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What to eat in the morning to be healthy?

What to eat in the morning and why?

It again Monday morning and you're, once again, in the office. Start a new day and a new week ... on an empty stomach. I know, I have time to eat in the morning, you were not hungry or think that a coffee and a cookie your enough. But ... you feel fit for a long day at work?

If not, the lack of breakfast is the cause, and if ever the words "breakfast is the most important meal" were simply ... words, I hope after reading this article to change your morning habits.

What to eat in the morning to give maximum efficiency at all?

Food is fuel of the human body, and if you want it to work all day without problems, you have to make "the full" this morning. Various studies have shown that those who did not skip a healthy breakfast are less exposed to chronic diseases, heart disease or diabetes, have a higher energy level, a high capacity to concentrate and more likely ... to a life longer. Also, breakfast stimulates metabolism and accelerates fat burning.

The effects of lack of breakfast, among others, increased reaction time, concentration problems, low productivity, pronounced state of fatigue or sleepiness and higher risks of obesity, demonstrated the fact that those who do not eat the morning experiencing a greater appetite for snacks high in calories. Even if you're hungry because you eat well the night after (which is not shown because your stomach has time to rest, digestion is slower and the chances of gaining weight higher), your brain substances has not needed to provide maximum efficiency all day.

So you have to eat in the morning? We need foods that provide protein, fiber and vitamins and that is at least one third of the total calories you consume in one day.

What to eat in the morning to stay in shape all day?

It is best that morning to combine at least three types of food. You can get your protein from lean meat, eggs, nuts or dairy products such as milk or cheese with low fat. For a healthy serving of fiber you eat plenty of fruits, raw vegetables and whole grains (instead of white flour products), and a piece of fish (yes, fish, you heard right) you can provide a large amount of fatty acids Omega-3, necessary for high immunity, high power of concentration, tension normal, healthy circulation and proper functioning of the digestive system.

Also in terms of what we should eat and what not, try to avoid pastries, rich in hydrogenated fats (like margarine) or a high sugar content.

An ideal breakfast consists of an egg, 1-2 slices of bread and a glass of milk / orange juice / yogurt or a simple variant at hand - a cereal bowl full of milk.
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