Now that we talked about the qualities of garlic, and let's take a look over his biggest flaw, namely odor. Yes, I would eat garlic with every meal! And not only for its therapeutic effects, but it's very good taste! Unfortunately, garlic contains allyl methyl sulfide, a substance that can not be metabolized and is eliminated only through respiration and perspiration.

Spinach, dill, parsley and apples contain antioxidants that eliminate bad breath, at least partially. Add one of the ingredients in food, or eat it after meals. More recently, milk fat is very effective against garlic smell, so knock back a glass of milk before a meal, or even after. So, a cup of green tea can do wonders.
Now that you have learned about the benefits of garlic and how to combat bad breath, you can eat garlic whenever you feel calm. It is even recommended to eat it often.
If you still do not agree so much and you can not eat raw because it's too spicy, put it in food, salad, or cook your sauce with cream. Whatever you do, do not exclude from your diet!
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